sherlock-audit / 2024-05-aleo-judging

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haxatron - The `fee_public` can be used to delete all the Aleo credits from user #6

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 1 week ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 weeks ago



The fee_public can be used to delete all the Aleo credits from user


The fee_public method can be used to delete all the Aleo credits from user

Vulnerability Detail

self.signer is equivalent to tx.origin, where the self.signer is the originator of the transaction.

This creates a huge risk when used in fee_public because a malicious Aleo program in the call flow can make an external call to fee_public in credits.aleo and set any fee amount to delete which can cause all the Aleo credits of the transaction originator to be deleted.

// The `fee_public` function charges the specified amount from the sender's account.
function fee_public:
    // Input the amount.
    input r0 as u64.public;
    // Input the priority fee amount.
    input r1 as u64.public;
    // Input the deployment or execution ID.
    input r2 as field.public;
    // Ensure the amount is nonzero.
    assert.neq r0 0u64;
    // Ensure the deployment or execution ID is nonzero.
    assert.neq r2 0field;
    // Add the fee and priority fee amounts.
    add r0 r1 into r3;
    // Decrement the balance of the sender publicly.
    async fee_public self.signer r3 into r4;
    // Output the finalize future.
    output r4 as credits.aleo/fee_public.future;

finalize fee_public:
    // Input the sender's address.
    input r0 as address.public;
    // Input the total fee amount.
    input r1 as u64.public;
    // Retrieve the balance of the sender.
    // If `account[r0]` does not exist, `fee_public` is reverted.
    get account[r0] into r2;
    // Decrements `account[r0]` by `r1`.
    // If `r2 - r1` underflows, `fee_public` is reverted.
    sub r2 r1 into r3;
    // Updates the balance of the sender.
    set r3 into account[r0];


All the Aleo credits from user can be deleted

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Not sure how this should be fixed.

Duplicate of #15