sherlock-audit / 2024-04-titles-judging

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xiaoming90 - MAX_ROYALTY_BPS not used #271

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 2 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 3 months ago





The entire amount (100%) of the protocol fee can be routed to the referrers, breaking an important protocol invariant that only a maximum of 95% of the protocol fee can be routed to the referrers. This leads to a loss of assets to the protocol as the protocol will end up receiving nothing.

Vulnerability Detail

Per the comment on Lines 295-296 below, the mint referrer revenue share (mintReferrerRevshareBps) plus collection referrer revenue share (collectionReferrerRevshareBps) must not exceed MAX_ROYALTY_BPS (9500).

However, in Line 308 below, it was found that the implementation does not adhere to the requirement, and the mint referrer revenue share plus collection referrer revenue share cannot exceed MAX_BPS (10000) instead of MAX_ROYALTY_BPS (9500). As a result, the entire amount of the protocol fee can be routed to the referrers.

File: FeeManager.sol
291:     /// @notice Updates the protocol fees which are collected for various actions.
292:     /// @param protocolCreationFee_ The new protocol creation fee. This fee is collected when a new {Edition} is created. Cannot exceed {MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE}.
293:     /// @param protocolFlatFee_ The new protocol flat fee. This fee is collected on all mint transactions. Cannot exceed {MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE}.
294:     /// @param protocolFeeShareBps_ The new protocol fee share in basis points. Cannot exceed {MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE_BPS}.
295:     /// @param mintReferrerRevshareBps_ The new mint referrer revenue share in basis points. This plus the collection referrer share cannot exceed {MAX_ROYALTY_BPS}.
296:     /// @param collectionReferrerRevshareBps_ The new collection referrer revenue share in basis points. This plus the mint referrer share cannot exceed {MAX_ROYALTY_BPS}.
297:     /// @dev This function can only be called by the owner or an admin.
298:     function setProtocolFees(
299:         uint64 protocolCreationFee_,
300:         uint64 protocolFlatFee_,
301:         uint16 protocolFeeShareBps_,
302:         uint16 mintReferrerRevshareBps_,
303:         uint16 collectionReferrerRevshareBps_
304:     ) external onlyOwnerOrRoles(ADMIN_ROLE) {
305:         if (
306:             protocolCreationFee_ > MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE || protocolFlatFee_ > MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE
307:                 || protocolFeeShareBps_ > MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE_BPS
308:                 || (mintReferrerRevshareBps_ + collectionReferrerRevshareBps_) > MAX_BPS
309:         ) {
310:             revert InvalidFee();
311:         }
312:         protocolCreationFee = protocolCreationFee_;
313:         protocolFlatFee = protocolFlatFee_;
314:         protocolFeeshareBps = protocolFeeShareBps_;
315:         mintReferrerRevshareBps = mintReferrerRevshareBps_;
316:         collectionReferrerRevshareBps = collectionReferrerRevshareBps_;
317:     }


The entire amount (100%) of the protocol fee can be routed to the referrers, breaking an important protocol invariant that only a maximum of 95% of the protocol fee can be routed to the referrers. This leads to a loss of assets to the protocol as the protocol will end up receiving nothing.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider making the following changes:

function setProtocolFees(
    uint64 protocolCreationFee_,
    uint64 protocolFlatFee_,
    uint16 protocolFeeShareBps_,
    uint16 mintReferrerRevshareBps_,
    uint16 collectionReferrerRevshareBps_
) external onlyOwnerOrRoles(ADMIN_ROLE) {
    if (
        protocolCreationFee_ > MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE || protocolFlatFee_ > MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE
            || protocolFeeShareBps_ > MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE_BPS
-            || (mintReferrerRevshareBps_ + collectionReferrerRevshareBps_) > MAX_BPS
+            || (mintReferrerRevshareBps_ + collectionReferrerRevshareBps_) > MAX_ROYALTY_BPS
    ) {
        revert InvalidFee();
ccashwell commented 2 months ago

This function is called by a trusted admin. Invalid, won't fix.

pqseags commented 2 months ago

This is also more of a natspec issue: mintReferrerRevshareBps + collectionReferrerRevshareBps is correctly limited to MAX_BPS, which is what the comment shoulds say.