sherlock-audit / 2024-06-magicsea-judging

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PUSH0 - Wrong call order for `setTopPoolIdsWithWeights`, resulting in wrong distribution of rewards #107

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 3 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 3 months ago



Wrong call order for setTopPoolIdsWithWeights, resulting in wrong distribution of rewards


Per the Sherlock rules:

If the protocol team provides specific information in the README or CODE COMMENTS, that information stands above all judging rules.

The Masterchef contract allows people to stake an admin-selected token in farms to earn LUM rewards. Each two weeks, MLUM stakers can vote on their favorite pools, and the top pools will earn LUM emissions according to the votes. Admin has to call setTopPoolIdsWithWeights to set those votes and weights to set the reward emission for the next two weeks.

Per the documented call order for setTopPoolIdsWithWeights:

* @dev Set farm pools with their weight;
* Caller is responsible to updateAll oldPids on masterChef before using this function
* and also call updateAll for the new pids after.
* @param pids - list of pids
* @param weights - list of weights

We show that this call order is wrong, and will result in wrong rewards distribution.

Vulnerability Detail

There is a global parameter lumPerSecond, set by the admin. Whenever updateAll is called for a set of pools:

Now, the function updateAll does the following:

Per the code comments, the admin is responsible for calling updateAll() on the old pools before calling setTopPoolIdsWithWeights() for the new pools, and then calling updateAll() on the new pools.

We claim that, using this call order, a pool will be wrongly updated if it's within the set newPid but not in oldPid, and the functions are called with this order. Take this example.


Let LUM per second = 1. We assume all farms were created and registered at time 0:

The end result is that, at time 2000:

Where the correct result should be:

In total, 3000 LUM has been distributed from timestamps 1000 to 2000, despite the emission rate should be 1 LUM per second. In fact, LUM has been wrongly distributed since timestamp 1000, as both pool A and B never made it into the top pools but still immediately accrued 500 LUM each.

This is because if a pool is included in an updateAll call after its weight has been set, its last updated timestamp is still in the past. Therefore when updateAll is called, the new weights are applied across the entire interval since it was last updated (i.e. a far point in the past).

Coded PoC

We provide a coded PoC to prove the impact of timestamp 1000. We add two farms A and B. LUM per second is set to 1000 wei per second. We also have a single staker Alice depositing into farm A.

We have two tests to compare the results:

We output the pending rewards of Alice for comparison.

First, change the function mint() of contract MockERC20 to be the following:

function mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) external returns (uint256) {
    _mint(_to, _amount);
    return _amount;

Then, create a new test file MasterChefTest.t.sol:

