sherlock-audit / 2024-05-elfi-protocol-judging

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mstpr-brainbot - If stable tokens depeg, short funding fees will not be accounted properly #70

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 1 month ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago



If stable tokens depeg, short funding fees will not be accounted properly


Funding fees are calculated using a Masterchef-like per token approach. In long orders, the per token calculation uses the token denomination. However, in short orders, it uses the USD value instead of the token value. If the stable token depegs, either temporarily or indefinitely, the funding fees for short positions will not be accounted for correctly.

Vulnerability Detail

Short funding fee per qty is denominated in USD terms as we can observe in MarketQueryProcess::getUpdateMarketFundingFeeRate function as follows:

if (cache.totalLongOpenInterest > 0) {
            cache.currentLongFundingFeePerQty = cache.longPayShort
                ? cache.totalFundingFee.div(cache.totalLongOpenInterest)
                : _boundFundingFeePerQty(
                // USD to token conversion
            -> cache.longFundingFeePerQtyDelta = CalUtils
                    OracleProcess.getLatestUsdUintPrice(symbolProps.baseToken, true)
            cache.longFundingFeePerQtyDelta = cache.longPayShort
                ? cache.longFundingFeePerQtyDelta
                : -cache.longFundingFeePerQtyDelta;
        if (cache.totalShortOpenInterest > 0) {
            // does not converts to USD amount to any stable token 
            cache.shortFundingFeePerQtyDelta = cache.longPayShort
                ? -_boundFundingFeePerQty(
                : (cache.totalFundingFee.div(cache.totalShortOpenInterest)).toInt256();

Whenever user interacts with the protocol and update its position, the funding fees will be realized according to the latest per token and the users per token value until his latest interaction as we can observe in FeeProcess::updateFundingFee function:

function updateFundingFee(Position.Props storage position) public {
        -> int256 realizedFundingFeeDelta = CalUtils.mulIntSmallRate(
            (fundingFeePerQty - position.positionFee.openFundingFeePerQty)
        int256 realizedFundingFee;
        if (position.isLong) {
            realizedFundingFee = realizedFundingFeeDelta;
            position.positionFee.realizedFundingFee += realizedFundingFeeDelta;
            position.positionFee.realizedFundingFeeInUsd += CalUtils.tokenToUsdInt(
                OracleProcess.getLatestUsdPrice(position.marginToken, position.isLong)
        } else {
             // funding fee in form of USD so we convert it to token here for SHORT
            -> realizedFundingFee = CalUtils.usdToTokenInt(
                OracleProcess.getLatestUsdPrice(position.marginToken, position.isLong)
            -> position.positionFee.realizedFundingFee += realizedFundingFee;
            -> position.positionFee.realizedFundingFeeInUsd += realizedFundingFeeDelta;

Now, considering the above, let's do a scenario where things can go wrong. Assume Bob opens a short position and by the time he opened the position DAI value was 1$ and his per token value is "X".

After 2 months, DAI depegs to 0.9$ for a month. In this time period since the short funding fee rates are USD based it will only update the per qty delta in USD terms. If Bob would've close or update his position he would get an unfair advantage since for 2 months DAI was 1$ and now it is 0.8$ and when position is updated it will use the latest price which is 0.8$.

So if the value for this above is 100$

 int256 realizedFundingFeeDelta = CalUtils.mulIntSmallRate(
            (fundingFeePerQty - position.positionFee.openFundingFeePerQty)

His realizedFundingFee will be calculated as 100 / 0.8 = 125 DAI which would not be perfectly accurate because for 2 months it was 1:1 and now its 1:0.8.

realizedFundingFee = CalUtils.usdToTokenInt(
                OracleProcess.getLatestUsdPrice(position.marginToken, position.isLong)

Assume Bob didn't close the position and let it live for another month, during which the DAI peg was restored and it's back to $1. Now, assume Bob closes the position and realizedFundingFeeDelta is 105, which means realizedFundingFee is also 105. This wouldn't be correct either because, for a month, DAI was depegged and Bob kept his position. He should receive more DAI in settlement from funding fees for that time interval due to the depegged period.

Overall, if the stable tokens are not always 1$, funding fees will not be calculated correctly.


If stable tokens depegs funding fees will not accrue fairly. Also it seriously encourages shorters to close their position if they're funding fees are in profits and encourages shorters funding fees are in profit to stay. I'd say this is a mislogic in core function so labeling medium.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Acknowledge this or get the average token price for stable tokens and use it as the denomination for the per token value.

0xELFi commented 3 weeks ago

Our design dictates that the Pool will bear the funding fee and price fluctuations.

nevillehuang commented 2 weeks ago

What is the specific design here? Since there is no indication in the contest details that this is the intennded design I believe this issue is valid

0xELFi commented 2 weeks ago

For the funding fee, we will use the pool as an intermediary for receiving and paying. The pool will bear the risk of timing differences in funding fee settlements. During a certain period, the pool may either profit or incur losses. Over a longer period, we believe that these fluctuations will remain within a certain range. we assume the stablecoin's price to be $1 during calculations. The pool will bear the risk of fluctuations in the stablecoin's price.