sherlock-audit / 2024-03-flat-money-fix-review-contest-judging

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santipu_ - When the ETH price goes down, LPs won't be able to withdraw liquidity #9

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 4 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 months ago



When the ETH price goes down, LPs won't be able to withdraw liquidity


When the ETH price goes down and there are still some leverage positions open that have not realized their losses, LPs won't be able to withdraw liquidity.

Vulnerability Detail

Consider the following scenario, we're going to ignore the funding fee for the sake of simplicity:

  1. The market has 10 rETH of total stable collateral and stableCollateralPerShare is 1e18 (total shares is 10e18).
  2. After some time, the price of ETH goes down, causing the following: a. Total stable collateral after settlement increases to 20 rETH. b. stableCollateralPerShare increases to 2e18
  3. LP tries to withdraw 11 rETH (5.5e18 shares) --> transaction will fail with an error PriceImpactDuringWithdraw.

This has happened because no leverage positions have been closed, so their loss hasn't been realized yet. This will cause the variable stableCollateralTotal to be 10e18 (for the initial liquidity of 10 rETH) instead of 20e18. So, when the LP tries to withdraw, stableCollateralTotal will be capped at zero, and that will increase the value of stableCollateralPerShare too much, reverting the whole transaction.

Here is the function to withdraw liquidity:

    function executeWithdraw(
        address _account,
        uint64 _executableAtTime,
        FlatcoinStructs.AnnouncedStableWithdraw calldata _announcedWithdraw
    ) external onlyAuthorizedModule returns (uint256 _amountOut, uint256 _withdrawFee) {
        uint256 withdrawAmount = _announcedWithdraw.withdrawAmount;

        uint32 maxAge = _getMaxAge(_executableAtTime);

        uint256 stableCollateralPerShareBefore = stableCollateralPerShare(maxAge);
        _amountOut = (withdrawAmount * stableCollateralPerShareBefore) / (10 ** decimals());

        // Unlock the locked LP tokens before burning.
        // This is because if the amount to be burned is locked, the burn will fail due to `_beforeTokenTransfer`.
        _unlock(_account, withdrawAmount);

        _burn(_account, withdrawAmount);

>>      vault.updateStableCollateralTotal(-int256(_amountOut));

        uint256 stableCollateralPerShareAfter = stableCollateralPerShare(maxAge);

        // Check that there is no significant impact on stable token price.
        // This should never happen and means that too much value or not enough value was withdrawn.
        if (totalSupply() > 0) {
            if (
                stableCollateralPerShareAfter < stableCollateralPerShareBefore - 1e6 ||
                stableCollateralPerShareAfter > stableCollateralPerShareBefore + 1e6
>>          ) revert FlatcoinErrors.PriceImpactDuringWithdraw();

            // ...

When the function updateStableCollateralTotal is called, stableCollateralTotal will be capped at zero:

    function _updateStableCollateralTotal(int256 _stableCollateralAdjustment) private {
        int256 newStableCollateralTotal = int256(stableCollateralTotal) + _stableCollateralAdjustment;

        // The stable collateral shouldn't be negative as the other calculations which depend on this
        // will behave in unexpected manners.
        stableCollateralTotal = (newStableCollateralTotal > 0) ? uint256(newStableCollateralTotal) : 0;

The value of stableCollateralTotal will be capped at zero because _stableCollateralAdjustment is -11e18 and stableCollateralTotal is 10e18. After this, when stableCollateralPerShareAfter is calculated, the result will be significantly higher than stableCollateralPerShareBefore because of this behavior.

stableCollateralTotal = 10e18
stableCollateralTotalAfterSettlement = 20e18
totalSupply = 10e18
stableCollateralPerShareBefore = 2e18 (20e18 * 1e18 / 10e18)

stableCollateralTotal = 0
stableCollateralTotalAfterSettlement = 10e18 (should be `9e18`)
totalSupply = 4.5e18
stableCollateralPerShareAfter = 2.2e18 (10e18 * 1e18 / 4.5e18)

Because the variables stableCollateralPerShareBefore and stableCollateralPerShareAfter have such a difference, the whole transaction will revert with the error PriceImpactDuringWithdraw.


