sherlock-audit / 2024-04-teller-finance-judging

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pkqs90 - Users can bypass auction mechanism for `LenderCommitmentGroup_Smart` liquidation mechanism for loans that are close to end of loan #289

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 2 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 2 months ago



Users can bypass auction mechanism for LenderCommitmentGroup_Smart liquidation mechanism for loans that are close to end of loan


LenderCommitmentGroup_Smart has an auction mechanism for users to help liquidate default loans. The auction begins from 8x of amountOwed gradually decreasing to 0x. However, for loans that are close to end of loan, users can bypass this mechanism and pay only 1x of amountOwed to perform liquidation.

Vulnerability Detail

For loans that are close to end of loan, the calculated due date and default timestamp will not change upon a repay. See function getLoanDefaultTimestamp() which calls calculateNextDueDate(). If the calculated dueDate is larger than endOfLoan, the due date will return endOfLoan.

    function getLoanDefaultTimestamp(uint256 _bidId)
        returns (uint256)
        Bid storage bid = bids[_bidId];

        uint32 defaultDuration = _getBidDefaultDuration(_bidId);

        uint32 dueDate = calculateNextDueDate(_bidId);

        return dueDate + defaultDuration;

    function calculateNextDueDate(
        uint32 _acceptedTimestamp,
        uint32 _paymentCycle,
        uint32 _loanDuration,
        uint32 _lastRepaidTimestamp,
        PaymentCycleType _bidPaymentCycleType
    ) public view returns (uint32 dueDate_) {
        uint32 endOfLoan = _acceptedTimestamp + _loanDuration;
        //if we are in the last payment cycle, the next due date is the end of loan duration
>       if (dueDate_ > endOfLoan) {
>           dueDate_ = endOfLoan;
>       }

This means for a loan that is close to the end of loan, and is already default. The normal way to liquidate would be participating the auction using liquidateDefaultedLoanWithIncentive().

However, a user can first repay the collateral by TellerV2#repayLoanFullWithoutCollateralWithdraw and make the amountOwed equal to zero, then call liquidateDefaultedLoanWithIncentive() and pass _tokenAmountDifference == 0. Since the due date does not change upon a repay, the loan is still in default, and the user can successfully perform the liquidation.

If the user participated the auction, he would have to pay 8x the amount of tokens. However, by repaying in TellerV2, he only needs to pay 1x and can perform the liquidation.

    function liquidateDefaultedLoanWithIncentive(
        uint256 _bidId,
        int256 _tokenAmountDifference
    ) public bidIsActiveForGroup(_bidId) {
>       uint256 amountDue = getAmountOwedForBid(_bidId, false);

        uint256 loanDefaultedTimeStamp = ITellerV2(TELLER_V2)

>       int256 minAmountDifference = getMinimumAmountDifferenceToCloseDefaultedLoan(
>               amountDue,
>               loanDefaultedTimeStamp

            _tokenAmountDifference >= minAmountDifference,
            "Insufficient tokenAmountDifference"

        if (_tokenAmountDifference > 0) {
            //this is used when the collateral value is higher than the principal (rare)
            //the loan will be completely made whole and our contract gets extra funds too
            uint256 tokensToTakeFromSender = abs(_tokenAmountDifference);

                amountDue + tokensToTakeFromSender

            tokenDifferenceFromLiquidations += int256(tokensToTakeFromSender);

            totalPrincipalTokensRepaid += amountDue;
        } else {

            uint256 tokensToGiveToSender = abs(_tokenAmountDifference);

>           IERC20(principalToken).transferFrom(
                amountDue - tokensToGiveToSender

            tokenDifferenceFromLiquidations -= int256(tokensToGiveToSender);

            totalPrincipalTokensRepaid += amountDue;

        //this will give collateral to the caller
        ITellerV2(TELLER_V2).lenderCloseLoanWithRecipient(_bidId, msg.sender);


For loans that are close to end of loan, users can bypass auction mechanism and pay only 1x of amountOwed to perform liquidation.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual review


If a loan is already close to end of loan date, only allow the lender to repay.

ethereumdegen commented 2 months ago

Can you elaborate on why this is a problem and what the code fix should be ? perhaps with tests before and after? i dont understand. thanks .

Seems weird to say that them fully paying the loan is a problem.

ethereumdegen commented 2 months ago

Ok i think this actually may pose a problem. if the price of the collateral goes up super high, it could become a race to make these two calls . the issue is that ANYONE can repay the loan for 1x , not that the original borrower can .

We may need to a way to allow the lender group contract to 'close' defaulted loans (that are owed to it) in such a way as to prevent anyone repaying them and thus arbitrarily modifying the "getAmountDue" to mess with this liquidation calculation

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.