sherlock-audit / 2024-05-beefy-cowcentrated-liquidity-manager-judging

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no - The balancesOfPool() function has an internal calculation error. #75

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 3 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 3 months ago



The balancesOfPool() function has an internal calculation error.


The balancesOfPool() function has an internal calculation error.

Vulnerability Detail

 function balancesOfPool() public view returns (uint256 token0Bal, uint256 token1Bal, uint256 mainAmount0, uint256 mainAmount1, uint256 altAmount0, uint256 altAmount1) {
        uint160 sqrtPriceX96 = sqrtPrice();

        uint128 liquidity; 
        uint128 altLiquidity;
        uint256 owed0;
        uint256 owed1;
        uint256 altOwed0;
        uint256 altOwed1;
        if (positionMain.nftId != 0) (,,,,,,,liquidity,,,owed0, owed1) = INftPositionManager(nftManager).positions(positionMain.nftId);
        if (positionAlt.nftId != 0) (,,,,,,, altLiquidity,,,altOwed0, altOwed1) = INftPositionManager(nftManager).positions(positionAlt.nftId);

        (mainAmount0, mainAmount1) = LiquidityAmounts.getAmountsForLiquidity(

        (altAmount0, altAmount1) = LiquidityAmounts.getAmountsForLiquidity(

@>        mainAmount0 += owed0;
@>        mainAmount1 += owed1;

@>        altAmount0 += altOwed0;
@>        altAmount1 += altOwed1;

        token0Bal = mainAmount0 + altAmount0;
        token1Bal = mainAmount1 + altAmount1;

owed0 and owed1 are fee0 and fee1 that are not collected. But In velodrome, a pool does not pay trading fees but instead provide rewards in other tokens not included in the pool.
owed0 amount of lpToken0 and owed1 amount of lpToken1 will not be given to this contract StrategyPassiveManagerVelodrome. Therefore, it should not be considered as part of the value of the contract. Especially since the output token will be transferred out of the contract, rather than being converted into lpToken0 and lpToken1 and added to the liquidity pool.

function balances() public view returns (uint256 token0Bal, uint256 token1Bal) {
        (uint256 thisBal0, uint256 thisBal1) = balancesOfThis();
        (uint256 poolBal0, uint256 poolBal1,,,,) = balancesOfPool();

        uint256 total0 = thisBal0 + poolBal0;
        uint256 total1 = thisBal1 + poolBal1;

        // For token0 and token1 we return balance of this contract + balance of positions - feesUnharvested.
        return (total0, total1);

balances() calls balancesOfPool(). And other contracts such as (vault) use balances() as the basis for the entire value, leading to calculation errors.

function balances() public view returns (uint amount0, uint amount1) {
        (amount0, amount1) = IStrategyConcLiq(strategy).balances();


other contracts such as (vault) use balances() as the basis for the entire value, leading to calculation errors.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


-       mainAmount0 += owed0;
-       mainAmount1 += owed1;

-       altAmount0 += altOwed0;
-       altAmount1 += altOwed1;
sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

DHTNS commented:

Invalid -> token owed only increases if the position is not staked which is not the case with beefy