When the price of ETH goes down, LPs won't be able to withdraw liquidity as they should

Code Snippet

See above

Tool used

Manual Review


Allow the value of stableCollateralTotal to go below zero to deal with these edge cases.

sherlock-admin3 commented 4 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

santipu_ commented:


rashtrakoff commented 4 months ago

While it's true that not all LPs can exit or redeem their UNIT due to leverage losses being unrealized, I don't believe the stableCollateralTotal can become -ve or capped at 0 due to LP redemptions. This is because the checkSkewMax function will fail in such cases. I believe the protocol can handle redemptions which make the skew become around 15-20% max.

Unfortunately, I don't see any easy solution to this. The market incentives should come into effect in this case since the majority of leverage traders are negative (in PnL terms) then it doesn't make sense for them to keep their positions sooner or later they will be liquidated if the price further goes down. CC @itsermin

itsermin commented 4 months ago

Yes step 3 is not possible because of the checkSkewMax. Ie. It sets a cap on available liquidity. Withdrawing a smaller amount is possible.

If withdrawing a smaller amount, the market is then skewed towards leverage traders. The funding would start to pay LPs, incentivising leverage traders to close their positions, or until liquidation.

This mechanism is similar to available liquidity for lenders in a lending market.

santipu03 commented 4 months ago


I think this issue is valid.

Even if step 3 described in my report fails because of MaxSkewReached instead of PriceImpactDuringWithdraw, the LPs still cannot withdraw their funds due to the unrealized losses of the traders.

Here is a brief POC to show an example: Paste this test at StableCollateralTotal.t.sol and run it with forge test --match-test test_unrealized_losses -vvv.

function test_unrealized_losses() public {

        // LP deposits 100 ETH
            traderAccount: alice,
            keeperAccount: keeper,
            depositAmount: 100e18,
            oraclePrice: 1_000e8,
            keeperFeeAmount: 0

        // Trader opens position with 100 ETH additional size (market is delta neutral)
            traderAccount: alice,
            keeperAccount: keeper,
            margin: 100e18,
            additionalSize: 100e18,
            oraclePrice: 1_000e8,
            keeperFeeAmount: 0

        // The price of ETH decreases in half.
        skip(2 days);
        uint256 newCollateralPrice = 500e8;

        // Assets owned by the LPs --> 200 ETH
        assertEq(stableModProxy.stableCollateralTotalAfterSettlement(), 200e18);

        // LP tries to withdraw 10 shares --> 20 ETH
        // Transaction fails with error `MaxSkewReached`
            traderAccount: alice,
            keeperAccount: keeper,
            withdrawAmount: 10e18,
            oraclePrice: newCollateralPrice,
            keeperFeeAmount: 0

In the final stage of the test, the total collateral owned by the LPs is 200 ETH and the total size of the market is 100 ETH. Despite these numbers, when the LP tries to withdraw 10 shares (20 ETH), the transaction will fail because of the unrealized loss of the trader.

The root cause of this issue is that the checkSkewMax function is not taking into account the unrealized PnL of the traders, that is what I've described in another issue (#12). However, even if we fix the checkSkewMax function, we could run into the error I described first in the report (PriceImpactDuringWithdraw).

As the sponsor remarked, there may not be an easy fix for this issue, but in my opinion, that shouldn't make the issue invalid.

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 months ago


I think this issue is valid.

Even if step 3 described in my report fails because of MaxSkewReached instead of PriceImpactDuringWithdraw, the LPs still cannot withdraw their funds due to the unrealized losses of the traders.

Here is a brief POC to show an example: Paste this test at StableCollateralTotal.t.sol and run it with forge test --match-test test_unrealized_losses -vvv.

function test_unrealized_losses() public {

        // LP deposits 100 ETH
            traderAccount: alice,
            keeperAccount: keeper,
            depositAmount: 100e18,
            oraclePrice: 1_000e8,
            keeperFeeAmount: 0

        // Trader opens position with 100 ETH additional size (market is delta neutral)
            traderAccount: alice,
            keeperAccount: keeper,
            margin: 100e18,
            additionalSize: 100e18,
            oraclePrice: 1_000e8,
            keeperFeeAmount: 0

        // The price of ETH decreases in half.
        skip(2 days);
        uint256 newCollateralPrice = 500e8;

        // Assets owned by the LPs --> 200 ETH
        assertEq(stableModProxy.stableCollateralTotalAfterSettlement(), 200e18);

        // LP tries to withdraw 10 shares --> 20 ETH
        // Transaction fails with error `MaxSkewReached`
            traderAccount: alice,
            keeperAccount: keeper,
            withdrawAmount: 10e18,
            oraclePrice: newCollateralPrice,
            keeperFeeAmount: 0

In the final stage of the test, the total collateral owned by the LPs is 200 ETH and the total size of the market is 100 ETH. Despite these numbers, when the LP tries to withdraw 10 shares (20 ETH), the transaction will fail because of the unrealized loss of the trader.

