sherlock-audit / 2024-05-elfi-protocol-judging

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Salem - User Collateral Cap Check Issue #262

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 2 weeks ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 weeks ago



User Collateral Cap Check Issue


User Collateral can exceeds the cap andd deposit will still be processed

Vulnerability Detail

The check accountProps.getTokenAmount(token) > tradeTokenConfig.collateralUserCap is designed to ensure that a user's collateral does not exceed their specific cap. However, this validation occurs before the new deposit amount is added, thereby only verifying the current balance. Consequently, this can result in the user's collateral exceeding the cap once the deposit is processed.


this can result in the user's collateral exceeding the cap once the deposit is processed.

Code Snippet


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "../src/AssetsProcess.sol";
import "../src/mocks/MockERC20.sol";
import "../src/mocks/MockVault.sol";
import "../src/mocks/MockAccount.sol";
import "../src/mocks/MockAppTradeTokenConfig.sol";
import "../src/mocks/MockCommonData.sol";

contract AssetsProcessTest is Test {
    AssetsProcess assetsProcess;
    MockERC20 token;
    MockVault vault;
    MockAccount account;
    MockAppTradeTokenConfig appTradeTokenConfig;
    MockCommonData commonData;

    address user = address(0x123);

    function setUp() public {
        token = new MockERC20("Mock Token", "MTK", 18);
        vault = new MockVault();
        account = new MockAccount();
        appTradeTokenConfig = new MockAppTradeTokenConfig();
        commonData = new MockCommonData();

        assetsProcess = new AssetsProcess();

        // Set up initial balances and allowances, 1000 ether);
        token.approve(address(vault), 1000 ether);
        token.approve(address(assetsProcess), 1000 ether);

        // Set up mock configurations
        appTradeTokenConfig.setTradeTokenConfig(address(token), true, 500 ether, 100 ether);
        commonData.setTradeTokenCollateral(address(token), 0);

    function testUserCollateralCapCheckIssue() public {
        // Set initial user balance to 90 ether
        account.setTokenAmount(user, address(token), 90 ether);

        // Deposit 20 ether, which should exceed the user cap of 100 ether
        AssetsProcess.DepositParams memory params = AssetsProcess.DepositParams({
            account: user,
            token: address(token),
            amount: 20 ether,
            from: AssetsProcess.DepositFrom.MANUAL,
            isNativeToken: false

        // Expect the deposit to succeed despite exceeding the user cap

        // Check the final balance to confirm the vulnerability
        uint256 finalBalance = account.getTokenAmount(user, address(token));
        assertEq(finalBalance, 110 ether, "User collateral cap exceeded");

Tool used

Manual Review


Please find the updated check for the new deposit amount below:

uint256 newUserCollateralAmount = accountProps.getTokenAmount(token) + params.amount;
require(newUserCollateralAmount <= tradeTokenConfig.collateralUserCap, "CollateralUserCapOverflow");

This modification ensures that the user's total collateral, including the new deposit, does not exceed the predefined user cap.

salemthedeveloper commented 2 weeks ago

This issue has been labeled won't fix but it was just confirmed here too which is a duplicate of

olaoyesalem commented 2 weeks ago

@sherlock-admin2 @sherlock-admin3 @Shogoki @rcstanciu @rcstanciu

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 week ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: