sherlock-audit / 2024-02-tapioca-judging

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hyh - Balancer rebalance operation is permanently blocked whenever owner assigns `rebalancer` role to some other address #89

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 5 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 5 months ago



Balancer rebalance operation is permanently blocked whenever owner assigns rebalancer role to some other address


Balancer's rebalance() controls access rights by requesting msg.sender to simultaneously be owner and rebalancer, which blocks it whenever this role is assigned to any other address besides owner's (that should be the case for production use).

Vulnerability Detail

Balancer's core operation can be blocked due to structuring of the access control check, which requires msg.sender to have both roles instead of either one of them.


Rebalancing, which is core functionality for mTOFT workflow, becomes inaccessible once owner transfers the rebalancer role elsewhere. To unblock the functionality the role has to be returned to the owner address and kept there, so rebalancing will have to be performed only directly from owner, which brings in operational risks as keeper operations will have to be run from owner account permanently, which can be compromised with higher probability this way.

Also, there is an impact of having rebalancer role set to a keeper bot and being unable to perform the rebalancing for a while until protocol will have role reassigned and the scripts run from owner account. This additional time needed can be crucial for user operations and in some situations lead to loss of funds.

Likelihood: Low + Impact: High = Severity: Medium.

Code Snippet

Initially owner and rebalancer are set to the same address:

    constructor(address _routerETH, address _router, address _owner) {

        rebalancer = _owner;
        emit RebalancerUpdated(address(0), _owner);

Owner can then transfer rebalancer role to some other address, e.g. some keeper contract:

     * @notice set rebalancer role
     * @param _addr the new address
    function setRebalancer(address _addr) external onlyOwner {
 >>     rebalancer = _addr;
        emit RebalancerUpdated(rebalancer, _addr);

Once owner transfers rebalancer role to anyone else, it will be impossible to rebalance as it's always (msg.sender != owner() || msg.sender != rebalancer) == true:

     * @notice performs a rebalance operation
     * @dev callable only by the owner
     * @param _srcOft the source TOFT address
     * @param _dstChainId the destination LayerZero id
     * @param _slippage the destination LayerZero id
     * @param _amount the rebalanced amount
     * @param _ercData custom send data
    function rebalance(
        address payable _srcOft,
        uint16 _dstChainId,
        uint256 _slippage,
        uint256 _amount,
        bytes memory _ercData
    ) external payable onlyValidDestination(_srcOft, _dstChainId) onlyValidSlippage(_slippage) {
>>      if (msg.sender != owner() || msg.sender != rebalancer) revert NotAuthorized();

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider updating the access control to allow either owner or rebalancer, e.g.:

    function rebalance(
    ) external payable onlyValidDestination(_srcOft, _dstChainId) onlyValidSlippage(_slippage) {
-       if (msg.sender != owner() || msg.sender != rebalancer) revert NotAuthorized();
+       if (msg.sender != owner() && msg.sender != rebalancer) revert NotAuthorized();
sherlock-admin4 commented 5 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

the natspec says "callable only by the owner", which means the rebalancer role should be both owner and rebalancer which makes this invalid

cryptotechmaker commented 5 months ago

Low. That was the initial intention. However, we'll fix it.

sherlock-admin4 commented 5 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit

nevillehuang commented 5 months ago

@cryptotechmaker Why was this the initial intention? I am inclined to keep medium severity given a direct code change was made to unblock DoS.