The root cause of this issue is that the checkSkewMax function is not taking into account the unrealized PnL of the traders, that is what I've described in another issue (#12). However, even if we fix the checkSkewMax function, we could run into the error I described first in the report (PriceImpactDuringWithdraw).

As the sponsor remarked, there may not be an easy fix for this issue, but in my opinion, that shouldn't make the issue invalid.

You've created a valid escalation!

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You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.

rashtrakoff commented 4 months ago

The checkSkewMax function is only supposed to take into account the total size of the leverage positions and the stableCollateralTotal and this is by design to keep the market delta neutral and within safe leverage parameters. If we incorporated PnL into the calculation, the amount that can be used by leverage traders would increase as the price of the collateral falls which means the overall protocol can be leveraged long to a very high factor (more than the configured 120%).

The solution to the "problem" you are describing is to settle the PnLs periodically. The protocol was doing so when we gave the contracts for the first audit. However, that created some other issues. See this and this. Fundamentally, we cannot settle the PnLs in the collateral terms.

The other way to look at this is how it's similar to a lending protocol when all the supplied assets have been borrowed (pool utilisation is close to 100%), in such cases the depositors will not be able to withdraw their assets without the borrowers having returned their borrowed shares.

For these reasons, we considered this issue as invalid. It's the way the protocol is designed to work.

cvetanovv commented 4 months ago

As the sponsor has written this issue is invalid and thus the protocol works.

santipu03 commented 4 months ago

I originally submitted this issue because its impact wasn't in the previous version of the code and its implications weren't described anywhere so I had no way of knowing that this new behavior was the latest "intended design".

In the previous protocol version, the PnL of all positions was settled globally regularly, updating the stableCollateralTotal and the marginDepositedTotal with the new price changes. Because of this, when the ETH price fell, even if the positions weren't closed, the LPs could withdraw their owned funds, including the unrealized losses from the open positions on the market.

With these new changes, when the ETH price falls and some positions on the market are not closed, the LPs cannot withdraw their owned funds (stableCollateralTotalAfterSettlement) until the positions with unrealized losses are closed.

The problem is that this new weird behavior was introduced with the new code updates and its implications and impact weren't described anywhere, making it impossible for me to know that this was the new "intended design". Because of this, I still think this issue falls into the MEDIUM severity, even if the protocol team won't fix it.

WangSecurity commented 4 months ago

Although LPs cannot withdraw their funds if its used by the traders in leveraged longs, the funds are not lost or locked forever and the LPs can withdraw them when positions are closed/liquidated. LPs continue to accumulate fees and the total stable collateral continues to increase with longs being closed/liquidated. Moreover, the only loss here is that the LPs continue to hold ETH when its price goes down. Hence, I believe this report is a design recommendation.

Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.

santipu03 commented 4 months ago

I don't agree that this issue won't cause a loss of funds for LPs.

When the market is perfectly skewed (leverage = collateral), the price movements don't matter because the LPs' assets are delta-neutral. However, in a long-skewed market (leverage > collateral), when the price goes up, the LPs are going to experience losses on their assets.

In the scenario where the LPs cannot withdraw their funds due to the unrealized losses of the traders, the ETH price may start going up again. When this happens in a long-skewed market, the LPs will experience a loss of funds on their collateral because they haven't been able to withdraw their liquidity on time due to this issue.

WangSecurity commented 4 months ago

@santipu03 can you please elaborate on why would this happen? For example, ETH price is X, the market is long-skewed. ETH price drops to Y (which is less than X), but then goes back up to X, the LPs will suffer a loss from it?

santipu03 commented 4 months ago

If we have the following scenario:

  1. ETH price is X
  2. ETH price rises to Y
  3. ETH price returns to X

The LPs that stay for steps 1-3 will not experience losses. However, if an LP wants to withdraw liquidity at step 2 to realize the profits, it won't be possible due to this issue. Then, at step 3 those profits will be gone, that's the losses I'm referring to. If you have some profits and you lose them because of a bug, isn't that a loss of funds?

