different implementation of userInfos and userInfo.
Vulnerability Detail
As we can see here we are calculating userInfos as we are going through _users.length and poolInfo.length loops.
we are calculating userInfos[i][j][k] as our i is _userlength ,j is poolinfo_length and k is (0,4). as we can see that userInfo[i][j] follow i is
poolInfo.length and j is _userlength. we can see that there is difference between them ,this is not a wrong implementation but a confusion one.
wrong implementation of "getOptimizedUserInfo"
different implementation of userInfos and userInfo.
Vulnerability Detail
As we can see here we are calculating userInfos as we are going through _users.length and poolInfo.length loops. we are calculating userInfos[i][j][k] as our i is _userlength ,j is poolinfo_length and k is (0,4). as we can see that userInfo[i][j] follow i is poolInfo.length and j is _userlength. we can see that there is difference between them ,this is not a wrong implementation but a confusion one.
function getOptimizedUserInfo(address[] memory _users) external view returns (uint256[4][][] memory userInfos) { userInfos = new uint256[4][]; uint256 len = poolInfo.length; for(uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length;) { address _user = _users[i]; userInfos[i] = new uint256[4]; for(uint256 pid = 0; pid < len;) { UserInfo memory uinfo = userInfo[pid][_user]; userInfos[i][pid][0] = uinfo.amount; userInfos[i][pid][1] = uinfo.boostAmount; userInfos[i][pid][2] = uinfo.depositAmount; userInfos[i][pid][3] = _pendingPoints(pid, _user); unchecked { ++pid; } } unchecked { i++; } } }
different implementation behaviour between userinfo and userinfos.
Code Snippet
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Manual Review
function getOptimizedUserInfo(address[] memory _users) external view returns (uint256[4][][] memory userInfos) { userInfos = new uint256[4][]; uint256 len = _users.length; for(uint256 i = 0; i <poolInfo.length ;) {