sherlock-audit / 2024-04-titles-judging

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sammy - `Edition.sol::mintBatch()` will always revert for `tokenIds_.length` greater than 1 #206

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 4 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 4 months ago



Edition.sol::mintBatch() will always revert for tokenIds_.length greater than 1


The mintBatch() function is used to mint multiple tokens in one transaction. However, doing so will cause the function to revert.

Vulnerability Detail

The mintBatch() loops through the tokenIds_ array and calls the FEE_MANAGER.collectMintFee() function to collect the fee for each mint :

    function mintBatch(
        address to_,
        uint256[] calldata tokenIds_,
        uint256[] calldata amounts_,
        bytes calldata data_
    ) external payable {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < tokenIds_.length; i++) {
            Work storage work = works[tokenIds_[i]];

            // wake-disable-next-line reentrancy
            FEE_MANAGER.collectMintFee{value: msg.value}(
                this, tokenIds_[i], amounts_[i], msg.sender, address(0), work.strategy

            _checkTime(work.opensAt, work.closesAt);
            _updateSupply(work, amounts_[i]);

        _batchMint(to_, tokenIds_, amounts_, data_);

This logic is incorrect as in the first iteration of the loop, msg.value amount of wei is sent to the FEE_MANAGER contract. Subsequently, during the collectMintFee() function call, the FEE_MANAGER contract spends only the mint fee amount and keeps the rest of msg.value in the contract. Because of this, during the next iteration of the loop, the Edition.sol contract does not have enough balance to call the FEE_MANAGER.collectMintFee() with the same msg.value amount as in the first iteration. This will cause the transaction to revert.

Note that the value of msg.value remains constant in a single function call and the Edition.sol contract does not hold any balance before the mintBatch() function is called.


DOS/ loss of functionality/ unexpected revert

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Make the following changes in the function :

-            FEE_MANAGER.collectMintFee{value: msg.value}(
-                this, tokenIds_[i], amounts_[i], msg.sender, address(0), work.strategy
+            uint256 mintFee_ = FEE_MANAGER.getMintFee(work.strategy, amounts_[i]).amount;
+            FEE_MANAGER.collectMintFee{value: mintFee_}(
+                this, tokenIds_[i], amounts_[i], msg.sender, address(0), work.strategy  

Duplicate of #280

sammy-tm commented 4 months ago

Escalate This is a dup of #280 and is valid

sherlock-admin3 commented 4 months ago

Escalate This is a dup of #280 and is valid

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WangSecurity commented 4 months ago

Agree with the escalation, planning to accept and duplicate with #280

Evert0x commented 4 months ago

Result: Medium Duplicate of #280

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

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