sherlock-audit / 2024-03-axis-finance-judging

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ether_sky - Auction creators have the ability to lock bidders' funds. #66

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 5 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 5 months ago



Auction creators have the ability to lock bidders' funds.


Auction creators have the ability to cancel an auction before it starts. However, once the auction begins, they should not be allowed to cancel it. During the auction, bidders can place bids and send quote tokens to the auction house. After the auction concludes, bidders can either receive base tokens or retrieve their quote tokens. Unfortunately, batch auction creators can cancel an auction when it ends. This means that auction creators can cancel their auctions if they anticipate losses. This should not be allowed. The significant risk is that bidders' funds could become locked in the auction house.

Vulnerability Detail

Auction creators can not cancel an auction once it concludes.

function cancelAuction(uint96 lotId_) external override onlyInternal {

They also can not cancel it while it is active.

function _cancelAuction(uint96 lotId_) internal override {

    auctionData[lotId_].status = Auction.Status.Claimed;

When the block.timestamp aligns with the conclusion time of the auction, we can bypass these checks.

function _revertIfLotConcluded(uint96 lotId_) internal view virtual {
    if (lotData[lotId_].conclusion < uint48(block.timestamp)) {
        revert Auction_MarketNotActive(lotId_);

    if (lotData[lotId_].capacity == 0) revert Auction_MarketNotActive(lotId_);
function _revertIfLotActive(uint96 lotId_) internal view override {
    if (
        auctionData[lotId_].status == Auction.Status.Created
            && lotData[lotId_].start <= block.timestamp
            && lotData[lotId_].conclusion > block.timestamp
    ) revert Auction_WrongState(lotId_);

So Auction creators can cancel an auction when it concludes. Then the capacity becomes 0 and the auction status transitions to Claimed.

Bidders can not refund their bids.

function refundBid(
    uint96 lotId_,
    uint64 bidId_,
    address caller_
) external override onlyInternal returns (uint96 refund) {
 function _revertIfLotConcluded(uint96 lotId_) internal view virtual {
    if (lotData[lotId_].capacity == 0) revert Auction_MarketNotActive(lotId_);

The only way for bidders to reclaim their tokens is by calling the claimBids function. However, bidders can only claim bids when the auction status is Settled.

function claimBids(
    uint96 lotId_,
    uint64[] calldata bidIds_
) {

To settle the auction, the auction status should be Decrypted. This requires submitting the private key. The auction creator can not submit the private key or submit it without decrypting any bids by calling submitPrivateKey(lotId, privateKey, 0). Then nobody can decrypt the bids using the decryptAndSortBids function which always reverts.

function decryptAndSortBids(uint96 lotId_, uint64 num_) external {
    if (
        auctionData[lotId_].status != Auction.Status.Created     // @audit, here
            || auctionData[lotId_].privateKey == 0
    ) {
        revert Auction_WrongState(lotId_);

    _decryptAndSortBids(lotId_, num_);

As a result, the auction status remains unchanged, preventing it from transitioning to Settled. This leaves the bidders' quote tokens locked in the auction house.

Please add below test to the test/modules/Auction/cancel.t.sol.

function test_cancel() external whenLotIsCreated {
    Auction.Lot memory lot = _mockAuctionModule.getLot(_lotId);

    console2.log("lot.conclusion before   ==> ", lot.conclusion);
    console2.log("block.timestamp before  ==> ", block.timestamp);
    console2.log("isLive                  ==> ", _mockAuctionModule.isLive(_lotId));

    vm.warp(lot.conclusion - block.timestamp + 1);
    console2.log("lot.conclusion after    ==> ", lot.conclusion);
    console2.log("block.timestamp after   ==> ", block.timestamp);
    console2.log("isLive                  ==> ", _mockAuctionModule.isLive(_lotId));


The log is

lot.conclusion before   ==>  86401
block.timestamp before  ==>  1
isLive                  ==>  true
lot.conclusion after    ==>  86401
block.timestamp after   ==>  86401
isLive                  ==>  false


Users' funds can be locked.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


function _revertIfLotConcluded(uint96 lotId_) internal view virtual {
-     if (lotData[lotId_].conclusion < uint48(block.timestamp)) {
+     if (lotData[lotId_].conclusion <= uint48(block.timestamp)) {
        revert Auction_MarketNotActive(lotId_);

    // Capacity is sold-out, or cancelled
    if (lotData[lotId_].capacity == 0) revert Auction_MarketNotActive(lotId_);
sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

10xhash commented 4 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: Axis-Fi/moonraker#105

Fixed start and conclusion timestamps of auction is now made consistent across all functions

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.