sherlock-audit / 2024-03-axis-finance-judging

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ydlee - Curator can increase fee before accepting auction, leading the seller to pay more curator fees than he expected. #221

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 5 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 6 months ago



Curator can increase fee before accepting auction, leading the seller to pay more curator fees than he expected.


The curator fee is not set when auction is created, it is set when the curator accepts the auction instead. The result is that the curator can increase the fee before accepting the auction, and the seller has to accept the new fee.

Vulnerability Detail

When creating an auction by, the curator address and the curated state are set, but the curator fee is not set.

160:    function auction(
161:        RoutingParams calldata routing_,
162:        Auction.AuctionParams calldata params_,
163:        string calldata infoHash_
164:    ) external nonReentrant returns (uint96 lotId) {
216:        {
217:            FeeData storage fees = lotFees[lotId];
218:            fees.curator = routing_.curator;
219:@>          fees.curated = false;
220:        }
284:    }

The curator fee is set when the curator accepts the auction in AuctionHouse.curate(). In this case, the curator can first increase his curator fee (by FeeManager.setCuratorFee()), and then accepts the auction. The fee is higher than when the auction was created, which may result in the seller paying more curator fees than he expected.

634:    function curate(uint96 lotId_, bytes calldata callbackData_) external nonReentrant {
650:        // Set the curator as approved
651:        feeData.curated = true;
652:@>      feeData.curatorFee = fees[keycodeFromVeecode(routing.auctionReference)].curator[msg.sender];
699    }

110:    function setCuratorFee(Keycode auctionType_, uint48 fee_) external {
111:        // Check that the fee is less than the maximum
112:        if (fee_ > fees[auctionType_].maxCuratorFee) revert InvalidFee();
114:        // Set the fee for the sender
115:        fees[auctionType_].curator[msg.sender] = fee_;
116:    }


Curator can increase curator fee before accepting an auction, this may lead the seller to pay more curator fees than he expected.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Set the curator fee in instead of in AuctionHouse.curate().

Duplicate of #111