sherlock-audit / 2024-06-magicsea-judging

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robertodf - `MlumStaking::addToPosition` should assing the amount multiplier based on the new lock duration instead of initial lock duration. #138

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 1 month ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago



MlumStaking::addToPosition should assing the amount multiplier based on the new lock duration instead of initial lock duration.


There are two separate issues that make necessary to assign the multiplier based on the new lock duration:

  1. First, when users add tokens to their position via MlumStaking::addToPosition, the new remaining time for the lock duration is recalculated as the amount-weighted lock duration. However, when the remaining time for an existing deposit is 0, this term is omitted, allowing users to retain the same amount multiplier with a reduced lock time. Consider the following sequence of actions:

    • Alice creates a position by calling MlumStaking::createPositiondepositing 1 ether and a lock time of 365 days

    • After the 365 days elapse, Alice adds another 1 ether to her position. The snippet below illustrates how the new lock time for the position is calculated:

              uint256 avgDuration = (remainingLockTime *
                  position.amount +
                  amountToAdd *
                  position.initialLockDuration) / (position.amount + amountToAdd);
              position.startLockTime = _currentBlockTimestamp();
              position.lockDuration = avgDuration;
              // lock multiplier stays the same
              position.lockMultiplier = getMultiplierByLockDuration(
    • The result will be: (0*1 ether + 1 ether*365 days)/ 2 ether, therefore Alice will need to wait just half a year, while the multiplier remains unchanged.

  2. Second, the missalignment between this function and MlumStaking::renewLockPosition creates an arbitrage opportunity for users, allowing them to reassign the lock multiplier to the initial duration if it is more beneficial. Consider the following scenario:

    • Alice creates a position with an initial lock duration of 365 days. The multiplier will be 3.
    • Then after 9 months, the lock duration is updated, let's say she adds to the position just 1 wei. The new lock duration is ≈ 90 days.
    • After another 30 days, she wants to renew her position for another 90 days. Then she calls MlumStaking::renewLockPosition. The new amount multiplier will be calculated as ≈ 1+90/365*2 < 3.
    • Since it is not in her interest to have a lower multiplier than originally, then she adds just 1 wei to her position. The new multiplier will be 3 again.

Vulnerability Detail


You may find below the coded PoC corresponding to each of the aforementioned scenarios:

See PoC for scenario 1 Place in `MlumStaking.t.sol`. ```javascript function testLockDurationReduced() public {, 2 ether); vm.startPrank(ALICE); _stakingToken.approve(address(_pool), 1 ether); _pool.createPosition(1 ether, 365 days); vm.stopPrank(); // check lockduration MlumStaking.StakingPosition memory position = _pool.getStakingPosition( 1 ); assertEq(position.lockDuration, 365 days); skip(365 days); // add to position should take calc. avg. lock duration vm.startPrank(ALICE); _stakingToken.approve(address(_pool), 1 ether); _pool.addToPosition(1, 1 ether); vm.stopPrank(); position = _pool.getStakingPosition(1); assertEq(position.lockDuration, 365 days / 2); assertEq(position.amountWithMultiplier, 2 ether * 3); } ```
See PoC for scenario 2 Place in `MlumStaking.t.sol`. ```javascript function testExtendLockAndAdd() public {, 2 ether); vm.startPrank(ALICE); _stakingToken.approve(address(_pool), 2 ether); _pool.createPosition(1 ether, 365 days); vm.stopPrank(); // check lockduration MlumStaking.StakingPosition memory position = _pool.getStakingPosition( 1 ); assertEq(position.lockDuration, 365 days); skip(365 days - 90 days); vm.startPrank(ALICE); _pool.addToPosition(1, 1 wei); // lock duration ≈ 90 days skip(30 days); _pool.renewLockPosition(1); // multiplier ≈ 1+90/365*2 position = _pool.getStakingPosition(1); assertEq(position.lockDuration, 7776000); assertEq(position.amountWithMultiplier, 1493100000000000001); _pool.addToPosition(1, 1 wei); // multiplier = 3 position = _pool.getStakingPosition(1); assertEq(position.lockDuration, 7776000); assertEq(position.amountWithMultiplier, 3000000000000000006); } ```

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Assign new multiplier in MlumStaking::addToPosition based on lock duration rather than initial lock duration.

0xSmartContract commented 1 month ago

This issue causes users to keep the same multiplier by reducing lock times, thus gaining an advantage.

This creates an unfair advantage in the system and undermines the reliability of the staking mechanism.

0xHans1 commented 1 month ago

PR: Fixes scenario 2.

For scenario 1: it is a design choice that the amount mutliplier stays the same even lock duration ended.

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 weeks ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.