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bin2chen - SGL.borrow() the value of assets borrowed greater than the value of debts recorded #96

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 5 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 5 months ago



SGL.borrow() the value of assets borrowed greater than the value of debts recorded


The current implementation of SGL.borrow() may result in the value of assets borrowed greater than the value of debts recorded, potentially leading to more bad debts.

Vulnerability Detail

The implementation of SGL.borrow() :

contract SGLLendingCommon is SGLCommon {

    function _borrow(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal returns (uint256 part, uint256 share) {
@>      share = yieldBox.toShare(assetId, amount, true);
        Rebase memory _totalAsset = totalAsset;
        if (_totalAsset.base < 1000) revert MinLimit();

        uint256 fullAssetAmountBefore = yieldBox.toAmount(assetId, _totalAsset.elastic, false) + totalBorrow.elastic;

        _totalAsset.elastic -= share.toUint128();

        uint256 feeAmount = (amount * borrowOpeningFee) / FEE_PRECISION; // A flat % fee is charged for any borrow

@>      (totalBorrow, part) = totalBorrow.add(amount + feeAmount, true);
        if (totalBorrowCap != 0) {
            if (totalBorrow.elastic > totalBorrowCap) revert BorrowCapReached();
        userBorrowPart[from] += part;
        emit LogBorrow(from, to, amount, feeAmount, part);

        if (feeAmount > 0) {
            uint256 feeFraction = (feeAmount * _totalAsset.base) / fullAssetAmountBefore;
            _totalAsset.base += feeFraction.toUint128();
            balanceOf[address(penrose)] += feeFraction;

        totalAsset = _totalAsset;

@>      yieldBox.transfer(address(this), to, assetId, share);

The above code performs the following main steps:

  1. share = yieldBox.toShare(assetId, amount, true); ------->rounded up
  2. (totalBorrow, part) = totalBorrow.add(amount + feeAmount, true);
  3. userBorrowPart[from] += part;
  4. yieldBox.transfer(address(this), to, assetId, share);

Let's assume that the yieldBox conversion ratio is 1:2, and the borrowed amount = 1 (assuming it's small enough that fees are rounded down 0).

  1. shares = yieldBox.toShare(1)= 1 ----->rounded up
  2. part = 1
  3. userBorrowPart[from] += 1
  4. The user receives 1 share yieldBox.

However, 1 share yieldBox is worth 2 assets, while the recorded debt only old debt amount = 1.

In summary, shares are rounded up, the debt accounting still uses the original input amount, leading to borrowed shares having a value greater than the actual debt.

The example provided uses small values for explanatory purposes, but even with larger values, the same conclusion holds due to the presence of rounding up.

A similar issue exists in Morpho; see this Twitter thread for more details:


Borrowed shares having a value greater than the actual debt could result in more bad debts.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


It is recommended to recalculate the debt based on shares to ensure that the recorded debt aligns with the actual value borrowed.

    function _borrow(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal returns (uint256 part, uint256 share) {
        share = yieldBox.toShare(assetId, amount, true);
+       amount = yieldBox.toAmount(assetId, share, true);
0xRektora commented 5 months ago

This one is not right. The demo suppose a 1:2 share:amount ratio. YieldBox uses a 1:1e8 amount:share conversion ratio.

nevillehuang commented 5 months ago

request poc

sherlock-admin3 commented 5 months ago

PoC requested from @bin2chen66

Requests remaining: 4

bin2chen66 commented 5 months ago


Sorry, because the Yieldbox is not in the scope, I didn't look at the internal implementation in detail.I default as a common ERC4626, starting from 1:1 and gradually increasing from 1:1.1 -> 1:1.5->1:2.

I just looked at the source code, and it is indeed 1e8:1 as 0xRektora said.

In this way, when toShare() round up adds 1 shares, and then toAmount(+1), it will basically be round down to 0.

At this rate, this issue does not exist.