sherlock-audit / 2024-03-arrakis-judging

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cu5t0mPe0 - USDT is not supported #19

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 3 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago



USDT is not supported


When approving USDT, the allowance value needs to be set to 0 first before it can be used correctly. However, the 4.9.5 version of OpenZeppelin does not internally call forceApprove.

Vulnerability Detail

Users can perform swap operations using RouterSwapExecutor, but the actual amount used in params_.swapData.amountInSwap and params_.swapData.swapPayload can differ. For USDT, this will result in the contract being unable to use the pool again.

Additionally, other parts of the protocol are also affected. For example, in ValantisHOTModule.swap, setting the router to a specific SovereignPool and passing parameters that cause the actual balance used to be less than amountIn will result in the allowance not being 0. This prevents the module from directly interacting with the SovereignPool again.


The contract may not work properly

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


It is recommended to upgrade openzeppelin

cu5t0mPeo commented 2 months ago

Escalate In OpenZeppelin version 4.9.5, safeIncreaseAllowance does not call forceApprove, and during a swap, the actual transfer amount is determined by swapPayload. This allows users to set the swapPayload amount lower than params_.swapData.amountInSwap, ultimately causing issues with USDT support. This behavior is inconsistent with the Sherlock documentation, which states that USDT is supported, thereby violating the main invariant.

sherlock-admin3 commented 2 months ago

Escalate In OpenZeppelin version 4.9.5, safeIncreaseAllowance does not call forceApprove, and during a swap, the actual transfer amount is determined by swapPayload. This allows users to set the swapPayload amount lower than params_.swapData.amountInSwap, ultimately causing issues with USDT support. This behavior is inconsistent with the Sherlock documentation, which states that USDT is supported, thereby violating the main invariant.

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0xjuaan commented 2 months ago

This is likely a valid medium, since the swapPayload can differ from the amountInSwap

WangSecurity commented 2 months ago

To clarify what's the impact here, if someone swaps via Arrakis with params_.swapData.amountInSwap and params_.swapData.swapPayload being different, then RouterSwapExecutor will be unable to make more swaps after it?

Also swap in RouterSwapExecutor has onlyRouter modifier, I assume it's a contract, could you please forward me to the code where the router calls RouterSwapExecutor.

And in ValantisHOTModule, there's an onlyManager modifier, hence, I believe they're trusted to provide correct inputs.

cu5t0mPeo commented 2 months ago

@WangSecurity Hi, the entire project has two different swaps: one in the RouterSwapExecutor contract and the other in the ValantisHOTModule.

The swap in RouterSwapExecutor is called by the related swap function of ArrakisPublicVaultRouter. This allows anyone to call it, so there is a possibility that params_.swapData.amountInSwap might not equal params_.swapData.swapPayload.

The swap in ValantisHOTModule is called by the executor from the ArrakisStandardManager contract. Since the executor is not trustworthy during rebalancing, the actual amount passed might not equal the amount used.

When calling the approve function of USDT, it first checks if the approve amount has been set to zero. If not, it will revert.

USDT source code:

cu5t0mPeo commented 2 months ago

Also swap in RouterSwapExecutor has onlyRouter modifier, I assume it's a contract, could you please forward me to the code where the router calls RouterSwapExecutor.

0xjuaan commented 2 months ago

And in ValantisHOTModule, there's an onlyManager modifier, hence, I believe they're trusted to provide correct inputs.

Hi @WangSecurity it may be confusing, but the onlyManager modifier does not mean that trusted inputs are provided. The ValantisHOTModule an Arrakis contract, which is meant to talk to a HOT ALM from Valantis.

So the 'manager' is not a trusted valantis manager, but is actually the ArrakisStandardManager contract which is the entry-point for the malicious executor to perform rebalances.

WangSecurity commented 2 months ago

And to 100% clarify, the entry-point of this attack is rebalance function inside ArrakisStandardManager?

cu5t0mPeo commented 2 months ago

And to 100% clarify, the entry-point of this attack is rebalance function inside ArrakisStandardManager?

The entry point for the attack is not only rebalance; there is also a path through the swap-related functions of the RouterSwapExecutor contract. Unlike rebalance, this path can be called by any user. Therefore, this issue is not the same as the issue with rebalance as the entry point.

cu5t0mPeo commented 2 months ago

@WangSecurity Hi, I'd like to provide some additional context to explain why this issue is different from the malicious router and malicious payloads category.

  1. The key reason for this issue is that certain parts of the current protocol do not support USDT, as mentioned in previous comments.
  2. Calling a standard swap pool in RouterSwapExecutor is an expected behavior. For example, when calling the swap function of a SovereginPool, the amount spent may not exactly equal params_.swapData.amountInSwap because the SovereginPool calculates the amount before invoking the transferFrom. The calculations are done using rounding down, so the actual amount used may be less than params_.swapData.amountInSwap. Another example is using Uniswap V3. If the exactOutputSingle function is used for swapping, it could also result in the consumed amount differing from the allowance. Both of these operations are normal and do not involve any malicious behavior.
  3. I mentioned two attack paths, one entry point being rebalance and the other being ArrakisPublicVaultRouter. Only one of these paths is related to a malicious router. However, considering point two, even if the executor is not malicious, there will still be an issue with USDT not being supported.

These three points illustrate that the protocol does not support USDT and also explain why this is not the same type of vulnerability as malicious payloads and routers.

WangSecurity commented 2 months ago

Thank you for that explanation. Planning to accept the escalation and validate with medium severity. Are there any duplicates?

cu5t0mPeo commented 2 months ago

Thank you for that explanation. Planning to accept the escalation and validate with medium severity. Are there any duplicates?

not have dups

WangSecurity commented 2 months ago

Result: Medium Unique

sherlock-admin4 commented 2 months ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:

Gevarist commented 2 months ago

Hi @cu5t0mPeo, instead of upgrading openzeppelin we can use forceApprove right?

cu5t0mPeo commented 2 months ago

Hi @cu5t0mPeo, instead of upgrading openzeppelin we can use forceApprove right?

Hi @Gevarist , I just realized that the best fix for this issue should be to reset the allowance value to zero after calling swap. If it is not reset to zero, the executor might be able to use the allowance value to transfer funds from the module contract (from the pool's manager fee).

Gevarist commented 2 months ago

@cu5t0mPeo except no fund should stay inside the valantis module that can be exploitable by this extra allowance.

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.