sherlock-audit / 2024-04-titles-judging

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zoyi - Creating editions can fail and creating routes can fail due to un-ordering of targets #303

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 2 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 3 months ago



Creating editions can fail and creating routes can fail due to un-ordering of targets


Due to an un-ordered array, TitlesCore.createEdition and FeeManager.createRoute() can fail.

Vulnerability Detail

During the TitlesCore.createEdition() execution flow, inside FeeManager.createRoute(), splitFactory.createSplit() is called:

    function createRoute(
        IEdition edition_,
        uint256 tokenId_,
        Target[] calldata attributions_,
        address referrer_
    ) external onlyOwnerOrRoles(ADMIN_ROLE) returns (Target memory receiver) {
        // ommitted code
         receiver = Target({
->              target: splitFactory.createSplit(
                        recipients: targets,
                        allocations: revshares,
                        totalAllocation: 1e6,
                        distributionIncentive: 0
        // ommitted code

If we take a look at splitFactory.createSplit(), we'll see that the passed accounts are required to be ordered. See this comment: SplitMain.sol#L250

*  @param accounts Ordered, unique list of addresses with ownership in the split

This check happens in the modifier validSplit(): SplitMain.sol#L184-L217

  modifier validSplit(
    address[] memory accounts,
    uint32[] memory percentAllocations,
    uint32 distributorFee
  ) {
    if (accounts.length < 2)
      revert InvalidSplit__TooFewAccounts(accounts.length);
    if (accounts.length != percentAllocations.length)
      revert InvalidSplit__AccountsAndAllocationsMismatch(
    // _getSum should overflow if any percentAllocation[i] < 0
    if (_getSum(percentAllocations) != PERCENTAGE_SCALE)
      revert InvalidSplit__InvalidAllocationsSum(_getSum(percentAllocations));
    unchecked {
      // overflow should be impossible in for-loop index
      // cache accounts length to save gas
      uint256 loopLength = accounts.length - 1;
      for (uint256 i = 0; i < loopLength; ++i) {
        // overflow should be impossible in array access math
->      if (accounts[i] >= accounts[i + 1])
          revert InvalidSplit__AccountsOutOfOrder(i);
        if (percentAllocations[i] == uint32(0))
          revert InvalidSplit__AllocationMustBePositive(i);
// overflow should be impossible in array access math with validated equal array lengths
      if (percentAllocations[loopLength] == uint32(0))
        revert InvalidSplit__AllocationMustBePositive(loopLength);
    if (distributorFee > MAX_DISTRIBUTOR_FEE)
      revert InvalidSplit__InvalidDistributorFee(distributorFee);

This means that the TitlesCore.createEdition() function and the FeeManager.createRoute() function will end up reverting with the error: InvalidSplit__AccountsOutOfOrder() if the accounts are not ordered.

The accounts passed to the splitFactory.createSplit() function get built inside the FeeManager._buildSharesAndTargets() function:

    function createRoute(
        IEdition edition_,
        uint256 tokenId_,
        Target[] calldata attributions_,
        address referrer_
    ) external onlyOwnerOrRoles(ADMIN_ROLE) returns (Target memory receiver) {
    // ommitted code
            (address[] memory targets, uint256[] memory revshares) = _buildSharesAndTargets(
                creator, attributions_, edition_.feeStrategy(tokenId_).revshareBps
    // ommitted code

    function _buildSharesAndTargets(
        Target memory creator,
        Target[] memory attributions,
        uint32 revshareBps
    ) internal pure returns (address[] memory targets, uint256[] memory shares) {
        uint32 attributionShares = uint32(attributions.length);
        uint32 attributionRevShare = revshareBps * 100 / attributionShares;
        uint32 creatorShare = 1e6 - (attributionRevShare * attributionShares);
        targets = new address[](attributionShares + 1);
        shares = new uint256[](attributionShares + 1);
        targets[0] =;
        shares[0] = creatorShare;
        for (uint8 i = 0; i < attributionShares; i++) {
            targets[i + 1] = attributions[i].target;
            shares[i + 1] = attributionRevShare;

As we can see, the first target will always be set to

        targets[0] =;

This means that, splitFactory.createSplit() will always fail if target[1..n] <, meaning people will not be able to TitlesCore.createEdition() depending on the attributions supplied and it will not be possible to FeeManager.createRoute() depending on the attributions supplied.

This is especially a problem because the first address of the target[] is always set to , which means it can not be swapped another index to keep the array in order.

Proof of Concept

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

interface ISplitFactory {
  function createSplit(
    address[] calldata accounts,
    uint32[] calldata percentAllocations,
    uint32 distributorFee,
    address controller
    returns (address split);

contract TitlesE2E is Test {
  address split_factory_address = 0x2ed6c4B5dA6378c7897AC67Ba9e43102Feb694EE;
  ISplitFactory splitFactory = ISplitFactory(split_factory_address);

  function setUp() public {
    // Create the fork
    // Input your RPC here

  function test_poc() public {
    // Sanity check
    // We took a legit transaction that was made on the ETH mainnet - this will pass

