sherlock-audit / 2024-06-magicsea-judging

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0xc0ffEE - User get more reward from BribeRewarder #689

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 1 month ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago



User get more reward from BribeRewarder


Wrong number of reward per period is created, causing the users to claim reward 1 more extra time

Vulnerability Detail

In the function BribeRewarder#_bribe.

    function _bribe(uint256 startId, uint256 lastId, uint256 amountPerPeriod) internal {
        if (lastId < startId) revert BribeRewarder__WrongEndId();
        if (amountPerPeriod == 0) revert BribeRewarder__ZeroReward();

        IVoter voter = IVoter(_caller);

        if (startId <= voter.getCurrentVotingPeriod()) {
            revert BribeRewarder__WrongStartId();

        uint256 totalAmount = _calcTotalAmount(startId, lastId, amountPerPeriod);

        uint256 balance = _balanceOfThis(_token());

        if (balance < totalAmount) revert BribeRewarder__InsufficientFunds();

        _startVotingPeriod = startId;
        _lastVotingPeriod = lastId;
        _amountPerPeriod = amountPerPeriod;

        // create rewads per period
        uint256 bribeEpochs = _calcPeriods(startId, lastId);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i <= bribeEpochs; ++i) { // @audit-issue 1 more extra reward added ==> should be i < bribeEpochs

bribeEpochs number of period rewards should be used, however bribeEpochs+1 loops are used to create _rewards.


As result, users will be able to claim reward for bribeEpochs+1 periods. More rewards will be used

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider change for (uint256 i = 0; i <= bribeEpochs; ++i) to for (uint256 i = 0; i < bribeEpochs; ++i)

0xSmartContract commented 1 month ago

The main reason for this error is that the loop used to calculate the reward periods incorrectly performs an extra iteration. The <= operator used in the loop creates one more reward period than necessary.

0xHans1 commented 1 month ago

0xSmartContract commented 1 month ago

This issue was initially classified as medium severity, but after further investigation it should be re-evaluated as low severity.

for (uint256 i = 0; i <= bribeEpochs; ++i) {
  1. Risk of Insufficient Funds: The _bribe() function only checks if there are sufficient funds for the periods from startId to lastId. Since calcTotalAmount() works correctly, there is no risk of forcibly overfunding an extra period. That is, bribe is initiated only when there are enough funds for the correct periods.

  2. Vote Restriction: The _bribe() function adds this reward distributor to the list for each valid period by calling Voter.onRegister(). However, getBribePeriods() never touches the incorrect period (lastId+1), it only touches the correct periods.

  3. Invalid Vote Period: Since the bribe rewarder is not registered for the lastId+1 period, the bribe rewarder is not notified when users vote in this period. Therefore, the bribe rewards from this incorrect period will never be distributed because there will be no votes.

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 weeks ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 weeks ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.