sherlock-audit / 2024-04-teller-finance-judging

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Potential Overflow Issue in `_getPriceFromSqrtX96` Function #302

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 2 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago

Potential Overflow Issue in _getPriceFromSqrtX96 Function

Low/Info issue submitted by Bauchibred


The _getPriceFromSqrtX96 function in the LenderCommitmentGroup_Smart.sol contract poses a potential overflow risk due to the multiplication of two uint256 values, which may exceed the maximum value allowed for the data type.

Vulnerability Detail

In the _getPriceFromSqrtX96 function, the line uint256 priceX96 = (uint256(_sqrtPriceX96) * uint256(_sqrtPriceX96)) / (2**96); performs a multiplication operation on two uint256 values, uint256(_sqrtPriceX96) and uint256(_sqrtPriceX96). This multiplication operation may result in an overflow if the input _sqrtPriceX96 value is greater than the maximum value that can be represented by a uint128.


If the input _sqrtPriceX96 value exceeds the maximum value representable by a uint128, the multiplication operation will result in an overflow, leading to incorrect computation of the priceX96 variable. This could potentially introduce inaccuracies or vulnerabilities in the pricing mechanism of the contract, affecting its overall functionality.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


To mitigate the risk of overflow, consider implementing appropriate overflow checks or using data types with higher capacity, such as uint256, for intermediate calculations. Additionally, ensure that input values are properly validated to prevent potential overflow scenarios.