  // However, if we change the first address from:
  // 0x077AAC78a05F5a116Fde61Cd4eF3081c175315c2
  // To:
  // 0x177AAC78a05F5a116Fde61Cd4eF3081c175315c2
  // It will revert because:
  // 0x177AAC78a05F5a116Fde61Cd4eF3081c175315c2 > 0x133890338E33141727B2252Cc92F3081Ca212080


Running test_poc:

  [128169] TitlesE2E::test_poc()
    ├─ [110871] 0x2ed6c4B5dA6378c7897AC67Ba9e43102Feb694EE::createSplit([0x077AAC78a05F5a116Fde61Cd4eF3081c175315c2, 0x133890338E33141727B2252Cc92F3081Ca212080, 0x1BCaff43A8607B0416d9e71586498A16C3486F03, 0x29d489e1c200740D91FCe85614a0a13376eda87A, 0x46761f1D443531afc94080E9F93d7aAd7C75aE87, 0x644E6abb3F9e8754bD9E07159F4Ee7d5E3c5c4Ac, 0x6d62D8e11b342D4D1f3054dD4C9D9540FEA76B3A, 0x87C926b07162BE81eD2Af05E3307a7D4A3F0AdE1, 0x8ed3e58Fcf1F2169F7B39Fc1AA8d753719EC53A8, 0x94d94eF8422418Fc5e8abA0DB5900a3454D8029E, 0xa05a94773154de8c0eeD5FDF7d1889Efea02Dc9A, 0xA7EcBb281fB3fE21943928282cb4452279b4A65c, 0xb5C1a33bBC95cE8541aF2e9C407F3989F9DABdd0, 0xb74f97dA97609ed9A592a12a4641Ebc5CD602406, 0xc01B3424b81da02A3aB626a44Cfe67c2eb15d9dA, 0xDb9ae004be5B96125685756c75B177189D5B47a6, 0xe3525546721893AA484dda2b7139Ba71D751be5e], [21250 [2.125e4], 106250 [1.062e5], 21250 [2.125e4], 42500 [4.25e4], 21250 [2.125e4], 110500 [1.105e5], 21250 [2.125e4], 21250 [2.125e4], 21250 [2.125e4], 42500 [4.25e4], 21250 [2.125e4], 22250 [2.225e4], 314075 [3.14e5], 42500 [4.25e4], 128175 [1.281e5], 21250 [2.125e4], 21250 [2.125e4]], 0, 0xc01B3424b81da02A3aB626a44Cfe67c2eb15d9dA)
    │   ├─ [18637] → new <unknown>@0xB49Cb08874f59eef91Fa323F9250a51817B4014D
    │   │   └─ ← [Return] 93 bytes of code
    │   ├─ emit CreateSplit(param0: 0xB49Cb08874f59eef91Fa323F9250a51817B4014D)
    │   └─ ← [Return] 0xB49Cb08874f59eef91Fa323F9250a51817B4014D
    ├─ [0] VM::expectRevert(custom error f4844814:)
    │   └─ ← [Return]
    ├─ [5433] 0x2ed6c4B5dA6378c7897AC67Ba9e43102Feb694EE::createSplit([0x177aac78a05f5A116FDe61Cd4eF3081c175315C2, 0x133890338E33141727B2252Cc92F3081Ca212080, 0x1BCaff43A8607B0416d9e71586498A16C3486F03, 0x29d489e1c200740D91FCe85614a0a13376eda87A, 0x46761f1D443531afc94080E9F93d7aAd7C75aE87, 0x644E6abb3F9e8754bD9E07159F4Ee7d5E3c5c4Ac, 0x6d62D8e11b342D4D1f3054dD4C9D9540FEA76B3A, 0x87C926b07162BE81eD2Af05E3307a7D4A3F0AdE1, 0x8ed3e58Fcf1F2169F7B39Fc1AA8d753719EC53A8, 0x94d94eF8422418Fc5e8abA0DB5900a3454D8029E, 0xa05a94773154de8c0eeD5FDF7d1889Efea02Dc9A, 0xA7EcBb281fB3fE21943928282cb4452279b4A65c, 0xb5C1a33bBC95cE8541aF2e9C407F3989F9DABdd0, 0xb74f97dA97609ed9A592a12a4641Ebc5CD602406, 0xc01B3424b81da02A3aB626a44Cfe67c2eb15d9dA, 0xDb9ae004be5B96125685756c75B177189D5B47a6, 0xe3525546721893AA484dda2b7139Ba71D751be5e], [21250 [2.125e4], 106250 [1.062e5], 21250 [2.125e4], 42500 [4.25e4], 21250 [2.125e4], 110500 [1.105e5], 21250 [2.125e4], 21250 [2.125e4], 21250 [2.125e4], 42500 [4.25e4], 21250 [2.125e4], 22250 [2.225e4], 314075 [3.14e5], 42500 [4.25e4], 128175 [1.281e5], 21250 [2.125e4], 21250 [2.125e4]], 0, 0xc01B3424b81da02A3aB626a44Cfe67c2eb15d9dA)
    │   └─ ← [Revert]
    └─ ← [Stop]

First one succeeds - second one reverts because it's not ordered.


Editions and Routes will not be able to be created, breaking the core functionality of this project.

Code Snippet


Tool used

Manual Review


Order the addresses before passing them to createSplit().

pqseags commented 2 months ago

In splitsv2 (which we are using) they don't need to be ordered.