sherlock-audit / 2024-03-amphor-judging

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fugazzi - Claim functions don't validate if the epoch is settled #72

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 6 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 6 months ago



Claim functions don't validate if the epoch is settled


Both claim functions fail to validate if the epoch for the request has been already settled, leading to loss of funds when claiming requests for the current epoch. The issue is worsened as claimAndRequestDeposit() can be used to claim a deposit on behalf of any account, allowing an attacker to wipe other's requests.

Vulnerability Detail

When the vault is closed, users can request a deposit, transfer assets and later claim shares, or request a redemption, transfer shares and later redeem assets. Both of these processes store the assets or shares, and later convert these when the epoch is settled. For deposits, the core of the implementation is given by _claimDeposit():

function _claimDeposit(
    address owner,
    address receiver
    returns (uint256 shares)
    shares = previewClaimDeposit(owner);

    uint256 lastRequestId = lastDepositRequestId[owner];
    uint256 assets = epochs[lastRequestId].depositRequestBalance[owner];
    epochs[lastRequestId].depositRequestBalance[owner] = 0;
    _update(address(claimableSilo), receiver, shares);
    emit ClaimDeposit(lastRequestId, owner, receiver, assets, shares);

function previewClaimDeposit(address owner) public view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 lastRequestId = lastDepositRequestId[owner];
    uint256 assets = epochs[lastRequestId].depositRequestBalance[owner];
    return _convertToShares(assets, lastRequestId, Math.Rounding.Floor);

function _convertToShares(
    uint256 assets,
    uint256 requestId,
    Math.Rounding rounding
    returns (uint256)
    if (isCurrentEpoch(requestId)) {
        return 0;
    uint256 totalAssets =
        epochs[requestId].totalAssetsSnapshotForDeposit + 1;
    uint256 totalSupply =
        epochs[requestId].totalSupplySnapshotForDeposit + 1;

    return assets.mulDiv(totalSupply, totalAssets, rounding);

And for redemptions in _claimRedeem():

function _claimRedeem(
    address owner,
    address receiver
    returns (uint256 assets)
    assets = previewClaimRedeem(owner);
    uint256 lastRequestId = lastRedeemRequestId[owner];
    uint256 shares = epochs[lastRequestId].redeemRequestBalance[owner];
    epochs[lastRequestId].redeemRequestBalance[owner] = 0;
    _asset.safeTransferFrom(address(claimableSilo), address(this), assets);
    _asset.transfer(receiver, assets);
    emit ClaimRedeem(lastRequestId, owner, receiver, assets, shares);

function previewClaimRedeem(address owner) public view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 lastRequestId = lastRedeemRequestId[owner];
    uint256 shares = epochs[lastRequestId].redeemRequestBalance[owner];
    return _convertToAssets(shares, lastRequestId, Math.Rounding.Floor);

function _convertToAssets(
    uint256 shares,
    uint256 requestId,
    Math.Rounding rounding
    returns (uint256)
    if (isCurrentEpoch(requestId)) {
        return 0;
    uint256 totalAssets = epochs[requestId].totalAssetsSnapshotForRedeem + 1;
    uint256 totalSupply = epochs[requestId].totalSupplySnapshotForRedeem + 1;

    return shares.mulDiv(totalAssets, totalSupply, rounding);

Note that in both cases the "preview" functions are used to convert and calculate the amounts owed to the user: _convertToShares() and _convertToAssets() use the settled values stored in epochs[requestId] to convert between assets and shares.

However, there is no validation to check if the claiming is done for the current unsettled epoch. If a user claims a deposit or redemption during the same epoch it has been requested, the values stored in epochs[epochId] will be uninitialized, which means that _convertToShares() and _convertToAssets() will use zero values leading to zero results too. The claiming process will succeed, but since the converted amounts are zero, the users will always get zero assets or shares.

This is even worsened by the fact that claimAndRequestDeposit() can be used to claim a deposit on behalf of any account. An attacker can wipe any requested deposit from an arbitrary account by simply calling claimAndRequestDeposit(0, account, ""). This will internally execute _claimDeposit(account, account), which will trigger the described issue.

Proof of concept

The following proof of concept demonstrates the scenario in which a user claims their own deposit during the current epoch:

function test_ClaimSameEpochLossOfFunds_Scenario_A() public {, 1_000e18);

    vault.deposit(500e18, alice);

    // vault is closed

    // alice requests a deposit
    vault.requestDeposit(500e18, alice, alice, "");

    // the request is successfully created
    assertEq(vault.pendingDepositRequest(alice), 500e18);

    // now alice claims the deposit while vault is still open

    // request is gone
    assertEq(vault.pendingDepositRequest(alice), 0);

This other proof of concept illustrates the scenario in which an attacker calls claimAndRequestDeposit() to wipe the deposit of another account.

function test_ClaimSameEpochLossOfFunds_Scenario_B() public {, 1_000e18);

    vault.deposit(500e18, alice);

    // vault is closed

    // alice requests a deposit
    vault.requestDeposit(500e18, alice, alice, "");

    // the request is successfully created
    assertEq(vault.pendingDepositRequest(alice), 500e18);

    // bob can issue a claim for alice through claimAndRequestDeposit()
    vault.claimAndRequestDeposit(0, alice, "");

    // request is gone
    assertEq(vault.pendingDepositRequest(alice), 0);


CRITICAL. Requests can be wiped by executing the claim in an unsettled epoch, leading to loss of funds. The issue can also be triggered for any arbitrary account by using claimAndRequestDeposit().

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Check that the epoch associated with the request is not the current epoch.

    function _claimDeposit(
        address owner,
        address receiver
        returns (uint256 shares)
+       uint256 lastRequestId = lastDepositRequestId[owner];
+       if (isCurrentEpoch(lastRequestId)) revert();

        shares = previewClaimDeposit(owner);

-       uint256 lastRequestId = lastDepositRequestId[owner];
        uint256 assets = epochs[lastRequestId].depositRequestBalance[owner];
        epochs[lastRequestId].depositRequestBalance[owner] = 0;
        _update(address(claimableSilo), receiver, shares);
        emit ClaimDeposit(lastRequestId, owner, receiver, assets, shares);
    function _claimRedeem(
        address owner,
        address receiver
        returns (uint256 assets)
+       uint256 lastRequestId = lastRedeemRequestId[owner];
+       if (isCurrentEpoch(lastRequestId)) revert();

        assets = previewClaimRedeem(owner);
-       uint256 lastRequestId = lastRedeemRequestId[owner];
        uint256 shares = epochs[lastRequestId].redeemRequestBalance[owner];
        epochs[lastRequestId].redeemRequestBalance[owner] = 0;
        _asset.safeTransferFrom(address(claimableSilo), address(this), assets);
        _asset.transfer(receiver, assets);
        emit ClaimRedeem(lastRequestId, owner, receiver, assets, shares);
sherlock-admin4 commented 6 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

valid; high(1)

sherlock-admin4 commented 6 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin3 commented 5 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.