WangSecurity commented 4 months ago

And if the price goes up but stays between Y and X, the trader closes their position, the LP will receive less profits then if they withdrew at price Y, correct?

Another question, if we allow the LP to withdraw at price Y, wouldn't that lead to the trader becoming liquidatable? If both are correct, then I would ask you to look at your PoC again and see if you want to change/improve something in it. I would like to try different scenarios to understand your report and comments on a much deeper level and from other angles.

santipu03 commented 4 months ago

And if the price goes up but stays between Y and X, the trader closes their position, the LP will receive less profits then if they withdrew at price Y, correct?

That's correct

Another question, if we allow the LP to withdraw at price Y, wouldn't that lead to the trader becoming liquidatable?

No, the trader can only become liquidatable if his margin is less than the required margin. The required margin is calculated as follows (here):

$$ liquidationMargin := positionSize \times liquidationBufferRatio + liquidationFee $$

As you can see, the liquidation doesn't depend in any way on the total stable collateral. Letting the LPs withdraw or not isn't related in any way to the liquidations.

WangSecurity commented 4 months ago

@santipu03 thanks for your response, is there anything you'd like to change to your PoC, so I can test it in different scenarios? If not, just put a thumbs up reaction to this comment. If yes, please provide an updated PoC.

santipu03 commented 4 months ago

What kind of changes do you want to check?

WangSecurity commented 4 months ago

In your escalation comment, you've said that it's a "brief" PoC, therefore, wanted to clarify there is nothing you'd like to add. Want to check how the profits by LPs change with price going higher/lower, traders closing their positions at these prices or being liquidated.

santipu03 commented 4 months ago

Here is an improved version of the POC. This new PoC shows how the assets owned by the LPs evolve when the price changes in a long-skewed market. And it also shows how the LPs cannot realize their profits until the traders realize their losses. Feel free to ask if you have any doubts.

You'll have to paste this line on the file to assert the error later:

error MaxSkewReached(uint256 skewFraction);
function test_unrealized_losses() public {

        // LP deposits 100 ETH
            traderAccount: alice,
            keeperAccount: keeper,
            depositAmount: 100e18,
            oraclePrice: 1_000e8,
            keeperFeeAmount: 0

        // Trader opens position with 120 ETH additional size (market is long skewed)
        uint256 tokenId = announceAndExecuteLeverageOpen({
            traderAccount: alice,
            keeperAccount: keeper,
            margin: 150e18,
            additionalSize: 120e18,
            oraclePrice: 1_000e8,
            keeperFeeAmount: 0

        // The price of ETH decreases to 750
        skip(2 days);

        // Assets owned by the LPs --> 140 ETH
        assertEq(stableModProxy.stableCollateralTotalAfterSettlement(), 140e18);
        // Each share is worth 1.4 ETH
        assertEq(stableModProxy.stableCollateralPerShare(), 1.4e18);

        // LP tries to withdraw 10 shares --> 14 ETH
        uint256 keeperFee = mockKeeperFee.getKeeperFee();
        // It's not possible due to the unrealized losses
        vm.expectRevert(abi.encodeWithSelector(MaxSkewReached.selector, 1395348837209302325));
        delayedOrderProxy.announceStableWithdraw({withdrawAmount: 10e18, minAmountOut: 0, keeperFee: keeperFee});

        // Price almost goes back to 900
        skip(2 days);

        // Assets owned by the LPs --> 113.3 ETH
        assertEq(stableModProxy.stableCollateralTotalAfterSettlement(), 113333333333333333333);
        // Each share is worth 1.33 ETH
        assertEq(stableModProxy.stableCollateralPerShare(), 1133333333333333333);

        // LP tries to withdraw 1 share --> 1.33 ETH
        // It's not possible due to the unrealized losses
        vm.expectRevert(abi.encodeWithSelector(MaxSkewReached.selector, 1213755900202292650));
        delayedOrderProxy.announceStableWithdraw({withdrawAmount: 1e18, minAmountOut: 0, keeperFee: keeperFee});

        // Finally the trader's position is closed
            tokenId: tokenId,
            traderAccount: alice,
            keeperAccount: keeper,
            oraclePrice: 900e8,
            keeperFeeAmount: 0

