sherlock-audit / 2024-04-titles-judging

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Protcol fees not properly constrained #458

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 4 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 5 months ago

Protcol fees not properly constrained

Low/Info issue submitted by cducrest-brainbot


Due to rounding in FeeManager._buildSharesAndTargets() attributions could receive a revenue share lower than MIN_ROYALTY_BPS.

Incorrect limitation on mint and collection referrer RevshareBps could result in a revshare higher than MAX_ROYALTY_BPS.

Vulnerability Detail

The function to validate a strategy enforces that revshareBps is within [MIN_ROYALTY_BPS, MAX_ROYALTY_BPS]:

    function validateStrategy(Strategy calldata strategy_)
        returns (Strategy memory strategy)
        // Clamp the revshare to the range of [MIN_ROYALTY_BPS...MAX_ROYALTY_BPS]
        uint16 revshareBps = strategy_.revshareBps > MAX_ROYALTY_BPS
            ? MAX_ROYALTY_BPS
            : strategy_.revshareBps < MIN_ROYALTY_BPS ? MIN_ROYALTY_BPS : strategy_.revshareBps;

        // Clamp the royalty to the range of [0...MAX_ROYALTY_BPS]
        uint16 royaltyBps =
            strategy_.royaltyBps > MAX_ROYALTY_BPS ? MAX_ROYALTY_BPS : strategy_.royaltyBps;

        strategy = Strategy({
            asset: strategy_.asset == address(0) ? ETH_ADDRESS : strategy_.asset,
            mintFee: strategy_.mintFee,
            revshareBps: revshareBps,
            royaltyBps: royaltyBps

This value of strategy.revshareBps is used in createRoute() to set up the distribution of fees to attributions:

    function createRoute(
        IEdition edition_,
        uint256 tokenId_,
        Target[] calldata attributions_,
        address referrer_
    ) external onlyOwnerOrRoles(ADMIN_ROLE) returns (Target memory receiver) {
        Target memory creator = edition_.node(tokenId_).creator;

        if (attributions_.length == 0) {
            // No attributions, pay the creator directly
            receiver = creator;
        } else {
            // Distribute the fee among the creator and attributions
            (address[] memory targets, uint256[] memory revshares) = _buildSharesAndTargets(
                creator, attributions_, edition_.feeStrategy(tokenId_).revshareBps

            // Create the split. The protocol retains "ownership" to enable future use cases.
            receiver = Target({
                target: splitFactory.createSplit(
                        recipients: targets,
                        allocations: revshares,
                        totalAllocation: 1e6,
                        distributionIncentive: 0
                chainId: creator.chainId

        _feeReceivers[getRouteId(edition_, tokenId_)] = receiver;
        referrers[edition_] = referrer_;

The function _buildSharesAndTargets() rounds down the revenue share distributed to each attributions:

    function _buildSharesAndTargets(
        Target memory creator,
        Target[] memory attributions,
        uint32 revshareBps
    ) internal pure returns (address[] memory targets, uint256[] memory shares) {
        uint32 attributionShares = uint32(attributions.length);
        uint32 attributionRevShare = revshareBps * 100 / attributionShares;
        uint32 creatorShare = 1e6 - (attributionRevShare * attributionShares);  // @audit rounding => we could have lower attributionRevShare than min amount if 101 attributions for example

        // Build the targets and shares arrays using this layout:
        // - targets: [creator, ...attributions]
        // - shares: [creatorShare, ...attributionShares]
        targets = new address[](attributionShares + 1);
        shares = new uint256[](attributionShares + 1);

        targets[0] =;
        shares[0] = creatorShare;

        for (uint8 i = 0; i < attributionShares; i++) {
            targets[i + 1] = attributions[i].target;
            shares[i + 1] = attributionRevShare;

The total revshare distributed to attributions is floor(strategy.revshareBps * 100 / attributions.length) * attributions.length. If the minimum value for strategy.revshareBps = 250 is used and attributions.length = 101 then the total revshare is floor(250 * 100 / 101) * 100 = 247 which is below the MIN_ROYALTY_BPS = 250 value enforced in validateStrategy().

Similarly the function setProtocolFees() incorrectly constrains the mint and referrer revshare:

    /// @notice Updates the protocol fees which are collected for various actions.
    /// @param protocolCreationFee_ The new protocol creation fee. This fee is collected when a new {Edition} is created. Cannot exceed {MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE}.
    /// @param protocolFlatFee_ The new protocol flat fee. This fee is collected on all mint transactions. Cannot exceed {MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE}.
    /// @param protocolFeeShareBps_ The new protocol fee share in basis points. Cannot exceed {MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE_BPS}.
    /// @param mintReferrerRevshareBps_ The new mint referrer revenue share in basis points. This plus the collection referrer share cannot exceed {MAX_ROYALTY_BPS}.
    /// @param collectionReferrerRevshareBps_ The new collection referrer revenue share in basis points. This plus the mint referrer share cannot exceed {MAX_ROYALTY_BPS}.
    /// @dev This function can only be called by the owner or an admin.
    function setProtocolFees(
        uint64 protocolCreationFee_,
        uint64 protocolFlatFee_,
        uint16 protocolFeeShareBps_,
        uint16 mintReferrerRevshareBps_,
        uint16 collectionReferrerRevshareBps_
    ) external onlyOwnerOrRoles(ADMIN_ROLE) {
        if (
            protocolCreationFee_ > MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE || protocolFlatFee_ > MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE
                || protocolFeeShareBps_ > MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE_BPS
                || (mintReferrerRevshareBps_ + collectionReferrerRevshareBps_) > MAX_BPS  // @audit should be MAX_ROYALTY_BPS
        ) {
            revert InvalidFee();
        protocolCreationFee = protocolCreationFee_;
        protocolFlatFee = protocolFlatFee_;
        protocolFeeshareBps = protocolFeeShareBps_;
        mintReferrerRevshareBps = mintReferrerRevshareBps_;
        collectionReferrerRevshareBps = collectionReferrerRevshareBps_;

The comments state that mintReferrerRevshareBps_ plus collectionReferrerRevshareBps_ cannot exceed MAX_ROYALTY_BPS = 9_500 while the code enforces that it cannot exceed MAX_BPS = 10_000.


Fee values may be lower than expected lowest enforced amounts for attributions, and higher than highest expected amount for mint referrer or creation referrer fees.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Use MAX_ROYALTY_BPS instead of MAX_BPS in setProtocolFees() and enforce total revshare limits in _buildSharesAndTargets().