sherlock-audit / 2024-03-zivoe-judging

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t0x1c - distributeYield() calls earningsTrancheuse() with outdated emaSTT & emaJTT while calculating senior & junior tranche yield distributions #54

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 4 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago



distributeYield() calls earningsTrancheuse() with outdated emaSTT & emaJTT while calculating senior & junior tranche yield distributions


The distributeYield() function internally calls earningsTrancheuse() on L232 which calculates & returns the _seniorTranche & _juniorTranche yield distribution. However, this call results in earningsTrancheuse() using outdated values of emaSTT & emaJTT on L461-L462 as these variables are updated only on L238-L239 after the call to earningsTrancheuse() is concluded.

Code Snippet

  File: src/ZivoeYDL.sol

  213:              function distributeYield() external nonReentrant {
  214:                  require(unlocked, "ZivoeYDL::distributeYield() !unlocked"); 
  215:                  require(
  216:                      block.timestamp >= lastDistribution + daysBetweenDistributions * 86400, 
  217:                      "ZivoeYDL::distributeYield() block.timestamp < lastDistribution + daysBetweenDistributions * 86400"
  218:                  );
  220:                  // Calculate protocol earnings.
  221:                  uint256 earnings = IERC20(distributedAsset).balanceOf(address(this));
  222:                  uint256 protocolEarnings = protocolEarningsRateBIPS * earnings / BIPS;
  223:                  uint256 postFeeYield = earnings.floorSub(protocolEarnings);
  225:                  // Update timeline.
  226:                  distributionCounter += 1;
  227:                  lastDistribution = block.timestamp;
  229:                  // Calculate yield distribution (trancheuse = "slicer" in French).
  230:                  (
  231:                      uint256[] memory _protocol, uint256 _seniorTranche, uint256 _juniorTranche, uint256[] memory _residual
  232: @--->            ) = earningsTrancheuse(protocolEarnings, postFeeYield); 
  234:                  emit YieldDistributed(_protocol, _seniorTranche, _juniorTranche, _residual);
  236:                  // Update ema-based supply values. 
  237:                  (uint256 aSTT, uint256 aJTT) = IZivoeGlobals_YDL(GBL).adjustedSupplies();
  238: @--->            emaSTT = MATH.ema(emaSTT, aSTT, retrospectiveDistributions.min(distributionCounter));
  239: @--->            emaJTT = MATH.ema(emaJTT, aJTT, retrospectiveDistributions.min(distributionCounter));


  File: src/ZivoeYDL.sol

  447:              function earningsTrancheuse(uint256 yP, uint256 yD) public view returns (
  448:                  uint256[] memory protocol, uint256 senior, uint256 junior, uint256[] memory residual
  449:              ) {
  450:                  protocol = new uint256[](protocolRecipients.recipients.length);
  451:                  residual = new uint256[](residualRecipients.recipients.length);
  453:                  // Accounting for protocol earnings.
  454:                  for (uint256 i = 0; i < protocolRecipients.recipients.length; i++) {
  455:                      protocol[i] = protocolRecipients.proportion[i] * yP / BIPS;
  456:                  }
  458:                  // Accounting for senior and junior earnings.
  459:                  uint256 _seniorProportion = MATH.seniorProportion(
  460:                      IZivoeGlobals_YDL(GBL).standardize(yD, distributedAsset),
  461: @--->                MATH.yieldTarget(emaSTT, emaJTT, targetAPYBIPS, targetRatioBIPS, daysBetweenDistributions),
  462: @--->                emaSTT, emaJTT, targetAPYBIPS, targetRatioBIPS, daysBetweenDistributions
  463:                  );
  464:                  senior = (yD * _seniorProportion) / RAY;
  465:                  junior = (yD * MATH.juniorProportion(emaSTT, emaJTT, _seniorProportion, targetRatioBIPS)) / RAY; 
  467:                  // Handle accounting for residual earnings.
  468:                  yD = yD.floorSub(senior + junior);
  469:                  for (uint256 i = 0; i < residualRecipients.recipients.length; i++) {
  470:                      residual[i] = residualRecipients.proportion[i] * yD / BIPS;
  471:                  }
  472:              }

Vulnerability Detail

As the docs explain, the EMA plays a significant role in yield distribution calculations.

Returns are calculated using the adjusted supply of tranche tokens, with an Exponential Moving Average (EMA) playing a significant role.

The EMA smoothens the change in the supply of tranche tokens over a look-back period of 2.5 months.

The EMA is used to calculate the:

Both the above mentioned calls happen inside earningsTrancheuse() here. The issue is that these global variables emaSTT and emaJTT are still outdated and correspond to the ones belonging to the lastDistribution timestamp instead of current updated ones. These values are updated only after the call to earningsTrancheuse() has concluded here.


Imagine that in the last 30 days, JTT supply has reduced due to defaulted loans. As a result, the target yield $yT{real}$ would come down too (i.e. $yT{real}$ < $yT$ where $yT$ is the protocol calculated incorrect target yield) and the junior tranche ditributable yield will be smaller than before. However if there is excess yield, then the junior tranche would receive more than their fair share since last 30 days have not been considered by the protocol calculations. If the quantum of defaulted loans is high (and hence $yT_{real}$ has dipped significantly), the impact is not only limited to the junior tranche, but then also effects the senior tranche.

On the flip side an increase in the adjusted supplies of STT and JTT in the last 30 days will have a impact on the smoothened emaSTT and emaJTT, making the values go higher. As a result, target yield $yT{real}$ would go up too. Thus, it could happen that yD is less than $yT{real}$ but the protocol is oblivious to that due to usage of outdated values. This would result in the protcol using seniorProportionBase() to calculate the senior's yield instead of seniorProportionShortfall().

Finally, since at each of these function calls an outdated eSTT is passed as a param, the value returned would be more/less than what it should be, thus causing gain/loss of yield for both the tranches (juniorProportion() calculation has the same problem).

Note: For the very first distribution i.e. when distributionCounter = 1, the values used are from 60 days ago instead of 30 days as can be seen inside unlock(), further increasing the margin of error. The 60 day gap has initially been provided by the protocol to allow for more time to bring in initial yield.

Tool used

Manual Review


Update the ema values before calling earningsTrancheuse():

+       // Update ema-based supply values.
+       (uint256 aSTT, uint256 aJTT) = IZivoeGlobals_YDL(GBL).adjustedSupplies();
+       emaSTT = MATH.ema(emaSTT, aSTT, retrospectiveDistributions.min(distributionCounter));
+       emaJTT = MATH.ema(emaJTT, aJTT, retrospectiveDistributions.min(distributionCounter));

        // Calculate yield distribution (trancheuse = "slicer" in French).
            uint256[] memory _protocol, uint256 _seniorTranche, uint256 _juniorTranche, uint256[] memory _residual
        ) = earningsTrancheuse(protocolEarnings, postFeeYield); 

        emit YieldDistributed(_protocol, _seniorTranche, _juniorTranche, _residual);

-       // Update ema-based supply values.
-       (uint256 aSTT, uint256 aJTT) = IZivoeGlobals_YDL(GBL).adjustedSupplies();
-       emaSTT = MATH.ema(emaSTT, aSTT, retrospectiveDistributions.min(distributionCounter));
-       emaJTT = MATH.ema(emaJTT, aJTT, retrospectiveDistributions.min(distributionCounter));
pseudonaut commented 4 months ago

Not an issue, the yield that accumulated and is for distribution was generated over the last 30 days and thus should match the initial fix-point of the prior 30 day EMA calculation. There's dilution that occurs with this methodology that we don't want to introduce into our overall accounting system

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

panprog commented:

medium, distributeYield uses outdated ema values, updating them after all calculations. However, the impact is limited, because the expected EMA averaging period is 2 months and it's unlikely that distributeYield is called so rarely that the impact of outdated ema values causes any real issues.

panprog commented 4 months ago

After considering developer's response and intentions, changing this to invalid.

According to developers response, this is intentional, because using current EMA (which includes current totalSupply at the time of distribution, which might be manipulated) can introduce some attack vectors from the current totalSupply, so current distribution is done over EMA from the previous period.

panprog commented 4 months ago

Sponsor response:

we did a run-through on accounting scenarios It is indeed underpaying the depositors By what we think is fair within the system And manipulation isn't possible because they'd have to deposit and lock up tokens so there's no flash-loan etc.

Agree with sponsor, changing back to Medium

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.