sherlock-audit / 2024-05-elfi-protocol-judging

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aman - `isHoldAmountAllowed` and `isSubAmountAllowed` wrong subtraction will result in DoS #255

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 2 weeks ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 2 weeks ago



isHoldAmountAllowed and isSubAmountAllowed wrong subtraction will result in DoS


The HoldStableToken function checks if the given amount can be held by adding (balance.amount + balance.unsettledAmount-balance.holdAmount) and isSubAmountAllowed checks if (balance.amount - balance.holdAmount) >= amount. However, it is possible that the holdAmount is greater than the amount.

Vulnerability Detail

In case of adding the HoldStableToken we add balance.amount and balance.unsettledAmount in isHoldAmountAllowed:

function isHoldAmountAllowed(
        TokenBalance memory balance,
        uint256 poolLiquidityLimit,
        uint256 amount
    ) internal pure returns (bool) {
        if (poolLiquidityLimit == 0) {
            return balance.amount + balance.unsettledAmount - balance.holdAmount >= amount;
        } else {
                CalUtils.mulRate(balance.amount + balance.unsettledAmount, poolLiquidityLimit) - balance.holdAmount >=

In case of subStableToken we check isSubAmountAllowed

function isSubAmountAllowed(Props storage self, address stableToken, uint256 amount) public view returns (bool) {
        TokenBalance storage balance = self.stableTokenBalances[stableToken];
        if (balance.amount < amount) {
            return false;
        uint256 poolLiquidityLimit = getPoolLiquidityLimit();
        if (poolLiquidityLimit == 0) {
            return balance.amount - balance.holdAmount >= amount; // @audit : this could revert due to overflow/undeflow if holdAmount > amount.
        } else {
            return CalUtils.mulRate(balance.amount - amount, poolLiquidityLimit) >= balance.holdAmount;

The following case could occur:

// assume here poolLiquidityLimit=0;
balance.amount = 10e18;
balance.unsettled = 10e18;
// while adding the hold amount 12e18 , balance.amount + balance.unsettledAmount - balance.holdAmount >= amount
10e18 + 10e18 - 0 >= 12e18 // it will return true so now holdAmount=12e18
//No rebalance occur the state of token balance is same
// now we want to subtract the amount from token balance  isSubAmountAllowed would be called to check that if amount can be deducted
//return balance.amount - balance.holdAmount >= amount;
10e18 - 12e18>= 5e18 // it will revert due to underFlow/OverFlow


The Will create DoS for subStableToken calls , subStableToken function is used in different use cases like redeeming token , PnL updates and Rebalance calls.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


add one more check inside isSubAmountAllowed as follows :

diff --git a/elfi-perp-contracts/contracts/storage/UsdPool.sol b/elfi-perp-contracts/contracts/storage/UsdPool.sol
index 93d8aca1..dba7d141 100644
--- a/elfi-perp-contracts/contracts/storage/UsdPool.sol
+++ b/elfi-perp-contracts/contracts/storage/UsdPool.sol
@@ -240,12 +240,12 @@ library UsdPool {

     function isSubAmountAllowed(Props storage self, address stableToken, uint256 amount) public view returns (bool) {
         TokenBalance storage balance = self.stableTokenBalances[stableToken];
-        if (balance.amount < amount) {
+        if (balance.amount < amount|| balance.amount <balance.holdAmount) {
             return false;
         uint256 poolLiquidityLimit = getPoolLiquidityLimit();
sherlock-admin2 commented 2 weeks ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: