sherlock-audit / 2024-04-titles-judging

1 stars 1 forks source link

BengalCatBalu - DoS в mintBatch and promoMintFunction #377

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 2 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 2 months ago



DoS в mintBatch and promoMintFunction


The Edition.sol::mintButch and Edition.sol::promoMint functions mines nft to a large number of addresses. If this list includes the smart contract address of a malicious user, he may revert the entire transaction because the _mint function is subject to reentrancy. Thus, all other users will not receive their nfts either.

Vulnerability Detail

Edition uses the function Edition.sol::issue to mint nft to the user's address, which in turn calls _mint in the contract {ERC1155} from "solady/tokens/ERC1155.sol"

This _mint function has the following check at the very end:

if (_hasCode(to)) _checkOnERC1155Received(address(0), to, id, amount, data);

the _checkOnERC1155Received function passes control to the recipient address, if it is a malicious contract, it will simply reverse the entire transaction when it gets control.


In order to carry out the attack, the malicious contract needs to get on the recipient list.

Score: medium

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


It might be worth sending nft only to EOA addresses, or wrapping the call in try{}Catch{} so that failure in one call does not affect the others.