sherlock-audit / 2024-05-pooltogether-judging

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berndartmueller - `DrawManager.canStartDraw` does not consider retried RNG requests when determining if a new draw auction can be started #129

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 5 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 5 months ago



DrawManager.canStartDraw does not consider retried RNG requests when determining if a new draw auction can be started


Inconsistent checks in the DrawManager.canStartDraw function, neglecting to consider retried RNG requests, might lead to wrongly assuming that a new draw auction cannot be started.

Vulnerability Detail

The DrawManager.canStartDraw function checks if the startDraw function can be called. However, the checks are not consistent with the startDraw function. Specifically, the check in line 289 to determine if the draw has expired is different than the auction duration check in the startDraw function in lines 250-251. The latter uses the last RNG request's closedAt timestamp to determine the elapsed auction time, to consider any retried failed RNG requests, while the former checks if the draw has expired, not considering retried RNG requests.

As a result, if for a given draw a RNG request has been retried, and thus the total elapsed time from the draw close until now (block.timestamp) might exceed the auction duration, off-chain actors calling the canStartDraw function might wrongly assume that the draw auction can not be started, even though such a call would succeed.


As canStartDraw is also called internally by the startDrawReward function and both functions are likely to be used by off-chain actors to determine if a new draw auction an be started, this might lead to wrongly assuming that a new draw auction cannot be started, even though it should be possible. As a result, the current draw might not get awarded.

Code Snippet


275: /// @notice Checks if the start draw can be called.
276: /// @return True if start draw can be called, false otherwise
277: function canStartDraw() public view returns (bool) {
278:   uint24 drawId = prizePool.getDrawIdToAward();
279:   uint48 drawClosesAt = prizePool.drawClosesAt(drawId);
280:   StartDrawAuction memory lastStartDrawAuction = getLastStartDrawAuction();
281:   return (
282:     (
283:       // if we're on a new draw
284:       drawId != lastStartDrawAuction.drawId ||
285:       // OR we're on the same draw, but the request has failed and we haven't retried too many times
286:       (rng.isRequestFailed(lastStartDrawAuction.rngRequestId) && _startDrawAuctions.length <= maxRetries)
287:     ) && // we haven't started it, or we have and the request has failed
288:     block.timestamp >= drawClosesAt && // the draw has closed
289: ❌  _computeElapsedTime(drawClosesAt, block.timestamp) <= auctionDuration // the draw hasn't expired
290:   );
291: }

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider using the last request's closedAt timestamp instead of drawClosesAt to determine if the auction has expired to consider failed RNG requests that have been retried by calling startDraw again.

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

10xhash commented 4 months ago

Fixed. Now the lastStartDrawAuction.closedAt is used incase there are failed requests

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.