sherlock-audit / 2024-06-magicsea-judging

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oualidpro - It is possible to earn rewards in `MlumStaking` staking contract without locking tokens for a period of time #192

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 2 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago



It is possible to earn rewards in MlumStaking staking contract without locking tokens for a period of time


Due to not checking the lockDuration to a minimum value, people can create positions without locking their token for a period of time and earn rewards.

Vulnerability Detail

To create a new staking position we can call the following function in MlumStaking contract:

    function createPosition(uint256 amount, uint256 lockDuration) external override nonReentrant {
        // no new lock can be set if the pool has been unlocked
        if (isUnlocked()) {
            require(lockDuration == 0, "locks disabled");


        // handle tokens with transfer tax
        amount = _transferSupportingFeeOnTransfer(stakedToken, msg.sender, amount);
        require(amount != 0, "zero amount"); // createPosition: amount cannot be null

        // mint NFT position token
        uint256 currentTokenId = _mintNextTokenId(msg.sender);

        // calculate bonuses
        uint256 lockMultiplier = getMultiplierByLockDuration(lockDuration);
        uint256 amountWithMultiplier = amount * (lockMultiplier + 1e4) / 1e4;

        // create position
        _stakingPositions[currentTokenId] = StakingPosition({
            initialLockDuration: lockDuration,
            amount: amount,
            rewardDebt: amountWithMultiplier * (_accRewardsPerShare) / (PRECISION_FACTOR),
            lockDuration: lockDuration,
            startLockTime: _currentBlockTimestamp(),
            lockMultiplier: lockMultiplier,
            amountWithMultiplier: amountWithMultiplier,
            totalMultiplier: lockMultiplier

        // update total lp supply
        _stakedSupply = _stakedSupply + amount;
        _stakedSupplyWithMultiplier = _stakedSupplyWithMultiplier + amountWithMultiplier;

        emit CreatePosition(currentTokenId, amount, lockDuration);

However, as you can see this function dosn't check if the lockDuration chosed by the user respect a minimum value or at least grather than 0. Therefore, users can create positions with a lockDuration equal to 0. By doing this, users can keep earning rewards without locking their tokens, and they become able to withdraw at any moment they want.

Here is a proof of concept to reproduce this vulnerability:

function testCreatePositionZeroTimeLock() public {, 4 ether);, 2 ether);

        // step 1: Alice create a position by staking 1 ether with a zero timelock
        _stakingToken.approve(address(_pool), 1 ether);
        _pool.createPosition(1 ether, 0);

        assertEq(ERC721(address(_pool)).ownerOf(1), ALICE);

        // step 2: Bob create a position by staking 1 ether for a timelock of 2 days (this step was added to show that rewards are correctly distributed)
        _stakingToken.approve(address(_pool), 2 ether);
        _pool.createPosition(1 ether, 2 days);

        // send something, 100_000_000);

        assertGt(_rewardToken.balanceOf(ALICE), 0); // here you can see that rewards were actually distributed to Alice even with a timelock of 0

        _pool.withdrawFromPosition(1, 1 ether);
        assertEq(_stakingToken.balanceOf(ALICE),2 ether); // here you can see that alice was able to withdraw all its position without waiting for a timelock

        uint256 bobAmount = _pool.pendingRewards(2);
        assertGt(bobAmount, 0); // bob also received its rewards

add the previous PoC to MlumStaking.t.sol file to correctly reproduce this vulnerability.


This lead to unfair advantage where some users exploit the system to continuously earn rewards without any risk or commitment.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Check for a minimum value for the lockDuration when a new position is created.

Duplicate of #74

0xSmartContract commented 3 months ago

In the 'MlumStaking' contract, users can earn rewards without locking their tokens for a certain period of time.

In the vote() function, users can vote even if the lock period has expired. This allows users to abuse the system without adhering to the rules specified in the documentation.

Users may gain an unfair advantage in the reward earning process. Users with expired locks may cast votes, causing undesirable behavior in the system.

A minimum lock duration check should be added in the createPosition() function. The remaining lock duration check should be made in the vote() function.

0xSmartContract commented 3 months ago

Both sets of findings lead to abuse of the system due to not controlling the staking duration Therefore, their common points are; "No Lock Control , no lock duration control"

0xHans1 commented 2 months ago


0xSmartContract commented 2 months ago

"New stakes will dilute rewards for old stake issue"

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.