sherlock-audit / 2024-04-titles-judging

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BengalCatBalu - The work creator can manipulate FeeSize using front-running #306

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 2 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 3 months ago



The work creator can manipulate FeeSize using front-running


Work.creator has too much power over the distribution of its collection. By front-back running and changing timeFrame, it can eliminate unwanted mint transactions for its collection.

Vulnerability Detail

When creating a Work, the creator sets a specific timeFrame in which its collection can be minted. Also, only the creator can change the timeFrame using the Edition.sol::setTimeFrame function.

    function setTimeframe(uint256 tokenId, uint64 opensAt, uint64 closesAt) external {
        Work storage work = works[tokenId];
        if (msg.sender != work.creator) revert Unauthorised();

        // Update the open and close times for the work
        work.opensAt = opensAt;
        work.closesAt = closesAt;

        emit TimeframeUpdated(address(this), tokenId, opensAt, closesAt);

Any mint function (mint, mintBatch, mintWithComment), including promoMint which is only available to the Edition creator and Edition admin internally use the Edition.sol::issue function which checks that the mint hits at the specified time using the Edition.sol::_checkTime function

function _checkTime(uint64 start_, uint64 end_) internal view {
        if (block.timestamp < start_ || (end_ != 0 && block.timestamp > end_)) {
            revert NotOpen(start_, end_);

which will revert the entire transaction if block.timestamp doesn't fall within the timestamp.

Thus, work.creator, if he wants to deliberately disallow some mint transaction (for example, he doesn't want the edition admin to run promoMint, which doesn't bring mint commission to the collection creator, he, seeing the transaction in the mempool, can change the timeFrame to the appropriate conditions that will cause the mint to revert, and then immediately change the timeFrame to the initial value.


This bug directly limits the power of the admin and edition creator, making it less than that of the work creator, which can lead to misbehaviour

Rating: medium

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


You need to rethink the approach to work.creator power, several options