sherlock-audit / 2024-05-pooltogether-judging

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elhaj - Unfair Manipulation of Winning Chances Due to Stolen Yield on `Blast` #114

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 3 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 3 months ago



Unfair Manipulation of Winning Chances Due to Stolen Yield on Blast


- The idea is that this yield is generated from all vault contributions. However, a malicious user can exploit this feature to their advantage. While this might be considered a missing feature (not benefiting from yield) in different protocol contexts, within the `PoolTogether` on [Blast]( scenario, it has a detrimental effect. The malicious user's ability to exploit the yield generation artificially inflates their vault's portion compared to other vaults. **This act will decrease other vaults portions consequently increases the malicious user vault portion, thus increase his chances of winning prizes and decrease others chances**.
- For the malicious user's vault, the increase in their contribution portion will lead to a higher `winning zone` thus more chances to win. Conversely, for other vaults, the decrease in their contribution portions will lead to a smaller  `winning zone` reducing their chances of winning. 

- This manipulation undermines the fairness of the prize distribution. Not only will the yield be stolen from all vaults contributions and not be spread to them proportionally, but it will also affect their winning chances by decreasing them. This gives the malicious user an unfair advantage by increasing their likelihood of winning at the expense of others.

### Scenario

**Normal Case**

- Let's say from draw 4 to draw 40, we have:
  - `vault1.contributionBetween = 100`
  - `vault2.contributionBetween = 100`
  - `totalContributionBetween = 200`
- To calculate their portions:
  - `v1.portion = 100 / 200 = 0.5`
  - `v2.portion = 100 / 200 = 0.5`

> Assuming the TWAB balance is 500 for both vaults and they both have 1 user for easy calculation(so users twab also 500) , and ignoring the odds scaling:
  - `winningZone(vault1[user]) = 500 * 0.5 = 250`
  - `winningZone(vault2[user]) = 500 * 0.5 = 250`

**Yield Stolen Case**

- Now let's assume that a malicious user continuously steals yield during this period (from draw 4 to draw 40) 
> `Notice` that the yield will be generated for all the PrizePool balance (probably more than 200 which totalContribution in this period):
  - When we get the contribution of `vault3` (malicious vault) for this period (from draw 4 to 40), we get:
    - `vault3.contribution = 50`

- Now let's recalculate the vaults' portions again:
  - `vault1.contributionBetween = 100`
  - `vault2.contributionBetween = 100`
  - `vault3.contributionBetween = 50`
  - `totalContributionBetween = 250`
- To calculate their portions:
  - `v1.portion = 100 / 250 = 0.4`
  - `v2.portion = 100 / 250 = 0.4`
  - `v3.portion = 50 / 250 = 0.2`

> Assuming the TWAB balance is 500 for all vaults:
  - `winningZone(vault1[user]) = 500 * 0.4 = 200`
  - `winningZone(vault2[user]) = 500 * 0.4 = 200`
  - `winningZone(vault3[maliciousUser) = 500 * 0.2 = 100`

- Notice how the malicious user now has a chance to win without any contribution from it's vault (only stolen yield), and how legitimate users vaults' chances have decreased.

## Impact
- Malicious actors can steal yield generated by the prize pool, inflating their vault's portion and unfairly increasing their win chances. This decreases legitimate players' portion and winning probabilities.
## Code Snippet
## Tool used
manual review
## Recommendation
- For `Blast`, configure the yield mode to `Claimable` in the constructor so it doesn't affect the `balanceOf()`. Expose a public function that claims this yield and contributes it to the `DONATOR` address. This way, the yield is not wasted, and all contributors benefit from it. Contributors will be incentivized to call this function since it increases the prize size.

 // import those :
 enum YieldMode {
interface IERC20Rebasing {
  function configure(YieldMode) external returns (uint256);
  function claim(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (uint256);
  function getClaimableAmount(address account) external view returns (uint256);

contract prizePool {

 constructor() {

   // you can check by address of by chainid if you are in blast : 
+  if (address(prizeToken) == 0x4300000000000000000000000000000000000004){
+        IERC20Rebasing(address(prizeToken)).configure(YieldMode.CLAIMABLE); //configure claimable yield for WETH
+    }
+  }

+ function claimYield() external returns (uint256){
+    IERC20Rebasing weth = IERC20Rebasing(address(prizeToken));
+    uint amount = weth.getClaimableAmount(address(this));
+     weth.claim(address(this),amount);
+     contributePrizeTokens(DONATOR, amount);
+  }
trmid commented 2 months ago

The blast docs here state that:

Smart contract accounts have three Yield Modes for their rebasing mode:

  • Void (DEFAULT): ETH balance never changes; no yield is earned
  • Automatic: native ETH balance rebases (increasing only)
  • Claimable: ETH balance never changes; yield accumulates separately

The docs say the default for EOAs is rebasing, but the default for the contracts like the prize pool will be void.

elhajin commented 2 months ago

@trmid that's not true that's the case for native ETH not WETH here a quote from docs in case of WETH:

Similar to ETH, WETH and USDB on Blast is also rebasing and follows the same yield mode configurations. However, unlike ETH where contracts have Disabled yield by default, WETH and USDB accounts have Automatic yield by default for both EOAs and smart contracts

nevillehuang commented 2 months ago

@elhajin You are right based on this link here. Seems like this is a valid issue.

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

10xhash commented 1 month ago

Fixed Now WETH is configured claimable and is donated

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.