sherlock-audit / 2024-03-axis-finance-judging

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dimulski - Overflow in curate() function, results in permanently stuck funds #88

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 8 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 8 months ago



Overflow in curate() function, results in permanently stuck funds


The Axis-Finance protocol has a curate() function that can be used to set a certain fee to a curator set by the seller for a certain auction. Typically, a curator is providing some service to an auction seller to help the sale succeed. This could be doing diligence on the project and vouching for them, or something simpler, such as listing the auction on a popular interface. A lot of memecoins have a big supply in the trillions, for example SHIBA INU has a total supply of nearly 1000 trillion tokens and each token has 18 decimals. With a lot of new memecoins emerging every day due to the favorable bullish conditions and having supply in the trillions, it is safe to assume that such protocols will interact with the Axis-Finance protocol. Creating auctions for big amounts, and promising big fees to some celebrities or influencers to promote their project. The funding parameter in the Routing struct is of type uint96

    struct Routing {
        uint96 funding; 

The max amount of tokens with 18 decimals a uint96 variable can hold is around 80 billion. The problem arises in the curate() function, If the auction is prefunded, which all batch auctions are( a normal FPAM auction can also be prefunded), and the amount of prefunded tokens is big enough, close to 80 billion tokens with 18 decimals, and the curator fee is for example 7.5%, when the curatorFeePayout is added to the current funding, the funding will overflow.

unchecked {
   routing.funding += curatorFeePayout;

Vulnerability Detail

Gist After following the steps in the above mentioned gist, add the following test to the AuditorTests.t.sol

function test_CuratorFeeOverflow() public {
        Veecode veecode = fixedPriceAuctionModule.VEECODE();
        Keycode keycode = keycodeFromVeecode(veecode);
        bytes memory _derivativeParams = "";
        uint96 lotCapacity = 75_000_000_000e18; // this is 75 billion tokens, 100_000_000_000e18);
        mockBaseToken.approve(address(auctionHouse), type(uint256).max);

        FixedPriceAuctionModule.FixedPriceParams  memory myStruct = FixedPriceAuctionModule.FixedPriceParams({
            price: uint96(1e18),
            maxPayoutPercent: uint24(1e5)

        Auctioneer.RoutingParams memory routingA = Auctioneer.RoutingParams({
            auctionType: keycode,
            baseToken: mockBaseToken,
            quoteToken: mockQuoteToken,
            curator: curator,
            callbacks: ICallback(address(0)),
            callbackData: abi.encode(""),
            derivativeType: toKeycode(""),
            derivativeParams: _derivativeParams,
            wrapDerivative: false,
            prefunded: true

        Auction.AuctionParams memory paramsA = Auction.AuctionParams({
            start: 0,
            duration: 1 days,
            capacityInQuote: false,
            capacity: lotCapacity,
            implParams: abi.encode(myStruct)

        string memory infoHashA;, paramsA, infoHashA);       

        FeeManager.FeeType type_ = FeeManager.FeeType.MaxCurator;
        uint48 fee = 7_500; // 7.5% max curator fee
        auctionHouse.setFee(keycode, type_, fee);

        uint96 fundingBeforeCuratorFee;
        uint96 fundingAfterCuratorFee;
        (,fundingBeforeCuratorFee,,,,,,,) = auctionHouse.lotRouting(0);
        console2.log("Here is the funding normalized before curator fee is set: ", fundingBeforeCuratorFee/1e18);
        auctionHouse.setCuratorFee(keycode, fee);
        bytes memory callbackData_ = "";
        auctionHouse.curate(0, callbackData_);
        (,fundingAfterCuratorFee,,,,,,,) = auctionHouse.lotRouting(0);
        console2.log("Here is the funding normalized after curator fee is set: ", fundingAfterCuratorFee/1e18);
        console2.log("Balance of base token of the auction house: ", mockBaseToken.balanceOf(address(auctionHouse))/1e18);
  Here is the funding normalized before curator fee is set:  75000000000
  Here is the funding normalized after curator fee is set:  1396837485
  Balance of base token of the auction house:  80625000000

To run the test use: forge test -vvv --mt test_CuratorFeeOverflow


If there is an overflow occurs in the curate() function, a big portion of the tokens will be stuck in the Axis-Finance protocol forever, as there is no way for them to be withdrawn, either by an admin function, or by canceling the auction (if an auction has started, only FPAM auctions can be canceled), as the amount returned is calculated in the following way

        if (routing.funding > 0) {
            uint96 funding = routing.funding;

            // Set to 0 before transfer to avoid re-entrancy
            routing.funding = 0;

            // Transfer the base tokens to the appropriate contract
                _getAddressGivenCallbackBaseTokenFlag(routing.callbacks, routing.seller),

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual review & Foundry


Either remove the unchecked block

unchecked {
   routing.funding += curatorFeePayout;

so that when overflow occurs, the transaction will revert, or better yet also change the funding variable type from uint96 to uint256 this way sellers can create big enough auctions, and provide sufficient curator fee in order to bootstrap their protocol successfully .

sherlock-admin4 commented 7 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

10xhash commented 7 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: Axis-Fi/moonraker#141

Fixed in by using uint256 hence avoiding unsafe casting. Confirmation tests added in PR 141

sherlock-admin4 commented 7 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.

PseudoArtistHacks commented 7 months ago

I think all the issues regarding overflow/underflow should be duped with each other The root cause of all the issues are same i.e unsafe casting