sherlock-audit / 2024-05-pooltogether-judging

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hash - Vault beneficiary contribution may be shared to all in case of shutdown #145

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 1 month ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 1 month ago



Vault beneficiary contribution may be shared to all in case of shutdown


If the shutdown timestamp occurs in between a draw, then the draw manager's reserve donation will be shared across all user's instead of favoring vault beneficiary

Vulnerability Detail

When the lastObservationAt timestamp happens to not coincide with the draw end time stamp, the shutdownDrawId will coincide with the draw (lastAwardedDrawId + 1), in case the most recent draw is being awarded.And hence the finishReward call will also be made in the shutdownDrawId

Eg: draw length = 2 days period length = 1 day lastObservation occurs at day 5 which would be draw 3 and the finish draw function will be called for draw 2 in this draw (before lastObservation occurs ie. in the time range 4-5 day)

In such a scenario, the donation of the draw manager intended to the vault beneficiary will be shared to all user's instead


  function finishDraw(address _rewardRecipient) external returns (uint24) {


    uint256 remainingReserve = prizePool.reserve();

    emit DrawFinished(
      _computeElapsedTime(startDrawAuction.closedAt, block.timestamp),

    if (remainingReserve != 0 && vaultBeneficiary != address(0)) {
      _reward(address(this), remainingReserve);
      prizePool.withdrawRewards(address(prizePool), remainingReserve);
=>    prizePool.contributePrizeTokens(vaultBeneficiary, remainingReserve);


  function computeShutdownPortion(address _vault, address _account) public view returns (ShutdownPortion memory) {
    // @audit balances / contributions are only considered till shutdownDrawId - 1
=>  uint24 drawIdPriorToShutdown = getShutdownDrawId() - 1;
    uint24 startDrawIdInclusive = computeRangeStartDrawIdInclusive(drawIdPriorToShutdown, grandPrizePeriodDraws);

    (uint256 vaultContrib, uint256 totalContrib) = _getVaultShares(

    (uint256 _userTwab, uint256 _vaultTwabTotalSupply) = getVaultUserBalanceAndTotalSupplyTwab(


Rewards intended for vault beneficiary will be shared to all user's

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Sync the drawPeriod such that the lastObservationAt will always occur at a draw end

nevillehuang commented 1 month ago

Likely invalid per sponsor comments:

invalid as the vault beneficiary did not contribute any of that value to begin with and should only receive those contributions under normal operating conditions.

trmid commented 1 month ago

As mentioned in my previous comment, the vault beneficiary did not originally contribute that value and only receives the contribution as a reward for successful operations. It's not unreasonable for the value to go to the original contributors in the case of a shutdown.