sherlock-audit / 2024-03-flat-money-fix-review-contest-judging

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xiaoming90 - Code asymmetry of `globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal` #19

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 4 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 4 months ago



Code asymmetry of globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal


Code asymmetry of globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal state variable could lead to an accounting error within the protocol, leading to the protocol being broken. It will also lead to a loss of assets for the LP.

Vulnerability Detail

There is a code asymmetry issue in how the globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal is calculated within the FlatcoinVault.settleFundingFees and FlatcoinVault.updateGlobalPositionData functions.

Within the FlatcoinVault.settleFundingFees function, the globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal is allowed to go to negative. The reason for allowing this is mentioned in the code's comment Once the underwater position is liquidated, then the funding fees will be reverted and the total will be positive again. in Line 238 of the FlatcoinVault.settleFundingFees function. During the liquidation of the underwater position, the liquidation logic will re-adjust the negative globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal to be positive again.

File: FlatcoinVault.sol
224:     function settleFundingFees() public returns (int256 _fundingFees) {
234:         // Calculate the funding fees accrued to the longs.
235:         // This will be used to adjust the global margin and collateral amounts.
236:         _fundingFees = PerpMath._accruedFundingTotalByLongs(_globalPositions, unrecordedFunding);
238:         // In the worst case scenario that the last position which remained open is underwater,
239:         // We set the margin deposited total to negative. Once the underwater position is liquidated,
240:         // then the funding fees will be reverted and the total will be positive again.
241:         _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal = _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal + _fundingFees;
243:         _updateStableCollateralTotal(-_fundingFees);
244:     }

However, within the FlatcoinVault.updateGlobalPositionData functions, it operates differently where the globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal cannot become negative. If the value is negative, it will be set to zero, as seen in Line 191 of the FlatcoinVault.updateGlobalPositionData functions above.

File: FlatcoinVault.sol
175:     function updateGlobalPositionData(
176:         uint256 _price,
177:         int256 _marginDelta,
178:         int256 _additionalSizeDelta
179:     ) external onlyAuthorizedModule {
180:         // Note that technically, even the funding fees should be accounted for when computing the margin deposited total.
181:         // However, since the funding fees are settled at the same time as the global position data is updated,
182:         // we can ignore the funding fees here.
183:         int256 newMarginDepositedTotal = _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal + _marginDelta;
185:         // Check that the sum of margin of all the leverage traders is not negative.
186:         // Rounding errors shouldn't result in a negative margin deposited total given that
187:         // we are rounding down the profit loss of the position.
188:         // The margin may be negative if liquidations are not happening in a timely manner.
189:         // In such a case, the system should continue to function as normal.
190:         if (newMarginDepositedTotal < 0) {
191:             newMarginDepositedTotal = 0;
192:         }

The misalignment of how the globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal should behave within different functions causes various issues within the protocol.

Consider the following scenario to demonstrate one of the negative impacts.

Assume the accrued funding fee is 20 ETH, and the long traders must pay the LP (short). Note that these values are intentionally chosen or inflated to demonstrate the accounting/math error in the implementation, and they do not affect the validity of this issue.

Whenever any of the transactions (e.g. announce or execute order, change protocol's parameters) within the protocol is executed, the following FlatcoinVault.settleFundingFees function will be executed to settle the global funding fees. In addition, the FlatcoinVault.settleFundingFees function is also permissionless and can be executed by anyone at any point in time.

File: FlatcoinVault.sol
224:     function settleFundingFees() public returns (int256 _fundingFees) {
225:         (int256 fundingChangeSinceRecomputed, int256 unrecordedFunding) = _getUnrecordedFunding();
227:         // Record the funding rate change and update the cumulative funding rate.
228:         cumulativeFundingRate = PerpMath._nextFundingEntry(unrecordedFunding, cumulativeFundingRate);
230:         // Update the latest funding rate and the latest funding recomputation timestamp.
231:         lastRecomputedFundingRate += fundingChangeSinceRecomputed;
232:         lastRecomputedFundingTimestamp = (block.timestamp).toUint64();
234:         // Calculate the funding fees accrued to the longs.
235:         // This will be used to adjust the global margin and collateral amounts.
236:         _fundingFees = PerpMath._accruedFundingTotalByLongs(_globalPositions, unrecordedFunding);
238:         // In the worst case scenario that the last position which remained open is underwater,
239:         // We set the margin deposited total to negative. Once the underwater position is liquidated,
240:         // then the funding fees will be reverted and the total will be positive again.
241:         _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal = _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal + _fundingFees;
243:         _updateStableCollateralTotal(-_fundingFees);
244:     }

Assume that the FlatcoinVault.settleFundingFees function is executed at this point. Line 241 above will be evaluated as follows. The globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal will be updated to -10 ETH.

_globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal = _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal + _fundingFees;
_globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal = 10 ETH + (-20 ETH) = -10 ETH

In the comments in Lines 238-240 above within the FlatcoinVault.settleFundingFees function, it expects the liquidation process to re-adjust back the globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal to positive or the correct value later.

Assume that a liquidation is executed. The vault.updateGlobalPositionData function at Line 150 within the LiquidationModule.liquidate function below will be executed, and the value of marginDelta parameter will be as follows:

marginDelta = -(int256(position.marginDeposited) + positionSummary.accruedFunding)
marginDelta = -(10 ETH + (-20 ETH))
marginDelta = -(-10 ETH)
marginDelta = +10 ETH

File: LiquidationModule.sol
074:     function liquidate(
149:         // Update the global leverage position data.
150:         vault.updateGlobalPositionData({
151:             price: position.averagePrice,
152:             marginDelta: -(int256(position.marginDeposited) + positionSummary.accruedFunding),
153:             additionalSizeDelta: -int256(position.additionalSize) // Since position is being closed, additionalSizeDelta should be negative.
154:         });

Within the updateGlobalPositionData function below, Line 183 will evaluate as follows:

newMarginDepositedTotal = _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal + _marginDelta;
newMarginDepositedTotal = -10 + (+10) = 0

This is aligned with the earlier code's comments (Once the underwater position is liquidated, then the funding fees will be reverted and the total will be positive again.) as the globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal indeed is restored back to the positive and correct value after the re-adjustment.

File: FlatcoinVault.sol
175:     function updateGlobalPositionData(
176:         uint256 _price,
177:         int256 _marginDelta,
178:         int256 _additionalSizeDelta
179:     ) external onlyAuthorizedModule {
180:         // Note that technically, even the funding fees should be accounted for when computing the margin deposited total.
181:         // However, since the funding fees are settled at the same time as the global position data is updated,
182:         // we can ignore the funding fees here.
183:         int256 newMarginDepositedTotal = _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal + _marginDelta;

Unfortunately, in reality, the execution of the settleFundingFees function is not always followed by the execution of the liquidation logic. Thus, the logic code expect the liquidation process executed later to always re-adjust the globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal value back to the intended value.

Let's assume another scenario. Assume that after the FlatcoinVault.settleFundingFees function is executed, someone triggers an action (e.g., open, adjust, close order) that executes the updateGlobalPositionData function instead of the liquidation. Assume that the _marginDelta is insignificant in the following:

File: FlatcoinVault.sol
175:     function updateGlobalPositionData(
176:         uint256 _price,
177:         int256 _marginDelta,
178:         int256 _additionalSizeDelta
179:     ) external onlyAuthorizedModule {
180:         // Note that technically, even the funding fees should be accounted for when computing the margin deposited total.
181:         // However, since the funding fees are settled at the same time as the global position data is updated,
182:         // we can ignore the funding fees here.
183:         int256 newMarginDepositedTotal = _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal + _marginDelta;
190:         if (newMarginDepositedTotal < 0) {
191:             newMarginDepositedTotal = 0;
192:         }

When Line 190 above is executed, since globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal is negative (-10 ETH), it will be reset to zero. This is an issue because the code earlier assumes that the liquidation process will help to re-adjust the negative value. However, over here, the state has been wiped out.

When the liquidation is executed subsequently, the marginDelta will be +10 ETH, similar to the earlier scenario.

File: LiquidationModule.sol
074:     function liquidate(
149:         // Update the global leverage position data.
150:         vault.updateGlobalPositionData({
151:             price: position.averagePrice,
152:             marginDelta: -(int256(position.marginDeposited) + positionSummary.accruedFunding),
153:             additionalSizeDelta: -int256(position.additionalSize) // Since position is being closed, additionalSizeDelta should be negative.
154:         });

Within the updateGlobalPositionData function, the globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal will be set to as follows:

newMarginDepositedTotal = _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal + _marginDelta
newMarginDepositedTotal = 0 + (+10 ETH)
newMarginDepositedTotal = 10 ETH

File: FlatcoinVault.sol
175:     function updateGlobalPositionData(
176:         uint256 _price,
177:         int256 _marginDelta,
178:         int256 _additionalSizeDelta
179:     ) external onlyAuthorizedModule {
180:         // Note that technically, even the funding fees should be accounted for when computing the margin deposited total.
181:         // However, since the funding fees are settled at the same time as the global position data is updated,
182:         // we can ignore the funding fees here.
183:         int256 newMarginDepositedTotal = _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal + _marginDelta;

At the end of the liquidation, the long trader side, which had lost all its margin earlier, regained 10 ETH, which is incorrect and shows an error in the protocol's accounting.

The globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal is also inflated and not backed by any assets. The system will wrongly assume that there are globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal, while in reality, there is none. This results in the system continuing to transfer collateral assets to the LP when settling funding fees when there are none. The LP will receive collateral credit backed by no assets, leading to a loss of assets for them.


The marginDepositedTotal state is the key variable in the protocol's account system, and its value will be incorrect, leading to the protocol being broken. It will also lead to a loss of assets for the LP.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Ensure that the behavior of globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal (whether it can go negative) is consistent throughout the codebase to prevent any error from occurring.

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

santipu_ commented:


itsermin commented 4 months ago

Yes, it looks like when marginDepositedTotal is negative, opening a new leverage position can break an invariant because of setting it to 0 on updateGlobalPositionData.

By removing this line (not zeroing a negative marginDepositedTotal), the system is able to handle the scenario.

santipu03 commented 4 months ago


I believe this issue to be medium severity due to the low probability of happening.

For this bug to be triggered it needs the value of globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal to be negative. These scenarios can cause it:

  1. The total debt of the positions on the market becomes bigger than the total deposited margin.
  2. The funding fee becomes bigger than the total deposited margin.
  3. A combination of both scenarios above.

Scenario 1 is highly unlikely to happen because insolvent positions would have been liquidated before their debt became bigger than the total deposited margin on the market. Moreover, in a volatile market, the protocol team can adjust the value of liquidationBufferRatio to ensure that even sharp price movements don't cause positions to get underwater.

Scenario 2 is also highly unlikely to happen because when the funding fee is so big, it's expected that the market will regulate itself, bringing the skew back to zero and decreasing the funding fees. Even if the funding fee starts to rapidly decrease the margins of the positions, liquidators will step up and liquidate those underwater positions before bad debt is accrued.

Given the low probability of this bug happening, I think it deserves medium severity.

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 months ago


I believe this issue to be medium severity due to the low probability of happening.

For this bug to be triggered it needs the value of globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal to be negative. These scenarios can cause it:

  1. The total debt of the positions on the market becomes bigger than the total deposited margin.
  2. The funding fee becomes bigger than the total deposited margin.
  3. A combination of both scenarios above.

Scenario 1 is highly unlikely to happen because insolvent positions would have been liquidated before their debt became bigger than the total deposited margin on the market. Moreover, in a volatile market, the protocol team can adjust the value of liquidationBufferRatio to ensure that even sharp price movements don't cause positions to get underwater.

Scenario 2 is also highly unlikely to happen because when the funding fee is so big, it's expected that the market will regulate itself, bringing the skew back to zero and decreasing the funding fees. Even if the funding fee starts to rapidly decrease the margins of the positions, liquidators will step up and liquidate those underwater positions before bad debt is accrued.

Given the low probability of this bug happening, I think it deserves medium severity.

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cvetanovv commented 4 months ago

I agree with the low probability, but when it happens it definitely hits the High category on both points according to the rules:

  • Definite loss of funds without (extensive) limitations of external conditions.
  • Inflicts serious non-material losses.
santipu03 commented 4 months ago

The README states that the protocol is running liquidators, so it's assumed that unhealthy positions are going to be liquidated on time and bad debt is not going to be created:

Are there any off-chain mechanisms or off-chain procedures for the protocol (keeper bots, arbitrage bots, etc.)?

  • There are keepers for order execution and liquidations. [...]

I'd say that this itself is an extensive limitation for this issue to happen.

WangSecurity commented 4 months ago

Even though the protocol will be using keepers for order execution and liquidations, it doesn't ensure that every liquidatable position will be liquidated. Despite that fact, the issue will happen in the scenarios listend in the escalation comment here, hence, I believe medium is appropriate here cause it requires specific states, and loss is highly constrained:

Causes a loss of funds but requires certain external conditions or specific states, or a loss is highly constrained.

Planning to accept the escalation and downgrade the issue to Medium.

Evert0x commented 4 months ago

Result: Medium Unique

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 months ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.