sherlock-audit / 2024-05-elfi-protocol-judging

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mstpr-brainbot - Mismatching funding fees can result in the protocol incurring a deficit or insolvency risk #258

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 2 weeks ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 2 weeks ago



Mismatching funding fees can result in the protocol incurring a deficit or insolvency risk


When funding fees are calculated if it's high enough it can be capped for one side but the other side would not get the new adjusted funding fee. Result of it can end up for misplayed funding fees and even bad debt in some cases.

Vulnerability Detail

Assume there are: $150 totalLongOpenInterest $50 totalShortOpenInterest 10 seconds passed since the last interaction

Following the execution in MarketQueryProcess::getUpdateMarketFundingFeeRate() the following calculations will be done:

fundingRatePerSecond = 10^^-8

totalFundingFee = 150 10 10^^-8 = = 1.5 * 10^^-5

currentLongFundingFeePerQty = 1.5 * 10^^-5 / 150 = -10^^-7

shortFundingFeePerQtyDelta = 1.5 10^^-5 / 50 3 10 ^^-7 Assume the max cap is 2 10 ^^-7: We pick 210^-7 = 2*10^^-7

longFundingFeeRate = (-10^^-7 * 3600 / 10 )/ 10^^-5 = -3.6

shortFundingFeeRate = (210^^-7 3600 / 10) / 10^^-5 = 7.2

For short position that holds 50: realizedFundingFeeDelta = 50 210^^-7 = = 10^^-5

For long position that holds 150: realizedFundingFeeDelta = -150 10^^-7 =
= -1.5

As we can observe, longs pay 1.5 and shorts receive 1. There is a discrepancy of 0.5 in funding fees that are not paid to short users.

This discrepancy can lead to insolvency because of how the pool accounts for its total holdings. The pool's total value is calculated as the amount plus unsettledAmount, where unsettledAmount is essentially the accrued funding fees. If the long's 1.5 fee is accounted for as unsettled, the contract assumes this 1.5 will be paid back to shorts, so the protocol is always counting correctly in the long run. However, this assumption is incorrect because shorts will not receive the 1.5 funding fee; they will only receive 1 in our case. Therefore, the excess "0.5" accounted in the pool's total value is incorrect because it will never be returned by the other party.

Textual Proof of Concept: Assume the pool has 100 baseAmount and 10 unsettledFee, totaling 110 assets. Someone can open positions based on a value of 110, expecting that at the end of the day, when the unsettledFees are settled, 10 assets will be returned to the system. However, if the funding fee for the short party is capped, they will only receive 8 fees instead of 10. Consequently, the pool will incorrectly account for "2" assets.


Miscounting of pools total value. Positions that are opened will think there is enough funds but actually these fees will never returned by the other party, resulting a position opened without proper collateral. Hence, high.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


If the maximum is picked then adjust the counter party's funding fee accordingly. Always give out the same funding fees for both parties. If longs pays 10 then shorts should receive the 10 and vice versa

0xELFi02 commented 1 week ago

Not a issue: Mechanically, it is neutral in the long term, and the mechanism balances the impact of funding fee imbalances.

nevillehuang commented 6 days ago

@0xELFi02 What exactly is the design choice here that makes it neutral in the long term to balance funding fee imbalance? Since it was not noted in the READ.ME, I believe this issue could be valid

Same comments applies for issue #33, #102, #258