sherlock-audit / 2024-04-interest-rate-model-judging

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nfmelendez - Any address without TRANSFERRER_ROLE can transfer esEXA tokens. #147

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 1 month ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 2 months ago



Any address without TRANSFERRER_ROLE can transfer esEXA tokens.


Only addresses with TRANSFERRER_ROLE can transfer esEXA tokens but ANY address can transfer esEXA to another using a combination of esEXA::vest, sablier::transferFrom and esEXA::cancel because when vesting the EscrowedEXA.sol contract creates a sablier token stream with transaferable=true property by default.

Vulnerability Detail

When a user vests esEXA tokens a sablier token stream is automatically created with the transferable=true property. If the user cancel right after initiating the vesting, the esEXA tokens are then transferred to the intended recipient. However, due to the stream's transferable nature, the recipient of the stream can be altered. Consequently, this new recipient can receive the esEXA tokens upon cancellation, thereby circumventing the controls established by the TRANSFERRER_ROLE.

Attack path

Mark can transfer esEXA to Sam doing

  1. Mark vest an amount of esEXA using esEXA::Vest
  2. Mark just after vesting transfer the token stream to Sam using sablier::transferFrom
  3. Sam now calls esEXA::cancel and get the esEXA token.

Proof of Concept

Paste this POC to EscrowedEXA.t.sol

add import:

import "forge-std/console2.sol";

  function testTransferEsEXAWithoutTransferRole() external {
    uint256 amount = 1_000 ether;
    uint256 ratio = esEXA.reserveRatio();
    uint256 reserve = amount.mulWadDown(ratio);

    address sam = address(1001);
    address mark = address(1002);

    vm.label(sam, "sam");
    vm.label(mark, "mark");, sam);
    exa.transfer(sam, reserve);

    uint256[] memory streams = new uint256[](1);

    console2.log("EsEXA balance AFTER mark: %d , sam: %d", esEXA.balanceOf(mark), esEXA.balanceOf(sam));
    assertTrue(!esEXA.hasRole(esEXA.TRANSFERRER_ROLE(), mark));
    assertTrue(!esEXA.hasRole(esEXA.TRANSFERRER_ROLE(), sam));
    assertEq(esEXA.balanceOf(sam), amount);
    assertEq(esEXA.balanceOf(mark), 0);

    exa.approve(address(esEXA), reserve);
    // mark will vest amount of esEXA
    streams[0] = esEXA.vest(uint128(amount), sam, ratio, esEXA.vestingPeriod());
    // Since the stream is set transferable when created and it is a NFT can be transfered to another person(mark).
                abi.encodeWithSignature("transferFrom(address,address,uint256)", sam, mark, streams[0])


    // mark cancel the stream and get the esEXA. 

    console2.log("EsEXA balance BEFORE mark: %d , sam: %d", esEXA.balanceOf(mark), esEXA.balanceOf(sam));

    assertTrue(!esEXA.hasRole(esEXA.TRANSFERRER_ROLE(), mark));
    assertTrue(!esEXA.hasRole(esEXA.TRANSFERRER_ROLE(), sam));
    assertEq(esEXA.balanceOf(sam), 0);
    // Mark got the esEXA from sam without having TRANSFERRER_ROLE using a combination of esEXA::vest, sablier::transferFrom and esEXA::cancel
    assertEq(esEXA.balanceOf(mark), amount);



TRANSFERRER_ROLE Access Control bypass break important assumptions that protocol contracts do as the exactly documentation says:

The esEXA tokens are only transferable for accounts with a TRANSFERER_ROLE, reserved for the protocol contracts to integrate smoothly. This design flaw could create security problems, operational problems or loss of funds to those protocol contracts that rely on the assumption that only accounts with TRANSFERRER_ROLE can transfer esEXA tokens

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Only addresses with TRANSFERRER_ROLE should create transaferable=true token stream and all others addresses should create non transferable stream.

itofarina commented 1 month ago

With the TRANSFERRER_ROLE we want to prevent an AMM pool and, consequentially, a secondary market price. This design successfully prevents this. As a side note, our current deployment uses Sablier v2.0, which doesn't allow making streams untransferable.

santipu03 commented 1 month ago

Agree with the sponsor, this issue is then low severity because it doesn't have any impact.