sherlock-audit / 2024-06-magicsea-judging

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BlockBusters - Rewards might get stuck when approved actor renews a position #207

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 4 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 months ago



Rewards might get stuck when approved actor renews a position


When an approved actor calls the harvest function, the rewards get sent to the user (staker). However, when the approved actor renews the user’s position, they receive the rewards instead.

If the approved actor is a smart contract (e.g., a keeper), the funds might get stuck forever or go to the wrong user, such as a Chainlink keeper.

Vulnerability Detail

Suppose Alice mints an NFT by creating a position and approves Bob to use it.

This bug exists in both renewLockPosition and extendLockPosition, as they both call _lockPosition, which includes the wrong receiver.


To run this test, add it into MlumStaking.t.sol.

function testVuln_ApprovedActorReceivesRewardsWhenRenewingPosition() public {
    // setup pool
    uint256 _amount = 100e18;
    uint256 lockTime = 1 days;, 100_000e6);, _amount);

    // alice creates new position
    _stakingToken.approve(address(_pool), _amount);
    _pool.createPosition(_amount, lockTime);

    // alice approves bob
    _pool.approve(BOB, 1);

    skip(1 hours);

    // for simplicity of the PoC we use a static call
    // IMlumStaking doesn't include `renewLockPosition(uint256)`
    uint256 bobBefore = _rewardToken.balanceOf(BOB);
    address(_pool).call(abi.encodeWithSignature("renewLockPosition(uint256)", 1));

    // Bob receivew the rewards, instead of alice
    assertGt(_rewardToken.balanceOf(BOB), bobBefore);


Possible loss of reward tokens

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review, Foundry


Change _lockPosition() in MlumStaking.sol to use the owner of the position instead of msg.sender.

function _lockPosition(uint256 tokenId, uint256 lockDuration, bool resetInitial) internal {
-   _harvestPosition(tokenId, msg.sender);
+   _harvestPosition(tokenId, _ownerOf(tokenId));
0xSmartContract commented 4 months ago

Calling the renewLockPosition and extendLockPosition functions may result in rewards being sent to the wrong address.

When an approved actor calls the renewLockPosition or extendLockPosition functions, the rewards go to the approved actor who made the call, not the Position Owner.

0xHans1 commented 4 months ago


sherlock-admin2 commented 4 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.