        // Now, the LPs can withdraw their funds but will have less profits due to the bug
        assertEq(stableModProxy.stableCollateralTotalAfterSettlement(), 113333333333333333334); // Assets owned by the LPs are still 113.3 ETH
        assertEq(stableModProxy.stableCollateralPerShare(), 1133333333333333333); // Each share is still worth 1.33 ETH
            traderAccount: alice,
            keeperAccount: keeper,
            withdrawAmount: 10e18,
            oraclePrice: 900e8,
            keeperFeeAmount: 0
WangSecurity commented 4 months ago

@santipu03, firstly, thank you for such PoC with all the explanations. Another question that came to my mind. If the market is long-skewed (i.e. leverage > collateral), then the long traders have to borrow from LP. Then the LPs cannot withwdraw only borrowed part or all the liquidity.

Giving a small numerical example so it's easier to understand:

LPs have provided 100 ETH. Traders have borrowed 50 ETH of it to open levereged longs. Traders canot withdraw the 50 ETH (that are borrowed) or cannot withdraw at all?

santipu03 commented 4 months ago

The variable skewFractionMax measures exactly that, the maximum limit of leverage vs collateral the market can have:

/// @notice The maximum limit of total leverage long size vs stable LP.
/// @dev This prevents excessive short skew of stable LPs by capping long trader total open interest.
///      Care needs to be taken when increasing this value as it can lead to the stable LPs being excessively short.
uint256 public skewFractionMax;

In all the protocol tests this variable is set to 1.2e18, meaning for each unit of collateral in the market, there can only be a maximum of 1.2 units of leverage. In your example, the LPs could withdraw a maximum of 58 ETH, leaving 42 ETH so that the market skew would be 1.19 (50 leverage / 42 collateral). If the LPs were to withdraw 1 more ETH of collateral, the transaction would revert because the skew would be 1.22 (50 / 41).

WangSecurity commented 4 months ago

Thank you for these responses, but in that case, I believe it's in fact an intended design to not allow LPs to withdraw funds if it's borrowed by legeraged longs, and not a bug. The protocol is working as expected. As you show, the design is suboptimal, but still I see this report as a design improvement, rather than a security issue. Hence, planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.

santipu03 commented 4 months ago

It's expected to not allow LPs to withdraw funds that are borrowed by traders up to the maximum skew allowed. If we assume that the maximum skew is 1.2, then LPs shouldn't be able to withdraw when the skew reaches that value. However, my issue is pointing out that, because of the unrealized losses of the traders, the LPs won't be able to withdraw EVEN if the skew is not reaching the maximum.

I will clarify the scenario from before:

  1. LPs deposit 100 ETH. Traders use 120 ETH of leverage. At this point, the skew is exactly 1.2 so it's correct that the LPs cannot withdraw funds.
  2. Price drops. At this point, the assets owned by the LPs are 140 ETH and the leverage is 120 ETH. Now, the skew has become ~0.86 (120 / 140). Because the skew is lower than the max skew (0.86 < 1.2), the LPs should be able to withdraw some assets, realizing their profits. Because of this bug, the LPs cannot withdraw even 1 wei of assets.
  3. Later, if the price goes up again, the LPs will be able to withdraw some of their assets, but realize less profits, or none at all.

The point of this report is that when the skew has not reached its maximum value, the LPs should be able to withdraw some assets. However, because of this bug, they won't be able to, losing some funds as unrealized profits.

WangSecurity commented 4 months ago

For clarification, at step 2, the LPs are unable to withdraw any funds even though it's below skewFrartionMax, because initially they borrowed all the funds from LPs and unrealized losses are not taken into account, correct?

santipu03 commented 4 months ago

That's the thing, the unrealized losses of the traders will prevent LPs from withdrawing funds and realizing their profits even though the skew is below skewFractionMax.

That wasn't the intended design as per the protocol docs and code comments at the start of the audit. Also, it will cause a loss fo funds for LPs so that's why I think it should be a medium.

