sherlock-audit / 2024-06-magicsea-judging

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blockchain555 - A malicious attacker can damage the bribe distribution function at low cost. #641

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 4 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago



A malicious attacker can damage the bribe distribution function at low cost.


Anyone can create a bribe reward and thus the attacker can control the distribution of the bribe.

Vulnerability Detail

As you know, in RewarderFactory.sol anyone can create a bribe reward.

    function createBribeRewarder(IERC20 token, address pool) external returns (IBribeRewarder rewarder) {
        rewarder = IBribeRewarder(_cloneBribe(RewarderType.BribeRewarder, token, pool));

        emit BribeRewarderCreated(RewarderType.BribeRewarder, token, pool, rewarder);

BribeRewarder.sol uses fundAndBribe() and bribe() to distribute bribes to certain pools in a given period.

    function _bribe(uint256 startId, uint256 lastId, uint256 amountPerPeriod) internal {
        if (lastId < startId) revert BribeRewarder__WrongEndId();
        if (amountPerPeriod == 0) revert BribeRewarder__ZeroReward();

        IVoter voter = IVoter(_caller);

        if (startId <= voter.getCurrentVotingPeriod()) {
            revert BribeRewarder__WrongStartId();

        uint256 totalAmount = _calcTotalAmount(startId, lastId, amountPerPeriod);

        uint256 balance = _balanceOfThis(_token());

        if (balance < totalAmount) revert BribeRewarder__InsufficientFunds();

        _startVotingPeriod = startId;
        _lastVotingPeriod = lastId;
        _amountPerPeriod = amountPerPeriod;

        // create rewads per period
        uint256 bribeEpochs = _calcPeriods(startId, lastId);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i <= bribeEpochs; ++i) {

        _lastUpdateTimestamp = block.timestamp;


        emit BribeInit(startId, lastId, amountPerPeriod);

But here this funtion calls onRegister() of Voter.sol.

    function onRegister() external override {
        IBribeRewarder rewarder = IBribeRewarder(msg.sender);


        uint256 currentPeriodId = _currentVotingPeriodId;
        (address pool, uint256[] memory periods) = rewarder.getBribePeriods();
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < periods.length; ++i) {
            // TODO check if rewarder token + pool  is already registered

            require(periods[i] >= currentPeriodId, "wrong period");
 @          require(_bribesPerPriod[periods[i]][pool].length + 1 <= Constants.MAX_BRIBES_PER_POOL, "too much bribes");

As you can see, the number of bribeRewarders in the pool that can distribute bribes in a given period cannot exceed MAX_BRIBES_PER_POOL (5). Therefore attacker only needs to create a BribeRewarder and consume the gas to run fundAndBribe().


The attacker manipulates the bribe distribution function to damage the core functionality of the protocol.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Ensure that only permitted people call createBribeRewarder() in RewarderFactory.sol.

Duplicate of #190