sherlock-audit / 2024-03-axis-finance-judging

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hash - User's can be grieved by not submitting the private key #174

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 3 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 3 months ago



User's can be grieved by not submitting the private key


User's can be grieved by not submitting the private key

Vulnerability Detail

Bids cannot be refunded once the auction concludes. And bids cannot be claimed until the auction has been settled. Similarly a EMPAM auction cannot be cancelled once started.

    function claimBids(
        uint96 lotId_,
        uint64[] calldata bidIds_
        returns (BidClaim[] memory bidClaims, bytes memory auctionOutput)
        // Standard validation
    function refundBid(
        uint96 lotId_,
        uint64 bidId_,
        address caller_
    ) external override onlyInternal returns (uint96 refund) {
        // Standard validation
        _revertIfBidInvalid(lotId_, bidId_);
        _revertIfNotBidOwner(lotId_, bidId_, caller_);
        _revertIfBidClaimed(lotId_, bidId_);
    function _cancelAuction(uint96 lotId_) internal override {
        // Validation
        // Batch auctions cannot be cancelled once started, otherwise the seller could cancel the auction after bids have been submitted
    function cancelAuction(uint96 lotId_) external override onlyInternal {
        // Validation
    function _settle(uint96 lotId_)
        returns (Settlement memory settlement_, bytes memory auctionOutput_)
        // Settle the auction
        // Check that auction is in the right state for settlement
        if (auctionData[lotId_].status != Auction.Status.Decrypted) {
            revert Auction_WrongState(lotId_);

For EMPAM auctions, the private key associated with the auction has to be submitted before the auction can be settled. In auctions where the private key is held by the seller, they can grief the bidder's or in cases where a key management solution is used, both seller and bidder's can be griefed by not submitting the private key.


User's will not be able to claim their assets in case the private key holder doesn't submit the key for decryption

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Acknowledge the risk involved for the seller and bidder

sherlock-admin4 commented 3 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

10xhash commented 2 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: Axis-Fi/moonraker#143

Fixed Now bidder's can claim refund unless the private key is submitted following a dedicatedSettlePeriod

sherlock-admin4 commented 2 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.