Lack of check on _globalTaxRate in TokenSale::initialize and TokenSale::setAllocationAndTax results in excesive fees
The TokenSale::initialize function does not restrict the maximum value of globalTaxRate. this could result in excesive buying fees, making possible scenarios where users pays more taxes than token buys when using deposit function.
For example, user paying 10000000000000000000 usdc in taxes to buy 1000000000000000000 usdc token amounts, ie, paying 10x taxes.
Vulnerability Detail
The vulnerability exists in TokenSale::initialize and in TokenSale::setAllocationAndTax because it doesnt limit the value of _globalTaxRate
function initialize(
uint256 _globalTaxRate,
bool _isKYC,
uint256 _whitelistTxRate
) external initializer {
console.log("TokenSale@initialize _maxAllocation ",_maxAllocation);
params = _params;
stakingContract = IStaking(_stakingContract);
maxAllocation = _maxAllocation;
globalTaxRate = _globalTaxRate; //<@ no check for max value
function setAllocationAndTax(uint256[3] calldata _allocations) external {
globalTaxRate = _allocations[1];
whitelistTxRate = _allocations[2];
So, globalTaxRate is used to calculate the taxfee for the users
function userTaxRate(
uint256 _amount,
address _sender
) public returns (uint256) {
//... snippet
if (_amount > userTaxFreeAllc) {
if (isWhitelisted[_sender]) {
return whitelistTxRate;
} else {
return globalTaxRate;
//... snippet
And this is called in deposit, when users buys tokens
So there is no limit for the taxFactor making it possible to charge user an upper arbitrary value, this userTaxAmount will be withdrawed from usdc user's balance.
To show the impact, the following pool will charge 10x tax the amount buyed
//Modified from scripts/create_pool.js
const now = (await time.latest()).toNumber();
const newNow = BigInt(now)+BigInt(60*5);
const end = BigInt(now)+BigInt(60*15);
defaultParams = {
totalSupply: BigInt("1000000000000000000"), //10e18
token: defaultToken.address,
privateTokenPrice: BigInt("1000000000000000000"), //10e18
initial: owner,
privateStart: (newNow),
privateEnd: (end),
vestingPoints: [
[end+BigInt(3*60), BigInt("500")],
[end+BigInt(6*60), BigInt("300")],
[end+BigInt(9*60), BigInt("200")],
/*This creates a new TokenSale contract and initializes
function createPoolNew(
ITokenSale.Params memory _params,
uint256 _maxAllocation,
uint256 _globalTaxRate,
bool _isKYC,
uint256 _whitelistTxRate
var tx_createp1 = await adminContract.createPoolNew(
var receipt1 = await tx_createp1.wait();
var poolAddr1 = receipt1.logs[1].args[0];
console.log("Created pool1 addr ",poolAddr1);
tokenSaleContract2 = await TokenSale.attach(poolAddr1);
// warp
await time.increaseTo(newNow);
await tokenSaleContract2.deposit(1);
The impact of this vulnerability includes:
Withdrawing arbitrary user's usdc amount by setting high tax fee using globalTaxRate variable
Lack of check on _globalTaxRate in TokenSale::initialize and TokenSale::setAllocationAndTax results in excesive fees
The TokenSale::initialize function does not restrict the maximum value of globalTaxRate. this could result in excesive buying fees, making possible scenarios where users pays more taxes than token buys when using deposit function.
For example, user paying 10000000000000000000 usdc in taxes to buy 1000000000000000000 usdc token amounts, ie, paying 10x taxes.
Vulnerability Detail
The vulnerability exists in TokenSale::initialize and in TokenSale::setAllocationAndTax because it doesnt limit the value of _globalTaxRate
So, globalTaxRate is used to calculate the taxfee for the users
And this is called in deposit, when users buys tokens
So there is no limit for the taxFactor making it possible to charge user an upper arbitrary value, this userTaxAmount will be withdrawed from usdc user's balance. To show the impact, the following pool will charge 10x tax the amount buyed
The impact of this vulnerability includes:
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
To mitigate this vulnerability it is recommended to set an upper limit in globalTaxRate variable