sherlock-audit / 2024-04-teller-finance-judging

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EgisSecurity - TellerV2.sol#_liquidateLoanFull() - Doesn't set the reputation mark correctly #171

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 4 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 4 months ago



TellerV2.sol#_liquidateLoanFull() - Doesn't set the reputation mark correctly


TellerV2.sol#_liquidateLoanFull() - Doesn't set the reputation mark correctly

Vulnerability Detail

The protocol implements borrower reputation, so that lenders can check if a borrower has ever been late/defaulted on one or more of his loans.

The only place where reputation is updated in inside _repayLoan. The function is called when a loan is being repaid (partially or fully).

The problem is when a loan gets liquidated, the bid.state is first set to LIQUIDATED and then inside _repayLoan we call updateAccountReputation.

updateAccountReputation uses _applyReputation to set add marks to a borrower who has been defaulted or was late for a payment, you can see that if isLoanDefaulted = true then a mark will be added.

function _applyReputation(address _account, uint256 _bidId)
        returns (RepMark mark_)
        mark_ = RepMark.Good;

        if (tellerV2.isLoanDefaulted(_bidId)) {
            mark_ = RepMark.Default;

            // Remove delinquent status
            _removeMark(_account, _bidId, RepMark.Delinquent);
        } else if (tellerV2.isPaymentLate(_bidId)) {
            mark_ = RepMark.Delinquent;

        // Mark status if not "Good"
        if (mark_ != RepMark.Good) {
            _addMark(_account, _bidId, mark_);

In the case of liquidations, a loan becomes liquidatable after it has become defaulted, so in theory, when a liquidation of a loan occurs, the borrower should incur a RepMark.Default, but because isLoanDefaulted is written in the following way, he won't.

function _isLoanDefaulted(uint256 _bidId, uint32 _additionalDelay)
        returns (bool)
        Bid storage bid = bids[_bidId];

        // Make sure loan cannot be liquidated if it is not active
        if (bid.state != BidState.ACCEPTED) return false;

        uint32 defaultDuration = bidDefaultDuration[_bidId];

        uint32 dueDate = calculateNextDueDate(_bidId);

            uint32(block.timestamp) >
            dueDate + defaultDuration + _additionalDelay;

As you can see if bid.state != ACCEPTED then then isLoanDefaulted == false, so no mark will be added, but that shouldn't be the case.


Because no mark is added to the borrower, his reputation won't be affected, so future potential lenders won't know that the borrower has defaulted on his loans before.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Add the following to _liquidateLoanFull

function _liquidateLoanFull(uint256 _bidId, address _recipient)
        acceptedLoan(_bidId, "liquidateLoan")
        require(isLoanLiquidateable(_bidId), "Loan must be liquidateable.");

        Bid storage bid = bids[_bidId];
// Loan is being liquidated, update borrower's mark
RepMark mark = reputationManager.updateAccountReputation(
        // change state here to prevent re-entrancy
        bid.state = BidState.LIQUIDATED;

        (uint256 owedPrincipal, , uint256 interest) = V2Calculations

        //this sets the state to 'repaid'
            Payment({ principal: owedPrincipal, interest: interest }),
            owedPrincipal + interest,


        collateralManager.liquidateCollateral(_bidId, _recipient);

        address liquidator = _msgSenderForMarket(bid.marketplaceId);

        emit LoanLiquidated(_bidId, liquidator);
nevillehuang commented 4 months ago

Invalid, seems like a direct contradiction to what was suggested here. If a defaulted loan has been liquidated or a loan has been closed then the borrower would restore his reputation, seems like design choice

Additionally, it affects only functions used within reputation manager contract that is not used anywhere else in the protocol.