Specify the contract gap size and consider the occupied slots. For example, if the gap size is set to 50, assuming that Contract A has already used 2 slots, then the gap size is 48. If Contract B has already used 3 slots, then the gap size should be 47
Inconsistent gap sizes in the contract
Low/Info issue submitted by shaflow01
The gap size in the contract is inconsistent, which is a style issue.
Vulnerability Detail
In DepositVault and mTBILL, the gap size is 50. But in the RedemptionVault contract, the gap size is 51
Inconsistent gap rules may cause trouble for subsequent upgrades
Code Snippet
github :https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2024-05-midas/blob/main/midas-contracts/contracts/RedemptionVault.sol#L40 github:https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2024-05-midas/blob/main/midas-contracts/contracts/DepositVault.sol#L60 github:https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2024-05-midas/blob/main/midas-contracts/contracts/mTBILL.sol#L23
Tool used
Manual Review
Specify the contract gap size and consider the occupied slots. For example, if the gap size is set to 50, assuming that Contract A has already used 2 slots, then the gap size is 48. If Contract B has already used 3 slots, then the gap size should be 47