sherlock-audit / 2024-05-elfi-protocol-judging

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nikhil840096 - The implementation of `payExecutionFee()` didn't take `EIP-150` into consideration. Keepers can steal additional execution fee from users. #95

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 5 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 5 months ago



The implementation of payExecutionFee() didn't take EIP-150 into consideration. Keepers can steal additional execution fee from users.


The implementation of processExecutionFee() didn't take EIP-150 into consideration. Keepers can steal additional execution fee from users

Vulnerability Detail

The issue arises on L18 of GasProcess.sol:processExecutionFee(), as it's an external function, callingprocessExecutionFee() is subject to EIP-150. Only 63/64 gas is passed to the GasProcess sub-contract(external library), and the remaning 1/64 gas is reserved in the caller contract which will be refunded to keeper after the execution of the whole transaction. But calculation of usedGas includes this portion of the cost as well.

A malicious keeper can exploit this issue to drain out all execution fee, regardless of the actual execution cost. Let's take executeMintStakeToken() operation as an example to show how it works:

executionFeeUserHasPaid = 200K Gwei
tx.gasprice = 1 Gwei
actualUsedGas = 100K

actualUsedGas is the gas cost since startGas(L76 of StakeFacet .sol) but before calling processExecutionFee()(L88 of StakeFacet.sol)

Let's say, the keeper sets tx.gaslimit to make

startGas = 164K

Then the calculation of usedGas , L18 of GasProcess.sol, would be

uint256 usedGas= cache.startGas- gasleft() = 164K - (164K - 100K) * 63 / 64 = 101K


executionFeeForKeeper = 101K * tx.gasprice = 101K * 1 Gwei = 101K Gwei
refundFeeForUser = 200K - 101K = 99K Gwei

As setting of tx.gaslimit doesn't affect the actual gas cost of the whole transaction, the excess gas will be refunded to msg.sender. Now, the keeper increases tx.gaslimit to make startGas = 6500K, the calculation of usedGas would be

uint256 usedGas= cache.startGas- gasleft() = 6500K - (6500K - 100K) * 63 / 64 = 200K


executionFeeForKeeper = 200K * tx.gasprice = 200K * 1 Gwei = 200K Gwei
refundFeeForUser = 200K - 200K = 0 Gwei

We can see the keeper successfully drain out all execution fee, the user gets nothing refunded.


Keepers can steal additional execution fee from users.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


    function processExecutionFee(PayExecutionFeeParams memory cache) external {
-        uint256 usedGas = cache.startGas - gasleft();
+       uint256 usedGas = cache.startGas - gasleft() * 64 / 63;
        uint256 executionFee = usedGas * tx.gasprice;
        uint256 refundFee;
        uint256 lossFee;
sherlock-admin2 commented 5 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.