The updatePool() and massUpdatePools() functions in the SophonFarming contract are responsible for updating reward calculations for each pool. These functions update the accPointsPerShare and lastRewardBlock variables, which are critical for accurate reward distribution. However, if these functions are called repeatedly in quick succession without proper reentrancy protection, it could lead to inconsistencies in the reward calculations.
Vulnerability Detail
If an attacker calls updatePool() or massUpdatePools() repeatedly in quick succession, the accPointsPerShare and lastRewardBlock variables may be updated multiple times within the same block. This can lead to incorrect reward calculations for users who interact with the contract during this period.
An attacker could potentially manipulate the timing of these calls to create a situation where the reward calculations are inconsistent, leading to incorrect reward distributions.
Users receive incorrect rewards due to temporary inconsistencies in the accPointsPerShare and lastRewardBlock variables.
An attacker could exploit these inconsistencies to manipulate reward distributions, potentially leading to financial losses for other users.
Code Snippet
contract SophonFarmingTest1 is Test {
string internal mnemonic = "test test test test test test test test test test test junk";
string internal envMnemonicKey = "MNEMONIC";
address internal deployer;
address internal account1 = address(0x1);
address internal account2 = address(0x2);
address internal account3 = address(0x3);
uint256 internal permitUserPK = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001;
SophonFarmingProxy public sophonFarmingProxy;
SophonFarming public sophonFarming;
address public implementation;
SophonFarmingHarness public harnessImplementation;
MockERC20 internal mock0;
MockERC20 internal mock1;
MockWETH internal weth;
MockStETH internal stETH;
MockWstETH internal wstETH;
MockERC20 internal eETH;
MockeETHLiquidityPool internal eETHLiquidityPool;
MockWeETH internal weETH;
MockERC20 internal dai;
MockSDAI internal sDAI;
uint256 internal wstETHAllocPoint;
uint256 internal sDAIAllocPoint;
uint256 internal pointsPerBlock;
uint256 internal startBlock;
uint256 internal boosterMultiplier;
uint256 maxUint = type(uint256).max;
error Unauthorized();
error OwnableUnauthorizedAccount(address account);
error InsufficientBalance();
// Helper functions
function StETHRate(uint256 amount) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return amount / 1001 * 1000;
function WstETHRate(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) {
return amount * wstETH.tokensPerStEth() / 1e18;
function eETHLPRate(uint256 amount) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return amount / 1001 * 1000;
function WeETHRate(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) {
return amount * weETH.tokensPereETH() / 1e18;
function getUserInfo(uint256 poolId, address user) internal view returns (SophonFarmingState.UserInfo memory) {
SophonFarmingState.UserInfo memory userInfo;
(userInfo.amount, userInfo.boostAmount, userInfo.depositAmount, userInfo.rewardSettled, userInfo.rewardDebt) =
sophonFarming.userInfo(poolId, user);
return userInfo;
// Setup
function setUp() public {
// string memory envMnemonic = vm.envString(envMnemonicKey);
// if (keccak256(abi.encode(envMnemonic)) != keccak256(abi.encode(""))) {
// mnemonic = envMnemonic;
// }
// deployer = vm.addr(vm.deriveKey(mnemonic, 0));
// Deal and start prank
//, 1000000e18);
// vm.startPrank(deployer);
// mock WETH
weth = new MockWETH();
// mock stETH
stETH = new MockStETH();
// mock wstETH
wstETH = new MockWstETH(stETH);
wstETHAllocPoint = 20000;
eETH = new MockERC20("Mock eETH Token", "MockeETH", 18);
eETHLiquidityPool = new MockeETHLiquidityPool(eETH);
weETH = new MockWeETH(eETH);
// mock DAI
dai = new MockERC20("Mock Dai Token", "MockDAI", 18);, 1000000e18);
// mock sDAI
sDAI = new MockSDAI(dai);
sDAIAllocPoint = 20000;
// Set up for SophonFarming
pointsPerBlock = 25e18;
startBlock = block.number;
boosterMultiplier = 2e18;
// Deploy implementation
implementation = address(
new SophonFarming(
// Deploy proxy
sophonFarmingProxy = new SophonFarmingProxy(implementation);
// Grant the implementation interface to the proxy
sophonFarming = SophonFarming(payable(address(implementation)));
// Initialize SophonFarming
sophonFarming.initialize(wstETHAllocPoint, sDAIAllocPoint, pointsPerBlock, startBlock, boosterMultiplier);
weth.approve(address(sophonFarming), maxUint);
stETH.approve(address(sophonFarming), maxUint);
wstETH.approve(address(sophonFarming), maxUint);
dai.approve(address(sophonFarming), maxUint);
sDAI.approve(address(sophonFarming), maxUint);
stETH.approve(address(wstETH), maxUint);
dai.approve(address(sDAI), maxUint);
// Mint some tokens
weth.deposit{value: 0.01e18}();
stETH.submit{value: 0.02e18}(address(sophonFarming));
// wstETH.wrap(stETH.balanceOf(deployer) / 2);
//, 1000e18);
// sDAI.deposit(dai.balanceOf(deployer) / 2, deployer);
sophonFarming.setEndBlock(maxUint - 1000, 1000);
// Deploy harness implementation
harnessImplementation = new SophonFarmingHarness(
harnessImplementation.setEndBlock(maxUint - 1000, 1000);
function testFuzz_DepositWeth_Boosted1(uint256 amountToDeposit, uint256 boostFraction) public {
vm.assume(amountToDeposit > 1e6 && amountToDeposit <= 1_000_000_000e18);
vm.assume(boostFraction > 0 && boostFraction <= 10);
uint256 wsthDepositedAmount = WstETHRate(StETHRate(amountToDeposit));
uint256 amountToBoost = amountToDeposit / boostFraction;
uint256 boostAmount = amountToBoost * wsthDepositedAmount / amountToDeposit;
uint256 finalBoostAmount = boostAmount * sophonFarming.boosterMultiplier() / 1e18;
uint256 poolId = sophonFarming.typeToId(SophonFarmingState.PredefinedPool.wstETH);
vm.startPrank(account1);, amountToDeposit);
weth.deposit{value: amountToDeposit}();
assertEq(weth.balanceOf(account1), amountToDeposit);
weth.approve(address(sophonFarming), amountToDeposit);
sophonFarming.depositWeth(amountToDeposit, amountToBoost, SophonFarmingState.PredefinedPool.wstETH);
assertEq(weth.balanceOf(account1), 0);
SophonFarmingState.UserInfo memory userInfo;
(userInfo.amount, userInfo.boostAmount, userInfo.depositAmount, userInfo.rewardSettled, userInfo.rewardDebt) =
sophonFarming.userInfo(poolId, account1);
assertEq(userInfo.amount, wsthDepositedAmount - boostAmount + finalBoostAmount);
assertEq(userInfo.boostAmount, finalBoostAmount);
assertEq(userInfo.depositAmount, wsthDepositedAmount - boostAmount);
assertEq(userInfo.rewardSettled, 0);
assertEq(userInfo.rewardDebt, 0);
function test_UpdatePool_Scenario2(uint256 amountToDeposit, uint256 boostFraction) public {
// Initial Deposit
testFuzz_DepositWeth_Boosted1(amountToDeposit, boostFraction);
// Initial State
uint256 poolId = sophonFarming.typeToId(SophonFarmingState.PredefinedPool.wstETH);
// Roll to block 100 and update pool
// Set initial state directly
SophonFarmingState.PoolInfo memory poolInfo = sophonFarming.getPoolInfo()[poolId];
poolInfo.lastRewardBlock = 100;
poolInfo.accPointsPerShare = 10;
uint256 lpSupply = 1000e18; // Assume some LP supply
uint256 pointsPerBlocks = 25e18;
uint256 allocPoint = poolInfo.allocPoint;
// First Call to updatePool()
poolInfo = sophonFarming.getPoolInfo()[poolId];
uint256 blockMultiplier = 101 - 100;
uint256 pointReward = blockMultiplier * pointsPerBlocks * allocPoint / sophonFarming.totalAllocPoint();
uint256 expectedAccPointsPerShare = 10 + (pointReward * 1e18 / lpSupply);
assertEq(poolInfo.accPointsPerShare, expectedAccPointsPerShare);
assertEq(poolInfo.lastRewardBlock, 101);
// Second Call to updatePool() within the same block
poolInfo = sophonFarming.getPoolInfo()[poolId];
blockMultiplier = 101 - 101;
pointReward = blockMultiplier * pointsPerBlocks * allocPoint / sophonFarming.totalAllocPoint();
expectedAccPointsPerShare = expectedAccPointsPerShare; // No change expected
assertEq(poolInfo.accPointsPerShare, expectedAccPointsPerShare);
assertEq(poolInfo.lastRewardBlock, 101);
// Third Call to updatePool() in the next block
poolInfo = sophonFarming.getPoolInfo()[poolId];
blockMultiplier = 102 - 101;
pointReward = blockMultiplier * pointsPerBlocks * allocPoint / sophonFarming.totalAllocPoint();
expectedAccPointsPerShare = expectedAccPointsPerShare + (pointReward * 1e18 / lpSupply);
assertEq(poolInfo.accPointsPerShare, expectedAccPointsPerShare);
assertEq(poolInfo.lastRewardBlock, 102);
Tool used
Manual Review
Use OpenZeppelin's ReentrancyGuard to prevent reentrant calls to updatePool() and massUpdatePools().
Reentrant calls to updatePool() and massUpdatePools()
The updatePool() and massUpdatePools() functions in the SophonFarming contract are responsible for updating reward calculations for each pool. These functions update the accPointsPerShare and lastRewardBlock variables, which are critical for accurate reward distribution. However, if these functions are called repeatedly in quick succession without proper reentrancy protection, it could lead to inconsistencies in the reward calculations.
Vulnerability Detail
If an attacker calls updatePool() or massUpdatePools() repeatedly in quick succession, the accPointsPerShare and lastRewardBlock variables may be updated multiple times within the same block. This can lead to incorrect reward calculations for users who interact with the contract during this period.
An attacker could potentially manipulate the timing of these calls to create a situation where the reward calculations are inconsistent, leading to incorrect reward distributions.
Users receive incorrect rewards due to temporary inconsistencies in the accPointsPerShare and lastRewardBlock variables.
An attacker could exploit these inconsistencies to manipulate reward distributions, potentially leading to financial losses for other users.
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
Use OpenZeppelin's ReentrancyGuard to prevent reentrant calls to updatePool() and massUpdatePools().