forge test --match-test testSetPoolWeights -vv ```solidity // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.20; import "forge-std/Test.sol"; import "openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/access/OwnableUpgradeable.sol"; import {SafeERC20, IERC20} from "openzeppelin/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol"; import "../src/transparent/TransparentUpgradeableProxy2Step.sol"; import "openzeppelin/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol"; import "openzeppelin/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol"; import {ERC20Mock} from "./mocks/ERC20.sol"; import {MasterChef} from "../src/MasterChefV2.sol"; import {MlumStaking} from "../src/MlumStaking.sol"; import "../src/Voter.sol"; import "../src/rewarders/BaseRewarder.sol"; import "../src/rewarders/MasterChefRewarder.sol"; import "../src/rewarders/RewarderFactory.sol"; import {IVoter} from "../src/interfaces/IVoter.sol"; import {ILum} from "../src/interfaces/ILum.sol"; import {IRewarderFactory} from "../src/interfaces/IRewarderFactory.sol"; contract MasterChefV2Test is Test { address payable immutable DEV = payable(makeAddr("dev")); address payable immutable ALICE = payable(makeAddr("alice")); address payable immutable BOB = payable(makeAddr("bob")); Voter private _voter; MlumStaking private _pool; MasterChef private _masterChefV2; ERC20Mock private farmA; ERC20Mock private farmB; ERC20Mock private farmC; MasterChefRewarder rewarderPoolA; MasterChefRewarder rewarderPoolB; MasterChefRewarder rewarderPoolC; RewarderFactory factory; ERC20Mock private _stakingToken; ERC20Mock private _rewardToken; ERC20Mock private _lumToken; uint256[] pIds; uint256[] weights; function setUp() public { vm.prank(DEV); _stakingToken = new ERC20Mock("MagicLum", "MLUM", 18); vm.prank(DEV); _rewardToken = new ERC20Mock("USDT", "USDT", 6); vm.prank(DEV); address poolImpl = address(new MlumStaking(_stakingToken, _rewardToken)); _pool = MlumStaking( address( new TransparentUpgradeableProxy2Step( poolImpl, ProxyAdmin2Step(address(1)), abi.encodeWithSelector(MlumStaking.initialize.selector, DEV) ) ) ); address factoryImpl = address(new RewarderFactory()); factory = RewarderFactory( address( new TransparentUpgradeableProxy2Step( factoryImpl, ProxyAdmin2Step(address(1)), abi.encodeWithSelector( RewarderFactory.initialize.selector, address(this), new uint8[](0), new address[](0) ) ) ) ); vm.prank(DEV); _lumToken = new ERC20Mock("Lum", "LUM", 18); farmA = new ERC20Mock("Farm A", "FARM A", 18); farmB = new ERC20Mock("Farm B", "FARM B", 18); farmC = new ERC20Mock("Farm C", "FARM C", 18); vm.prank(DEV); address masterChefImp = address(new MasterChef(ILum(address(_lumToken)), _voter, factory,DEV,1)); _masterChefV2 = MasterChef( address( new TransparentUpgradeableProxy2Step( masterChefImp, ProxyAdmin2Step(address(1)), abi.encodeWithSelector(MasterChef.initialize.selector, DEV,DEV) ) ) ); vm.prank(DEV); _masterChefV2.setLumPerSecond(1000); vm.prank(DEV); _masterChefV2.setMintLum(true); //add 3 farms vm.prank(DEV); _masterChefV2.add(farmA,IMasterChefRewarder(address(0))); vm.prank(DEV); _masterChefV2.add(farmB,IMasterChefRewarder(address(0))); vm.prank(DEV); _masterChefV2.add(farmC,IMasterChefRewarder(address(0))); vm.prank(DEV); address voterImpl = address(new Voter(_masterChefV2, _pool, factory)); _voter = Voter( address( new TransparentUpgradeableProxy2Step( voterImpl, ProxyAdmin2Step(address(1)), abi.encodeWithSelector(Voter.initialize.selector, DEV) ) ) ); vm.prank(DEV); _voter.updateMinimumLockTime(2 weeks); vm.prank(DEV); factory.setRewarderImplementation( IRewarderFactory.RewarderType.MasterChefRewarder, IRewarder(address(new MasterChefRewarder(address(_masterChefV2)))) ); vm.prank(DEV); _masterChefV2.setVoter(_voter); } //SetPoolWeightsTest Correct function testSetPoolWeightsCorrect() public { pIds.push(0); pIds.push(1); weights.push(500); weights.push(500);, 2 ether); vm.prank(ALICE); farmA.approve(address(_masterChefV2), 1 ether); vm.prank(ALICE); _masterChefV2.deposit(0, 1 ether); skip(1000); vm.prank(DEV); _masterChefV2.updateAll(pIds); vm.prank(DEV); _voter.setTopPoolIdsWithWeights(pIds,weights); (uint256[] memory lumRewards,IERC20[] memory tokens,uint256[] memory extraRewards) = _masterChefV2.getPendingRewards(ALICE, pIds); console.log("Alice rewards correct:"); console.log(lumRewards[0]); } //SetPoolWeightsTest Wrong function testSetPoolWeightsWrong() public { pIds.push(0); pIds.push(1); weights.push(500); weights.push(500);, 2 ether); vm.prank(ALICE); farmA.approve(address(_masterChefV2), 1 ether); vm.prank(ALICE); _masterChefV2.deposit(0, 1 ether); skip(1000); vm.prank(DEV); _voter.setTopPoolIdsWithWeights(pIds,weights); vm.prank(DEV); _masterChefV2.updateAll(pIds); (uint256[] memory lumRewards,IERC20[] memory tokens,uint256[] memory extraRewards) = _masterChefV2.getPendingRewards(ALICE, pIds); console.log("Alice rewards wrong:"); console.log(lumRewards[0]); } } ```

And the results are:

Ran 2 tests for test/MasterChefTest.t.sol:MasterChefV2Test
[PASS] testSetPoolWeightsCorrect() (gas: 506430)
  Alice rewards correct:

[PASS] testSetPoolWeightsWrong() (gas: 589539)
  Alice rewards wrong:

Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 2.54ms (559.21µs CPU time)

As shown, in the "correct" test, Alice has not accrued any rewards right after the new weights are set. However, in the "wrong" test, Alice accrues 499999 reward units right after setting.


Pools that have just made it into the top pools will have already accrued rewards for time intervals it wasn't in the top pools. Rewards are thus severely inflated.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


All of the pools (oldPids and newPids) should be updated, only then weights should be applied.

In other words, the correct call order should be:

Additionally, we think it might be better that setTopPoolIdsWithWeights itself should just call updateAll for all (old and new) pools before updating the pool weights, or at least validate that their last updated timestamp is sufficiently fresh.

0xSmartContract commented 3 months ago

Failure to follow the correct order of calls of the setTopPoolIdsWithWeights function in the Masterchefv2.sol contract causes pools to accumulate incorrect LUM rewards. The description of the function states that the updateAll function should be called for old repositories and then called again for new repositories.

However, if this call order is not followed, new pools will also accumulate rewards for periods before entering the top pools. This leads to over distribution of rewards and a serious inflation effect.

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.