sherlock-audit / 2024-05-pooltogether-judging

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hash - Can start draw will return incorrectly #159

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 1 month ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 1 month ago



Can start draw will return incorrectly


Can start draw will return incorrectly

Vulnerability Detail

The auction duration is checked with the drawClosesAt instead of the closing time of the previous auction. Also it is not checked if the block number one is querying is the same as the block number of the last draw auction. This causes the bots to not call the function even when it is callable and hence causes the draw to not be awarded


  function canStartDraw() public view returns (bool) {
    uint24 drawId = prizePool.getDrawIdToAward();
    uint48 drawClosesAt = prizePool.drawClosesAt(drawId);
    StartDrawAuction memory lastStartDrawAuction = getLastStartDrawAuction();
    return (
        // if we're on a new draw
        drawId != lastStartDrawAuction.drawId ||
        // OR we're on the same draw, but the request has failed and we haven't retried too many times
        (rng.isRequestFailed(lastStartDrawAuction.rngRequestId) && _startDrawAuctions.length <= maxRetries)
      ) && // we haven't started it, or we have and the request has failed
      block.timestamp >= drawClosesAt && // the draw has closed
=>    _computeElapsedTime(drawClosesAt, block.timestamp) <= auctionDuration // the draw hasn't expired


Bots relying on canStartDraw might not start the draw even when it is actually startable

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Use the close time of the previous auction instead of the close time of the draw

Duplicate of #129