WangSecurity commented 4 months ago

@santipu03 Can you refer me to where in docs/code comments it is not an intended design? Or you mean it wasn't not mentioned in the docs/code comments that it is intended design?

santipu03 commented 4 months ago

The intended design is inferred from the definition of skew and skewFractionMax:

/// @notice The maximum limit of total leverage long size vs stable LP.
/// @dev This prevents excessive short skew of stable LPs by capping long trader total open interest.
///      Care needs to be taken when increasing this value as it can lead to the stable LPs being excessively short.
uint256 public skewFractionMax;

If the current market skew is 0.86 and the maximum skew allowed is 1.2, then by definition the LPs should be able to withdraw funds. When the skew is lower than the maximum skew and the LPs cannot withdraw liquidity, isn't that a bug?

WangSecurity commented 4 months ago

I believe it's not a bug but a design decision. As said before, I believe this behaviour is intended to not allow withdrawal of liquidity if it's used in leveraged longs, even though they're in a loss, but not closed. In the explanation it is said that long leveraged trades cannot go over skewFractionMax but it's not related to the borrowed liquidity or ability to withdraw it.

If the current market skew is 0.86 and the maximum skew allowed is 1.2, then by definition the LPs should be able to withdraw funds

It's correct, but in this example, all the liquidity from LPs was used by traders and since the losses are not realised, LPs cannot withdraw their liquidity, even though the skew would allow it if we take unrealized losses into account.

I agree that this design can be suboptimal, but still see it as a design decision after this discussion.

Decision remains the same, reject the escalation and leave the issue as it.

santipu03 commented 4 months ago

I believe it's not a bug but a design decision. As said before, I believe this behaviour is intended to not allow withdrawal of liquidity if it's used in leveraged longs, even though they're in a loss, but not closed.

In the previous protocol audit, LPs could withdraw liquidity even with unrealized losses from the traders, that's always been the intended design. However, the team implemented a fix for a PnL issue in the previous contest and as a result, this bug was created. No documentation or code comments have been updated to declare that this is the new intended design, that's why I believe it's unexpected and a bug.

In the explanation it is said that long leveraged trades cannot go over skewFractionMax but it's not related to the borrowed liquidity or ability to withdraw it.

Yes, it's absolutely related sir. The skew is, by definition, the difference between the total long leverage (borrowed liquidity) and the stable collateral owned by the LPs. When an LP tries to withdraw liquidity and the error message "MaxSkewReached" appears, it should be because the max skew has been reached right? Then, why is this error getting triggered if the max skew has not been reached? And what is your base for thinking that this is the intended design?

I get that the protocol team acknowledged the issue and treated it as the new "intended design". However, this counterintuitive behavior cannot be inferred by reading the available sources at the time of the audit. I think it's unfair to base a judgment on the protocol's comment AFTER the audit is finished and try to support it with just opinions. All my arguments in this discussion have been based on the source of truth when it comes to judging (protocol docs and code comments).

WangSecurity commented 4 months ago

No documentation or code comments have been updated to declare that this is the new intended design, that's why I believe it's unexpected and a bug.

That's why I asked what is the proof or evidence that this new design is intended or another design is claimed to be intended. I understand that it was different in the previous version of the audit, but it doesn't neccessarily means it should be the same in this audit just with fixed issues.

Regarding the code comments, if this is the only evidence for your words, then I'm afraid it's not sufficient. Sorry for poor phrasing in the previous comment, I meant that it's not said the LPs should be able to withdraw at any time regardless of traders' losses/profits. And in that case, "MaxSkewReached" error is correct, cause without taking unrealized losses of traders and profits of LPs in account is correct. Not taking these two factors into consideration for that case is not a bug but a design choice, and Flat Money team decided to make this choice.

Hence, my decision remains the same, it's an intended design and the protocol works as expected. It's based not on the fact that the sponsor said it, but on your description of the bug and the code, the two points above and our discussion.

santipu03 commented 4 months ago

Sir, I respect your judgment but still think you're looking at it from the wrong perspective.

Given that the code comments define the skew as the difference between the total long leverage and the stable collateral, it's expected that this definition isn't violated when checking for the max skew. That's why I sent this issue in the first place because there was a contradiction between the specification (code comments) and the implementation (code behavior) that caused a loss of funds to LPs.

Your argument that the skew shouldn't consider the unrealized losses from the traders directly contradicts the definition of skew. You're claiming that the behavior implicit from the docs should have been explicitly stated in order to make this issue valid when in reality it should be the other way around. The behavior that contradicts the specification should have been explicitly stated if intended.

Evert0x commented 4 months ago

Result: Invalid Unique

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status: