sherlock-audit / 2024-05-elfi-protocol-judging

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mstpr-brainbot - Pool value does not consider the open funding fees #33

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 3 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 3 months ago



Pool value does not consider the open funding fees


The pool's value is not considering a vital component: the open funding fees. The pool value is used when calculating staking token mint/redeem shares, and since the funding fees are not accounted for, minting/redeeming of shares will not be accurate. Additionally, someone can exploit this by sandwiching a closing position, knowing that the funding fees will be realized when the position is closed, and take advantage of the previous pool value.

Vulnerability Detail

First, let's see how the pools value is calculated:

function getPoolIntValue(
        LpPool.Props storage pool,
        OracleProcess.OracleParam[] memory oracles
    ) public view returns (int256) {
        int256 value = 0;
       -> if (pool.baseTokenBalance.amount > 0 || pool.baseTokenBalance.unsettledAmount > 0) {
            int256 unPnl = getMarketUnPnl(pool.symbol, oracles, true, pool.baseToken, true);
            int256 baseTokenPrice = OracleProcess.getIntOraclePrices(oracles, pool.baseToken, true);
            value = CalUtils.tokenToUsdInt(
                (pool.baseTokenBalance.amount.toInt256() + pool.baseTokenBalance.unsettledAmount + unPnl),
        address[] memory stableTokens = pool.getStableTokens();
        if (stableTokens.length > 0) {
            // ignore here, assume no stable tokens exists in the pool
        return value;

Simply, considering there are no stable tokens in a pool the total value is: baseTokenBalance.amount + baseTokenBalance.unsettledAmount + marketPnL

Little bit more detail on the unsettledAmount: unsettledAmount is only accounted when a position is updated. For example when closing a position or increasing a positions margin. Also, it will change via funding fees. Since the previous actions changes the funding fee the unsettledAmount will also change.

When a position is closed the funding fees will accounted in unsettledAmount which previously it wasn't accounted as follows:

function decreasePosition(Position.Props storage position, DecreasePositionParams calldata params) external {
        int256 totalPnlInUsd = PositionQueryProcess.getPositionUnPnl(position, params.executePrice.toInt256(), false);
        Symbol.Props memory symbolProps = Symbol.load(params.symbol);
        AppConfig.SymbolConfig memory symbolConfig = AppConfig.getSymbolConfig(params.symbol);
        FeeProcess.updateBorrowingFee(position, symbolProps.stakeToken);
        -> FeeProcess.updateFundingFee(position);
function updateFundingFee(Position.Props storage position) public {
        -> MarketProcess.updateMarketFundingFee(
function updateMarketFundingFee(
        bytes32 symbol,
        int256 realizedFundingFeeDelta,
        bool isLong,
        bool needUpdateUnsettle,
        address marginToken
    ) external {
        Market.Props storage market = Market.load(symbol);
        if (needUpdateUnsettle) {
            Symbol.Props storage symbolProps = Symbol.load(symbol);
            LpPool.Props storage pool = LpPool.load(symbolProps.stakeToken);
            if (isLong) {
               -> pool.addUnsettleBaseToken(realizedFundingFeeDelta);
            } else {
                pool.addUnsettleStableToken(marginToken, realizedFundingFeeDelta);

So if there are some funding fees accrued in the life time of the position they are now added to the pools unsettledAmount which this amount is directly affecting the pools value.

If the closed position is "cross" unsettledAmount is not resetted as we can see here:

function decreasePosition(Position.Props storage position, DecreasePositionParams calldata params) external {
        // update funding fee
        -> MarketProcess.updateMarketFundingFee(
            -cache.settledFundingFee, // the negative of what's added
            !position.isCrossMargin, // since the position is cross this will be false and unsettledAmount will not be resetted!

Hence, the unsettledAmount is increased and pools value changed without any changes in stake token supply creating a discrepancy in the share calculation.

Share calculations for minting and redeeming is like ERC4626 just for a reference let's see how minting new shares are calculated:

uint256 baseMintAmountInUsd = CalUtils.tokenToUsd(
                OracleProcess.getLatestUsdUintPrice(pool.baseToken, true)
            mintStakeTokenAmount = totalSupply.mul(baseMintAmountInUsd).div(poolValue);

As we can observe, the increase on unsettledAmount will spike the pools value and share calculations will not be correct.

Coded PoC:

it("Pools entire value is not accounting the unsettled funding fees", async function () {
        const usdcAmount = precision.token(60_000, 6); // enough amount to open in desired qty
        // fund user0
        await deposit(fixture, {
            account: user0,
            token: usdc,
            amount: usdcAmount,

        // fund user1
        await deposit(fixture, {
            account: user1,
            token: usdc,
            amount: usdcAmount,

        const oracleBeginning = [
                token: wbtcAddr,
                targetToken: ethers.ZeroAddress,
                minPrice: precision.price(25_000),
                maxPrice: precision.price(25_000),
                token: usdcAddr,
                targetToken: ethers.ZeroAddress,
                minPrice: precision.price(99, 6),
                maxPrice: precision.price(99, 6),
        let poolInfoBeginning = await poolFacet.getPoolWithOracle(
        console.log("Pool value very beginning", poolInfoBeginning.poolValue);

        const orderMargin = precision.token(50_000); // 50k$
        const executionFee = precision.token(2, 15);
        // wbtc.connect(user0).approve(diamondAddr, orderMargin);
        const tx = await orderFacet.connect(user0).createOrderRequest(
                symbol: btcUsd,
                orderSide: OrderSide.LONG,
                posSide: PositionSide.INCREASE,
                orderType: OrderType.MARKET,
                stopType: StopType.NONE,
                isCrossMargin: true,
                marginToken: wbtcAddr,
                qty: 0,
                leverage: precision.rate(10),
                triggerPrice: 0,
                acceptablePrice: 0,
                executionFee: executionFee,
                placeTime: 0,
                orderMargin: orderMargin,
                isNativeToken: false,
                value: executionFee,

        await tx.wait();

        const requestId = await marketFacet.getLastUuid(ORDER_ID_KEY);

        const tokenPrice = precision.price(25000);
        const usdcPrice = precision.price(99, 6); // 0.99$
        const oracle = [
                token: wbtcAddr,
                targetToken: ethers.ZeroAddress,
                minPrice: tokenPrice,
                maxPrice: tokenPrice,
                token: usdcAddr,
                targetToken: ethers.ZeroAddress,
                minPrice: usdcPrice,
                maxPrice: usdcPrice,

        await orderFacet.connect(user3).executeOrder(requestId, oracle);

        const btcShortAm = precision.token(100); // only 100$, I want longs to pay shorts funding fee
        // user1 opens the short
        const tx2 = await orderFacet.connect(user1).createOrderRequest(
                symbol: btcUsd,
                orderSide: OrderSide.SHORT,
                posSide: PositionSide.INCREASE,
                orderType: OrderType.MARKET,
                stopType: StopType.NONE,
                isCrossMargin: true,
                marginToken: usdcAddr,
                qty: 0,
                leverage: precision.rate(5),
                triggerPrice: 0,
                acceptablePrice: 0,
                executionFee: executionFee,
                placeTime: 0,
                orderMargin: btcShortAm,
                isNativeToken: false,
                value: executionFee,

        await tx2.wait();

        const requestId2 = await marketFacet.getLastUuid(ORDER_ID_KEY);
        await orderFacet.connect(user3).executeOrder(requestId2, oracle);

        // assume price is 30k, user in profit pool in loss.
        const oracleNext = [
                token: wbtcAddr,
                targetToken: ethers.ZeroAddress,
                minPrice: precision.price(30_000),
                maxPrice: precision.price(30_000),
                token: usdcAddr,
                targetToken: ethers.ZeroAddress,
                minPrice: usdcPrice,
                maxPrice: usdcPrice,

        let poolInfoWithNextOracle = await poolFacet.getPoolWithOracle(

            "Pool value with next oracle",

        // close the position.
        const positionInfo = await positionFacet.getSinglePosition(

        // mimick funding fees
        await mine(1000, { interval: 300 });

        // funding fees accrued but did we catch it? no untill the position
        // is updated the unsettledAmount will not change however, everyone knows when a position
        // closes the unsettledAmount will immediately added and it will spike up the pools value!
        let poolInfoWithNextOrcleAfterFundingFees =
            await poolFacet.getPoolWithOracle(xBtc, oracleNext);
            "Pool value with next oracle after funding fees",

        const tx3 = await orderFacet.connect(user0).createOrderRequest(
                symbol: btcUsd,
                orderSide: OrderSide.SHORT,
                posSide: PositionSide.DECREASE,
                orderType: OrderType.MARKET,
                stopType: StopType.NONE,
                isCrossMargin: true,
                marginToken: wbtcAddr,
                qty: positionInfo.qty,
                leverage: precision.rate(10),
                triggerPrice: 0,
                acceptablePrice: 0,
                executionFee: executionFee,
                placeTime: 0,
                orderMargin: orderMargin,
                isNativeToken: false,
                value: executionFee,

        await tx3.wait();

        const requestId3 = await marketFacet.getLastUuid(ORDER_ID_KEY);
        await orderFacet.connect(user3).executeOrder(requestId3, oracleNext);

        let poolInfoFinal = await poolFacet.getPoolWithOracle(xBtc, oracleNext);

        console.log("Pool value final", poolInfoFinal.poolValue);
        console.log("Pool balances", poolInfoFinal.baseTokenBalance);

        // when the funding fees accrued the actual balance is higher!!!!

Test Logs: Pool value very beginning 2497000000000000000000000n Pool value with next oracle 2897900000000000000010000n Pool value with next oracle after funding fees 2897900000000000000010000n Pool value final 2910696155073654825000000n


Pools value will spike when positions are updated. This will create unfair minting/redeeming for shares.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Account the net funding fee market will have considering all users positions and add it to the pools value calculation.

0xELFi02 commented 3 months ago

Not a issue: Mechanistically, it is neutral in the long term, and the mechanism balances the impact of funding fee imbalances.

nevillehuang commented 3 months ago

@0xELFi02 What exactly is the design choice here that makes it neutral in the long term to balance funding fee imbalance? Since it was not noted in the READ.ME, I believe this issue could be valid

Same comments applies for issue #33, #102, #258

0xELFi commented 3 months ago

For the funding fee, we will use the pool as an intermediary for receiving and paying. The pool will bear the risk of timing differences in funding fee settlements. During a certain period, the pool may either profit or incur losses. Over a longer period, we believe that these fluctuations will remain within a certain range.