From above when ascendingSort is called it only sorts the _vestingPoints[i][0] elements not the _vestingPoints[i][1]
So if someone has claimed their token till vestingPoints.length - 2 index and has claimed 50% of the tokens and has only 50% tokens left to claim .Now if updateVesting points is called and makes the vestingPoints[vestingPoints.length - 1][1] = 6000(60%) then the user will be able to claim more tokens than 100% conversly if updateVestingPoints makes vestingPoints[vestingPoints.length - 1][1] = 40% then user will receive less tokens.
User may receive less or more tokens.It can also drain the contract and some users may not be able to claim their tokens.
Should not updateVesting if a user has started a claim before or maybe introduce a check for values of _vestingPoints[i][1] to be same as previous points.
UpdateVestingPoints should not be allowed because slightiest of error can cause some users to not claim their tokens
UpdateVestingPoints should not be allowed because slightiest of error can cause some users to not claim their tokens
Vulnerability Detail
Following is updateVestingPoints function
From above when ascendingSort is called it only sorts the _vestingPoints[i][0] elements not the _vestingPoints[i][1] So if someone has claimed their token till vestingPoints.length - 2 index and has claimed 50% of the tokens and has only 50% tokens left to claim .Now if updateVesting points is called and makes the vestingPoints[vestingPoints.length - 1][1] = 6000(60%) then the user will be able to claim more tokens than 100% conversly if updateVestingPoints makes vestingPoints[vestingPoints.length - 1][1] = 40% then user will receive less tokens.
User may receive less or more tokens.It can also drain the contract and some users may not be able to claim their tokens.
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
Should not updateVesting if a user has started a claim before or maybe introduce a check for values of _vestingPoints[i][1] to be same as previous points.
Duplicate of #52