sherlock-audit / 2024-04-titles-judging

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zoyi - Transferring ownership does not fully transfer ownership #302

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 2 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 3 months ago



Transferring ownership does not fully transfer ownership


The old owner still receives minting proceeds even though the old owner has transferred the ownership.

Vulnerability Detail

As per the

Transfer full ownership of the work to a new address (`transferWork`). This is the only way to change the creator for a work.

A creator can call transferWork() to transfer full ownership to another address:

    function transferWork(address to_, uint256 tokenId_) external {
        Work storage work = works[tokenId_];
        if (msg.sender != work.creator) revert Unauthorized();
        work.creator = to_;
        emit WorkTransferred(address(this), tokenId_, to_);

The problem is, even if a creator transfers full ownership to another address, the old creator will still receive the minting funds.

Proof of Concept

Run this test in Edition.t.sol:

    function test_poc_transfer_work() public {
        // Prank as the creator and transferWork to `address(2)`
        edition.transferWork(address(2), 1);

        // Ensure that the creator is now `address(2)`
        assertEq(edition.creator(1), address(2));

        // Mint twice and check if the proceeds go to the old creator, `address(1)`{value: 0.0106 ether}(address(1), 1, 1, address(0), new bytes(0));{value: 0.0106 ether}(address(1), 1, 1, address(0), new bytes(0));

        // Assert two mints
        assertEq(edition.totalSupply(1), 2);

        // Assert that the old creator received the minting proceeds
        assertEq(address(1).balance, 0.02 ether);

This test will successfully run - the minting proceeds will go to the old creator even though the ownership has been fully transferred to a new address.


Loss of minting proceeds, which is significant. Imagine a big AI artist selling one of their works to a buyer. The big AI artist transfers ownership to the buyer but little does the buyer know the big AI artist will still be receiving newly minted proceeds.

Code Snippet


Tool used

Manual Review


Route the minting proceeds to the creator, not the old creator.

Duplicate of #283

bronzepickaxe commented 2 months ago


This is a dupe of

sherlock-admin3 commented 2 months ago


This is a dupe of

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WangSecurity commented 2 months ago

Agree with the escalation, planning to accept and duplicate with #283

WangSecurity commented 2 months ago

UPD: 283 is escalated and if it's invalid in the end, this escalation will be rejected cause it doesn't effect reward distribution.

Evert0x commented 2 months ago

Result: Medium Duplicate of #283

sherlock-admin4 commented 2 months ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

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